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20th Aug 2003, 19:59
Just noticed this on another site.


Lozza :ok:

20th Aug 2003, 21:15
Bet that was a noisy nervous few minutes....

20th Aug 2003, 21:27
Aircraft a right off you think?


21st Aug 2003, 06:27
Even with cheap B737s parked in deserts I doubt this'd be a 'write-off' with relatively superficial leading surface damage - engines excepted.

MIss Behaviour
21st Aug 2003, 06:39
Darwin Crash Repairs have always done wonders with my car every time I've gone there but dunno 'bout this baby! :hmm:

I'm sure the NT News would love to get their hands on transcripts from all the 'terrified pax'. They could then be regurgitated at a later date for when Skippy has a go-round. :ok:

Chimbu chuckles
21st Aug 2003, 08:19
Miss B....musta been a bloody big croc to do all that damage!!!:D:E


Desert Flower
21st Aug 2003, 09:04
Saw similar pictures of VH-ING (Inghams Citation) recently - what a mess!!


MIss Behaviour
21st Aug 2003, 13:05
What happened to VH-ING? It would be a real conflict of interest had it been a bird strike with one of the company chooks! :{

Never mind the bloody croc, mix a 16 y-o male, '87 Ford Falcon (aka sherman tank), greasy road & speed & there you have it! :suspect:

21st Aug 2003, 15:21
I would love to hear what was on the CVR !!!

21st Aug 2003, 16:18
The chooks were totally plucked after the incident. :)

21st Aug 2003, 16:44
l guess they never will be able to tell if the radar was working before the 'encounter' with the Cb.

If it wasn't stuffed prior (Why go in there?), then it certainly was after!


21st Aug 2003, 17:41
The ING thing in hail was 20 years ago or thereabouts, in a Citation II (C550).

The damage was way worse than that shown in the pics in this thread as a result of 15 seconds of hail the size of oranges while inbound to Bankstown. Leading edges were flattened full-span, the nose cone completely shattered, nacelles suffering similar damage. May be able to post some pics if the company will agree.

The crew tested the aircraft at mid levels in slow speed and landing configurations and subsequently made an uneventful landing at Bankstown - a testament to the airworthiness and "forgiveability" of the design. I believe that was a factor in Cessna wanting to recover the aircraft from the near or actual "write-off" status and repair it as a flying advert for the type. It operated more than satisfactorily for the owner for years after the incident and was replaced only because of the owner's changed operational requirements.

The current VH-ING replaced the above aircraft only recently. It's a Citation VII (C650), only a couple or three years old. No such dramas yet in that aircraft, though it did have a scrape on the ground while parked with an unsecured service stand belonging to a major RPT operator being blown around in a thunderstorm.

$#@@^& thunderstorms!


21st Aug 2003, 18:57
And there is a satpic of the actual TS complete with hook.

22nd Aug 2003, 12:49
Looks to me that model of the 737 has hit "teenager" in aeroplane years. Bit of oatmeal soap and Phisohex and it'll be ready for dates in no time.:}

Mr. Hat
22nd Aug 2003, 20:10
Cut and polish should do the trick:ok:

bush mechanics
22nd Aug 2003, 20:17
Ice can be a real Mother !@#$er!!

22nd Aug 2003, 22:58
Miss B

I too would love to see what the NT News would have to say on this one!

NT News, Australia's Premier Paper - Not!

23rd Aug 2003, 14:43
V1oops,Are you a pilot,I think you had take another look at what you call superficial damage, mate this is Major Damage.

24th Aug 2003, 10:10

Irish Capt:
What tha fook was dat? I dont like it laddie lets do a quick 360 and fook off outa here!


compressor stall
24th Aug 2003, 13:31
Seems to be company policy...remember KUZ in darwin 3 years ago? :}

Another TX...

24th Aug 2003, 14:50
VTM - I guess it you're optically challenged yourself ... 'mate'?

Take another look and read my comment properly this time before telling me to take another look at the pics.

V1OOPS said a few posts back - Even with cheap B737s parked in deserts I doubt this'd be a 'write-off' with relatively superficial leading surface damage - engines excepted.

Notice the words 'doubt ... write-off' and 'relatively superficial' and a few other carefully chosen qualifiers.

And before you put any more words in my post than the ones I typed, I never mentioned it would be a cheap fix either ... 'mate'.

Thanks for your inattention.

24th Aug 2003, 19:06
You probably are pilot with no idea what damage this aircraft has taken! Before YOU comment on this site, I suggest you know what you are talking about mate, I know what I am about I do this for a living!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The repair bill for this aircraft will be around the 2 mill:
6 slats, 2 x engine inlets, horizontal stab leading edges, vertical stab leading edges,all cockpit windows,repairs to leading edge inboard of pylon ( formed skin), possible damage to skin to area around cockpit outside SRM limits, all flight control surfaces,including ailerons, spoiler panels, elevator and rudder.
A B737-300 in need of a D check is around AUSD 7.5Mill.
Any further comments !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

24th Aug 2003, 20:43
VTM - You probably are pilot with no idea what damage this aircraft has taken! Before YOU comment on this site, I suggest you know what you are talking about mate, I know what I am about I do this for a living!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the invitation to never post before checking with you first but before I take your advice ... The repair bill for this aircraft will be around the 2 mill .... A B737-300 in need of a D check is around AUSD 7.5Mill Which fits my initial remarks nicely - not cheap, but not a write off unless there's a B737 bargain in a desert somewhere. I'm not sure what you're on about - did you read my first post?

Your To-Do list simply comfirmed my comments. You're right though - you're way out of my league and I shall refrain from posting my silly opinions here in future.

BTW - your ! key needs a bit of WD40.

24th Aug 2003, 22:48
Good Lord!

Surely someone's gotta lose their job over that one... That's insane!

How can you not see that coming either out the window or on the wxr radar?

Hey NAP, if you're reading, lucky yours wasn't this bad...dunno how that prop would've handled it. (!)


25th Aug 2003, 14:23
How can you not see that coming either out the window or on the wxr radar?

Its been my misfortune to fly with dopey bast*rds that will go thru it anyway.

26th Aug 2003, 11:50
Airframe question: How much worse (if at all) would the wing & horizontal stabiliser leading edge damage have to be before there was a serious risk of the skin peeling back (or whatever words you would use to describe it)?


27th Aug 2003, 09:56
The skins on the leading edges of the slats, horizontal and vertical stabilizer are fairly secure and doubt whether they would peel or tear, the damage to the wing fixed leading edge between the pylon and fuselage is a concern, not so much as to the structural side of things but more to interruption to airflow.



27th Aug 2003, 11:35
Radar? Young man, this is Europe. We don't need radar in Europe. Just a bump or two in there...:rolleyes: TC

27th Aug 2003, 12:43
Check your PM.