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View Full Version : which school for cpl training

18th Jun 2003, 02:46
I, like lots of others am jumping around this evening because I finally made it and passed the final written exam.......and although this has probably been done to death; does anybody have any recent experience of flying training schools for the cpl. Why were they good (or bad) and are there any recomendations from those who have been through it all at some time in the last 12-18 months??

ta very much.:ok:

18th Jun 2003, 03:53
sorry to ask this but,which final exam have you just passed,if it was your CPL written which school did you do them at,also how did you find them the exams that is.

18th Jun 2003, 05:40
Sorry. as usual totally unclear!!! Passed the last of the 14 dreaded ATPL's and looking for a school to do all the flying bits with now...........:confused:

Down 'n' Hanging
19th Jun 2003, 19:46
Well done on getting the dreaded writtens done J-Low. A few things you can do now - after having had some beers to celebrate of course, and these are:

1. Check these forums for any recommendations of FTOs

2. Do a web-search

3. Check the usual trade mags.

Whilst cost maybe an issue, don't necessarily go for the cheapest, as it could cost you more in the longer term. Check what you get, or don't get, for your money.

Good luck and enjoy

D 'n' H

Air Born
20th Jun 2003, 00:29
The CAA does a very comprehensive list of schools and what they offer - available via their website or they will post you a copy.

Also try and get hold of the Learn to Fly Guide that one of the flying mags publishes each year (I have a copy somewhere.....) - it has a lowdown on what aircraft the schools have, which gives an idea of their size....ie if they can support a large fleet they are probably good enough to get sufficient students to part with their money.

Otherwise it depends on where you are based and what your requirements/ultimate aims are. Personal recommendations are always useful, and try visiting some of the contenders. If you're wanting to get into airlines, it might make sense to look for a
school that has good contacts with the airline industry. Not only big schools but smaller ones with instructors who are flying with an airline are worth looking for.


20th Jun 2003, 00:46
Also have a look at if you want to do it in a twin or complex single.

Just been going through the JAR OPs book for what you need to fly air taxi these days.

700 TT, 30 MEP min and 100hrs IFR.

If you go the single and FNPT II route your going to be short of MEP hours


20th Jun 2003, 06:11
Cheers guys. Had my head in the books so long, I haven't given anything else much thought at all, so will be looking long and hard at those schools in the south;)

24th Jun 2003, 05:37
As you are looking for a school in the south of England then I could recommend Flightpass in exeter. Just been through the FI rating with them and if i had my time again would have gone with them for the CPL as well. I found them to be an excellent bunch of people who made you feel welcome and the training was top class. Feel free to PM me if you want any further details or give there web site the once over www.flightpass.com

Just my 2 pence worth

24th Jun 2003, 23:15
Congrats on passing them horrible exams !!!

If your going to look for some schools in the South, I would strongly recomend Stapleford Flight Centre. Just finished my CPL/IR there !!! Good prices and very good tuition !

I was lucky, don't live too far away, so could commute quite easily. But they do have accomodation on the airfield for only £10 a night !

With the good weather i managed to finish the CPL in two weeks, and went straight onto the IR after, got first time passes in both !

at the end of the day all the schools are selling the same thing, and its the price and quality of training that matter !!!

So well done once again, and if your looking around, give them a call or go and visit them, there very helpful

Just dont let those bloody exams expire !!!

Good luck



Pilot Paul
25th Jun 2003, 00:55
I have done all my flying training at Wycombe Air Centre, from PPL through IMC, Night, Multi, CPL , IR and finally FI(R)! Excellent instruction and a well maintained fleet. Well worth a look in my book.

Feel free to email me if you need more info (most details are on their website), although a personal visit is probably your best bet (that goes for any school).

Good luck...

Paul :ok:

26th Jun 2003, 04:46
Do wish people would stop talking about "FI(R)". There's no such rating. It's FI(A).

26th Jun 2003, 17:02
The FI(A) rating is issued in two forms, Restricted FI(R) and Unrestricted FI. You are restricted until you have done at least 100 hours flight instructionand in addition supervised 25 student solo flights, and under the recommendation of a supervising FI(A).

So we are both right right the licence is FI(A)(R):E

27th Jun 2003, 04:28
I am afraid I don't have the patience to do the FI thingy. I'm just not cut out to be an instructor, so I'll just have to keep dropping those pesky skydivers. Is it still frowned upon? It's a single engine turbine..............

27th Jun 2003, 07:23
"I'll just have to keep dropping those pesky skydivers. Is it still frowned upon?"

If you get the hours and experience anything is good J-Low.

28th Jun 2003, 18:26
Not sure that the larger schools are necessarily the answer. If you can find a good, committed instructor who'll do your training on a one-one basis, this can be a very strong alternative.

J-Low - check your Private Messages.