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LondonRadar 22nd Feb 2004 01:35

Liverpool Atc
Does anyone know if EGGP managed to fill the ATCO post? If so, who got it and what did the package include? Just curious.


royman 26th Feb 2004 15:05

As far as I know they've held interviews, but havent heard if they've appointed anyone yet.

LondonRadar 28th Feb 2004 19:00

Do you know if many applied?


the hunted one 29th Feb 2004 03:19

Hi there,

I think I can answer these ones. 6 applied for two posts. I know that one was definitely successful, presumably there were 2. Package included: salary as advertised and not a lot else!

royman 1st Mar 2004 03:23

London, The hunted one has more info than me.
Someone I know there told me that when the ATCA's asked for more money they were told that they worked at a low cost airport........!?!?!
Suppose that means you can get paid as little as £4.99 for a shift + airport tax!
This should get transferred to Jet Blast but apparently/allegedly its true.

ILS 119.5 1st Mar 2004 05:05

Just out of curiosity, where have/are the current ATCO's going to? I know that in today's market radar qualified ATCO's are like rocking horse s**t. They must be going to a unit which is short of fully trained people, but where? This movement of ATCO's is very similar to the pilot game, someone recruits with a larger salary which creates a void at the bottom end for companies to recruit inexperienced ATCO's with maybe TWR only ratings. Not that this is wrong and I'm sure EGGP has many experienced professional ATCO's, but I wonder sometimes. Your thoughts.

Chilli Monster 1st Mar 2004 05:25


They're not necessarily going anywhere except retirement perhaps?

ILS 119.5 1st Mar 2004 05:46


Maybe, but some units keep ATCO's on after retirement due to the shortage of radar qualified personnel. I know that LBA have two retired ATCO's working. So retirement is not the answer.


Chilli Monster 1st Mar 2004 06:01


That may be your experience - but the controllers concerned have to want to stay. There are a lot out there who are looking to go early - and indeed are taking it when they can.

Yellow Snow 1st Mar 2004 06:28

One of the girls that left has decided to try her luck at the sharp end!
EGLL tower.

ILS 119.5 2nd Mar 2004 01:18


You maybe right, one to EGLL and one to retire. But I just wondered about the movement of ATCO's around airports and the general shortage of ATCO's.


EGCC24L 2nd Mar 2004 19:18

Does anybody know if EGGP are looking for any ATC assistants?

squibbler 3rd Mar 2004 21:36

One to EGLL.

One to EGNM.

Nobody due to retire for a good few years.

Not many takers for the 2 posts available.

Poor pay & no perks

Feet are becoming very itchy.............

Tower Ranger 3rd Mar 2004 22:37

I`m not surprised at 41k topline, they`re probably getting more than that on the other side of Stanlow!!

Friio4 5th Mar 2004 07:00

A tube of Daktarin should sort the feet problem out.

squibbler 6th Mar 2004 04:47

Wise guy :8

I think a considerable pay rise might have a more suitable effect. Either that or just hit the road - and I'm not alone.....;)

Spudmonkey 8th Mar 2004 01:49

I'm led to believe by a good friend that Liverpool has a very good working environment in ATC. Although with the small unsetlling minority you come across everywhere.

Perhaps the hit the road comment should be preceeded by a fall from a great height?

squibbler 8th Mar 2004 21:15

Are you management in disguise??
Your spelling mistakes did make me chortle. Almost in the style of our own error strewn management memos ;)

For "unsetlling" as you so amusingly wrote try substituting "unsettled", a much more appropriate term.

I'd be really interested to know just what constitutes a "very good working environment in ATC". If a nearly new ATC facility with shiny artificial pot plants and the latest kit conjures up an image of a good working environment then I suppose your "good friend" is correct. However this says NOTHING about the standards of: pay, terms & conditions of employment, leave entitlement, crappy money purchase company pension scheme (don't panic lads, I'm sure the markets will pick up soon), loss of licence scheme (or lack of it), the list goes on.

No ATC employers are perfect (not even NATS) and with that comes a certain unavoidable level of disaffection amongst the troops over certain things.

There is no mass exodus pending. Two have left for personal reasons. Several others are muttering quietly about moving on (you'll find people like this at every other ATC unit by the way). That's it: no drama, no crisis and certainly no "unsettling minority" disrupting our harmonious "very good ATC working environment" :E

Perhaps the hit the road comment should be preceeded(!) by a fall from a great height
A tediously puerile jibe such as this merits an equally puerile response: :mad: off. My feet are firmly on the ground :}

royman 9th Mar 2004 20:21

I dont know who long you've been there.
If you were there with Serco you probably would have been able to get another posting with them.
If you've joined since then were you not aware of the terms and conditions before you signed your contract? If you consider they are that bad why did you go?
How's my spelling?

squibbler 9th Mar 2004 22:02

What, you mean I should have read my contract before I signed it? Now you tell me royman...........:rolleyes:

Why I came to EGGP is my own business and I will not debate the whys & wherefores here. However if I knew then what I know now, I may well have stayed where I was.

Suffice to say things are now moving in a positive direction regarding pay et al. For the moment however our "package" is distinctly uncompetitive with similar ATC units, hence the lowly response to our recent ad in Flight magazine and the general disgruntlement amongst many of us (myself included in case you hadn't already guessed).

Oh, and apart from getting who & how mixed up your spelling is fine.


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