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21st Aug 2003, 11:44
I am going to attemp the distance learning course for the ATPL soon and have a couple of queries that you lot may, hopefully, help me with.

If I Fail (not that I'm planning to) any of the exams in Module 1 or 2, how long do I have to wait for a resit?

Do I have to do a refresher course again if I fail (obviously this may be adviseable depending on result)?

Do I have to complete Module 1 before attempting exams in Module 2?

Can someone confirm for me that it's 3 or 4 attempts at one exam before you would have to resit the Module as a whole or is it both Modules?

Is there a time limit to completion of all subjects, modules and/or exams?

Will all this be outlayed to me when I purchase the course?

The information and knowledge I have so far regarding this has come from reading this section of PPRUNE and from previous correspondence with the UK CAA before the JAA changes were imposed so any information in addition to this would be greatly appreciated. I don't reside in the UK at the moment however I have an ICAO ATPL.

Thank you in advance for your time people.

oxford blue
21st Aug 2003, 15:28
Most, if not all, of what you want to know is on the CAA website, under 'Flight Crew Licensing'. I suggest that you read it.

Everything that you need to know is in a CAA publication called LASORS. Get hold of a copy.

Alex Whittingham
21st Aug 2003, 15:50
If you fail a paper you'll get the result just after the closing date for the next exams so you won't be able to resit immediately.

You don't have to do another refresher course if you fail, its up to you to decide if you need it. If you fail any one subject more than 4 times or use up six attempts in total without passing everything you have to do a mandatory 60 hours of 'remedial training'.

You can go on to Module 2 with resits outstanding from Module 1. Whether you consider this is wise or not is another question.

4 attempts, see above.

In the UK, you must complete all papers within 18 months of your first attempt. You must get license issue within 3 years of your last pass. If you want an IR you must get the IR test passed within 3 years of your last pass at ATPL level.

You will not necessarily be told all this before you buy your course, although most training providers will do their best to do so. You are responsible for finding out how the licensing rules apply to your situation.

The LASORS are here (http://www.caa.co.uk/srg/licensing/fcl/document.asp?groupid=292)

No. 2
21st Aug 2003, 16:32
shaablamm, hope you don't mind if I ask another relevant question on your thread:)

If after passing all the ATPLs and you don't manage to get the IR during the three year acceptance period, you have to take the exams again. However, does this mean that you're also required to do the brush-up courses again?

No. 2

Alex Whittingham
21st Aug 2003, 17:30
You'd need to do the IR exams, not the full ATPL set again. As to the brush-up course, I don't know. Ask Atlantic Flight Training in Coventry or GTS in Bournemouth, they run IR courses.

21st Aug 2003, 19:15
Just a quick point to add to Oxford Blue and Alex's already excellent replies:

You seem to be getting obsessed with "modules". The CAA don't know or care about modules, a module is something the schools have invented to make our lives easier. As far as the CAA are concerned, you can sit the exams in whatever order you want. )(Almost) every school put different subjects into different modules depending on how they structure their course, and one school actually has more modules than the others, I believe - they obviously think that this suits some students.


23rd Aug 2003, 11:25
Thanks for all the info people. Alex I will be giving you a phone call soon. Again, thankyou.