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View Full Version : RAAF looking after it's own........

29th Jun 2003, 23:04
THis speaks for itself............


Going Boeing
30th Jun 2003, 00:38
Very sad indead. It appears that senior military/public service personel never learn. A similar series of events happened a number of years ago wrt the crash of an ARDU Nomad. This was a "genuine" accident and the family deserve adequate compensation. As a taxpayer, I would rather have my tax money go to the crew's families than to some of the "artistic" grants that our public service continue to hand out.

Sheep Guts
30th Jun 2003, 07:04
Has flash backs to the B707 ACCIDENT in Victoria. :(

I feel sorry for the Families and this should be cleaned up once and for all. To prolong it will make it agonisingly painfull for the victims Family and also the Air forces Reputation. The only people that dont have a heart or show any pain are the Lawyers and Judges, they makes heaps of money at Taxpayers expense.

Justice and Law perplexes me :uhoh: :hmm: :rolleyes:

Courts and legal systems :yuk:

Condolences to the Family

30th Jun 2003, 10:29
GB I agree with your comments re the ARDU nomad 'accident' but if you read the senate commitee report (and you may have), it was more thant that. It was a complete failure of the 'airforce' system at the time in terms of introducing in to servive an aircraft that as it turns out very little was known about and people not spending the money on making sure it was even in a fit state to accept (I'm not going to risk mentioning the other organisation involved). IMHO that is where the fault lays, not with any at the coalface who worked or flew on it.
If this was the US of A it would be in court for many millions of dollars.

1st Jul 2003, 13:05

I feel for the family, but why turn it in to a lawyer bash? At the end of the day, the Commonwealth's lawyers are only acting on instructions from the Commonwealth - vent your spleen at the Commonwealth, not its lawyers!

Captain Sand Dune
1st Jul 2003, 16:08
These type of heartless decisions are made regardless of what brand of government is in power. As was previously mentioned, the lawyers (God bless 'em, eh?) are doing what they're instructed to do. IMHO the blame for these travesties of justice should be laid at the feet of those faceless beaurocrats in DoD.

2nd Jul 2003, 11:34
Brian G RE: Lawyers or Commonwealth

The Commonwealth makes the call but on advice from the parastic people who advise them (lawyers), and you know how much 'care for the family' they would factor into their deliberations, yep the RAAF couldn't buy that much bad publicity, but they got it:}