View Full Version : non-reving in Alaska

25th Jul 2003, 21:32
Any educated guesses as to my chances of getting on local flights in Alaska during the month of august, say between Anchorage and Kodiak?

26th Jul 2003, 05:48
Alaska Airlines serves Kodiak on a schedule and they recently changed their jumpseat policy (They'll take as many jumpseaters as they have open seats in the back).

Unfortunately Alaska limits their cockpit jumpseat to Northwest, Peninsula Airways and ERA Aviation (all three codeshare with AS).

ERA also has several flights a day but I don't know what their policy is.

Peninsula operates flights 135 on the island but has no 121 "mainline" to Anchorage.

For the cargo carriers try Empire (FedEx feeder) and Northern Air Cargo.

The jumpseat policy at NAC is currently under revision.

Your best chance at jumpseating will be if you're employed by a scheduled 121 operator.

The crews at ERA, Empire and NAC are all very relaxed.

Clearing security with Alaska might be a problem.

Good luck!

5th Aug 2003, 12:14
ERA and PENair are pretty easy to get on j/s, right? I might be planning a fishing juant up there soon.


6th Aug 2003, 02:55
Yeah, they're pretty easy in the sense that they don't maintain a "list" per se and you don't have to dress up. But as you can imagine, the flights are usually pretty full during the summer and if you're trying to jumpseat on a twin-otter or metroliner (without an actual jumpseat installed in the cockpit) you might have a little difficulty.

Of course the Dash 8 and Saab 340 have proper jumpseats and would be easier to hop onto.

Depending on where you're planning your fishing trip, B767300ER, you might want to consider Hageland Aviation as well. They fly B1900s out of ANC and FAI.

And there are still the cargo carriers NAC, Everts and Lynden but jumpseating on them just isn't as easy as it used to be--not impossible--just not as convenient.

Good luck and feel free to follow up or PM me if you have any more questions.

8th Aug 2003, 02:18
Hageland's flies B1900s only out of ANC.

*Frontier Flying Service* flies B1900 out of both ANC and FAI.