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airac 9th Jun 2004 20:28

Standards in decline?
In one of the threads recently (VFR Separations I believe) someone mentioned a lowering of standards in Controllers knowledge / application of the rules of the air/ATC
. Whilst I do not fully agree with that statement, I do accept that there has been a steady decline in acceptable levels of dress. Is the reduction in Suits, Jackets, Shirts and Ties inextricably linked to the lowering of ATC standards?
Since I joined the “profession” in the early 70’s, there has been a slow but sure lowering of what used to be termed acceptable levels of clothing.
Much of this I feel is down to the “Dress down Friday” syndrome, yet another example of lower standards from the ex colonials across the pond.
I even heard the other day of an extremely experienced ATCO going COMMANDO; Surely that is the final straw, to remove what could be an extremely important barrier in the event of an incident, would appear to me to be worthy of a 1261 in its own right.
Where will it all end, some wag demanding the right to control in the Buff? UMMMM? Possibly but, BIG BERTHA from B watch would probably be responsible for the rest of the crew crying off sick. Whereas delicious Doreen from D watch would have no end of offers. Clearly, this could never be allowed to happen, but when he/she is informed that it would be against the dress code, they would then take the case to the European court of human rights.
It has been said on many occasion that clothes maketh not the Man (/ woman to be PC), but come on people, if suits are good enough for the BBC then it should be good enough for us.
All names used in this are fictitious, any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

vintage ATCO 9th Jun 2004 21:17

. . . and what's wrong with my legs? ;)

Shorts R Us :p

Point Seven 9th Jun 2004 21:49

I've never had a single complaint about my sartorial elegance.

And there is NO divine Doreen on D Watch. Only Gonzo. Who's a ginge.


Shermanator 9th Jun 2004 22:52

elegant sartorialness, lack thereof
Nope, there's definitely no link twixt the declining standards of dress and any alleged drop in those of controllers.

Some ops rooms (shall remain nameless, but its not far from Manchester tower) have got such dicky air-con systems that shorts and T-shirts (or at least no shirts and ties) are practically a must for the 3 hot days we get per year.

Good fun watching the sartorial ones come off a sector sweating like Israeli bus drivers though, and then listening to them moan about the lack of shirts and ties amongst the younger generation

You show me the dress code, I'll get the whistle and flute out.

I'm pretty sure there's more than one D watch in the UK and Nats isn't entirely Doreen free, so be careful!!

Long live commando controlling, don't knock it 'til ya tried it!

tobzalp 9th Jun 2004 23:09

I am naked right now.

Lock n' Load 10th Jun 2004 00:14

'Tis true, standards of dress and deportment are in grave decline. Only yesterday, several of the hearty fellows with whom I work were wearing those newfangled shirts on which the collar is permanently attached. Not a collar stud between them. Long trousers, which I believe are similar to those dreadful French affairs, pantaloons, were also much in evidence. Don't these cads know that gentlemen wear breeches? What, pray tell, is next? Going outdoors without hats, perhaps?
I shall simply faint with the shame if one of my brother controllers does up the lowest button on his waistcoat or worse, goes without a waistcoat!
Enough of this, I must wax my moustache before I next take up my megaphonium. Some chaps wish me to travel at great haste to the former colony of North Carolina. A pair of brothers from the town of Dayton in the state of Ohio wish to take to the air in a machine that weighes more than the air it displaces. I am required to offer them a clearance of "not above 12 feet, VFR".

Your Faithful Servant,

Sir Winthrop Q Wildebeest

FWA NATCA 10th Jun 2004 14:46


How we dress does not affect how well we control, I think that what is at issue is that years ago when we wore shirts and ties we looked like professionals, which was an image that the public wanted of us, and probable demanded of us. One must also remember that the shirt and tie days were a carryover from the military days.

Times have changed, and I will agree that the way some individuals dress for work does not promote a professional image whenever a tour is going through the building. I'm against shirts and ties but some individuals push the casual dress rules to the extreme limits.


HEATHROW DIRECTOR 10th Jun 2004 17:40

I think people with a professional outlook tend to dress reasonably smartly. I wonder how those who arrive for work with their knees hanging out of their jeans would feel if they had to see a medical consultant who was similarly attired?

Arran's view 10th Jun 2004 19:00

Mike. I know the word irony is not very big in the USA but it is quite popular here in the UK ;) ;)

av8boy 10th Jun 2004 20:17

Ah... put's me in mind of an episode now some 20 years ago...

