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View Full Version : I need a lift to Bristol

6th Jun 2003, 18:32

I do the brush up course with Bristol next June 23rd, and the only B&B I have found is at Congresbury, 8miles south west of the airport. If there is a student in this area who could give me a lift and share car's expenses, let me know!

6th Jun 2003, 19:30
My advice to you would be to buy an old banger with some of your flight training money and drive, assuming you hold a drivers licence of course.

I was in the same position as you (my B&B was in Wrington) with one week left to go to the brush up course. I chipped into my savings and bought a rather nice motor for £800. Bargain.


PS: If it's Mod 1 you doing in June then book your next brush up course when you're there and also sort your accomodation out at the same time. These courses fill up quick and the accomodation naturally dries up with them as you have found out.

6th Jun 2003, 20:57
Buying a car is a bit of a drastic solution. Two weeks worth of taxis journeys surley must be cheaper.

Lets Rock, have you phoned round all the BB's on the list provided by BGS ?

If you're really having no luck you might think about a bicycle.... you'd have to be faily fit though, I think it's a bit hilly out that way.

You might want to call BGS and ask them. They may have a few ideas.

ps, I'm on the June course at BGS to. Send me a PM if you like.

7th Jun 2003, 07:00
stuff the B and B and try and get on a campsite closer the airport if it temporary.


7th Jun 2003, 21:08
I will have a bicycle! so how it is from Congresbury to the airport?.
How long does it take? I am fit!

10th Jun 2003, 07:44
Congresbury is about 20-25 minutes away from the airport by car on main roads. No one in their right mind would want to cycle there and back especially after a day in the classroom and a night with the feedback questions they give out. You would be knackered and besides, the roads between the airport and Congresbury are dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians.

I mentioned the buy a car option as you will no doubt be going back for module 2 at some point in the near future and you'll no doubt have to get back and forth to another airport to do your CPL, IR and MCC, not to mention the ATPL exams themselves.

I weighed it all up and found that I would be better off biting the bullet and buying a car instead of blagging lifts, relying on others and being at the mercy of the British transport system. It removes a good deal of stress and hassle that you will find you do not need at that time in your life coming up to exams. Trust me.

All will become clear when you get down there! ;)


11th Jun 2003, 22:47
well, I do not live in the UK so out of question to buy a car. I have found easycar.com and they rent car for very cheap from London.I found the solution to my transport's problems.I am really surprised that Bristol.gs did not mention this in their B&B list.Would have saved me times!
for the IFR, I will have to look around, I just have to do 15hours IFR.SO if you know a good school, let me know.