View Full Version : What price ICAO?

9th Jun 2003, 21:54
I'm a new boy here.

In an earlier thread - "Illegal Landing" I think - there was a reference (in a rather large posting) to ICAO.

What relevance has ICAO to offshore pilots in the GOM, the North Sea, the Bass Straights and elsewhere?

Where do I go to find out more?

Should I bother?

10th Jun 2003, 05:41
You could try Annex 6 - Part III International Operations = Helicopters

Shawn Coyle
10th Jun 2003, 11:20
Yes, you should bother to find out more about ICAO, and any other organization that will affect your life. If you can make a comment on something that is proposed, you have a chance of affecting a change.
It's sort of like politics, but perhaps nicer- if you don't get involved, or at least vote, you deserve whoever you get as leader.
ICAO is no different. There are lots of rules that have been passed by no doubt well intentioned folks at meetings in ICAO that have turned out to be difficult to use and are either ignored by individual countries or hammered home.
Since nearly every country is supposed to be a signatory to the ICAO conventions, if you know what those are, you can help to ride herd on your own country's civil authority. Perhaps.
But find out more about them.