View Full Version : Bull fighting ?

5th Aug 2003, 02:14
As an Englishman now living in Spain I would like to know more about bull fighting.

Can anyone here suggest some good reading material so that I might learn more about its history, traditions and purpose?

I confess I am not a fan - mostly I find myself cheering for the bull - however I cannot condemn what I don't understand, so fellow Spanish aviators, please help me to understand.

Muchas gracias

(And do please forgive my use of English to ask this question. I am learning Spanish, honest, but it's not that good yet)


Critical Mach#
5th Aug 2003, 06:20
well... can really answer you question but I made a quick search in google an found a zillion pages on the subject. Type BULLFIGHTING for english papers. For documents in Spanish type TOREO.

I had a look at a couple of them and I am sure you´ll find answer to your question there.


5th Aug 2003, 13:34
Hi Dan, how do you do?
Following CM# advice and not being a real fan on it I've found something for you:
Books in English (http://www.mundotoro.com/mundotoro/MostrarExposiciones.asp?Id=770), though if you ever learn Spanish and want to know absolutely everything about bullfighting, try http://www.shopsland.com/NLCgi/Nls_CGI.exe/ConsultProd?Proc=1&NumFich=3&NumReg=29002&NumUsr=5313/209923&Lang=1&Org=w .

PD.- CM#, para San Isidro me corto la coleta. A ver si echamos un rato un d'a de estos.

Critical Mach#
6th Aug 2003, 04:50

Siento oir que nos "dejas" :( .
Espero que disfrutes de un merecido descanso despues de tanto tiempo velando para que nuestros vuelos hayan sido tranquilos. Que sepas q estaremos pensando en ti cuando mires hacia el cielo y veas las estelas q estan siendo cuidadas por otros. Ademas, no te vas del todo. Seguro que dejas mucho y bueno de ti en todos esos controladores a los que has entrenado.

Este mes no voy por agp pero supongo q en Sept algo caerá y te mandaré un mail para quedar.


8th Aug 2003, 16:29
Thanks guys...


10th Aug 2003, 03:34

Give a try to "Death in the afternoon", by the famous american writer E. Hemingway. I became an aficionado after readin it.

... and welcome to the country,;)