Controller shows up for work in tattered tshirt, filthy running shorts, and shower sandals. Claims, "it doesn't impact the quality of my work, so what does it matter?" Boss sends him home to change.

Controller returns an hour later dressed in a tux. Not standard formal wear, mind you... Rather, a dark blue tux with stripes. Nope, not pin-stripes. Chalk-stripes, nearly an inch wide. Under it, he's wearing a white shirt with a HUGE ruffle in the front and ruff'd sleaves as well. God knows where he got it.

Controller plugs in on a position and dons the headset. Then he puts a pair of large, Koss headphones on OVER the headset and fires-up his tunes. I tap him on the shoulder... "Take them f...ing things off!" Boss taps him on the shoulder... "Take those headphones off, unplug, go home and change, and then meet me in my office."

Controller departs but does not return. Two hours and three telephone attempts to contact him later, the boss dispatches the Supe to go to controller's house to check on him.

Supe finds unspeakable things going on (details will cost you a few beers and I'd suggest you bring a copy of your DSM along...), backs out of the house, calls police, and finally returns to the facility to report. No jail time results, but Regional Flight Surgeon pulls the young man's medical, orders a psych eval and "invites" controller to find another line of work. Gone.

The moral of this story? Something having to do with choice of attire being an indicator of mental (in)stability? Nah. There IS no moral to this story. It just makes me feel better to tell it from time to time.



Loki 10th Jun 2004 21:04

Shirt and tie? Sometimes, why not? But if we are all expected to dress alike, it becomes a uniform. If I wanted to wear a uniform I would have joined the Air Force (Ok, they wouldn`t have accepted me....security risk or something )

yaffs 10th Jun 2004 21:17

didn't you know that tuesday is no knickers day? ;)


PH-UKU 10th Jun 2004 21:57

no knickers day
every day if you wear yer kilt ;)

Numpo-Nigit 11th Jun 2004 08:16

OK, if what you wear can be an indication of your mental state, what are we to make of a controller who, when confronted by visiting controllers from an adjacent ACC, reaches inside his shirt and retrieves a large plastic bat (flying not cricket) ? Should we be phoning for the men in white coats?

HEATHROW DIRECTOR 11th Jun 2004 08:35

I don't think the sort of lunacy which Numpo refers to exists in many units nowadays if feedback I'm getting is right. We used to have loony days at Heathrow... one bloke wired up his old RAF bonedome and sat controlling the planes wearing it, but he was smartly dressed below! There's a lot of difference between being screwy and scruffy!

Wonder what PH-UKU does on Tuesdays?

055166k 11th Jun 2004 09:41

Heathrow Director
Ref an earlier post; the medical consultant meets customers whereas we don't.
Over the years there has been a considerable increase in the range and quality of comfortable leisure clothing. The intense and unremitting nature of modern ATC dictates the need to be comfortable rather than smart.
Having said that, if management provide a uniform I'll wear it. Perhaps I should also mention that one controller always wears a clean shirt and tie, even on night duty, and he's just been promoted in spite of a whole range of people-handling, personality and communication problems. Maybe if "psycho" can fool the selectors there is some mileage in what you say.

shack 11th Jun 2004 09:41

I think the decline started when No.1 Cadet Course arrived and has continued from that day on.

Dons tin hat and ducks.

VectorLine 11th Jun 2004 10:15

I can't believe we have got 2 pages of posts out of this p155 take.

Numpo-Nigit 11th Jun 2004 12:21

I reckon this thread is good for at least three pages.

As regards the decline in standards, I'm POSITIVE that it all started when they took the colour out of airway designations to save money .....

EltorroLoco 11th Jun 2004 15:20

Oh 4 the luv of all that is separated!

Who cares what anyone is wearing. This is the age of tolerance and diversity dudes. Your idea of what is acceptable dress may not be mine, and that of the boss will make us both cross!

Let people dress how they like and judge them on results; that's what counts in the end. I have never read an incident report that cited the controller's dress as a contributing factor.

If someone wants to go to work with a jock-strap and a straw hat, I say go for it. His (or her I suppose) colleagues will soon take the p1ss out of them enough that they won't do it again in a hurry & everyone will have a good laugh!

Methinx everyone has the right to express themselves - dumb looking or not!:ok:

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