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View Full Version : JAA-FCL 2.470 Subject 070 HELP!!

11th Aug 2003, 08:20
Hello All,

I have been invited to take this test for a restricted commercial license in Germany. However I am in desparate need for some study material in regards to that subject/JAR's in general.

Anyone have any suggestions on where I might be able to get some study materials?

11th Aug 2003, 17:13
make us remember what is the 070?

11th Aug 2003, 17:15
I don't know how much you know about JAR regulations, but there's no way you can bypass FTO's (Flight Training Organisation) before taking a test. You have to attend an approved ground/flight training course, unless you have a logbook thicker than the Yellow Pages and in that case you'll get some examptions.

Good books and manuals can be found in most European pilot shops, but if you are starting almost from scratch you'll have to buy the books from your FTO anyway.

As far as I know, Germany has been JAR-FCL-compliant for just a few months now, and you will not be able to use that German licence in other JAA countries for about a year. That's standard FCL procedure: the licences of any new JAA country can not be "exported" for a year. An assessment is then made to check the level of compliance of this country and, if satisfactory, the restriction is lifted.

11th Aug 2003, 22:05
Well according to the LBA and the JARs I can get a restricted commercial license there with my nearly 5000 hours and well over 1500 hours of commercial time here in the US.

It doesn't matter to me if I cannot use the license outside Germany.

Thanks for the reply though.

Gordon Bennet
13th Aug 2003, 21:51
I mentioned in another thread - there's a book called JAR Professional Pilot Studies that seems to have most things inside about 500 pages, and would be ideal for your circumstances - it certainly doesn't cost several hundred pounds! I saw it in transair, and I think it was 45.


Regis Potter
13th Aug 2003, 23:59

JAA website at www.jaa.nl should point you in the right direction- although I can't find specific ref. to the reg mentioned in my copy of JAR-FCL.

Additionally, Lufthansa conduct all basic flight training at Goodyear, AZ (search under ATCA). They are in the process of adjusting to JAA compliancy so may be able to assist.

Good luck.