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5th Jun 2003, 06:33
Unsavoury elements at EK!:(

I gather that some rather unpleasant characters have recently joined EK. They have jumped ship from the upper echelons of Robert Mugabe's Air Zimbabwe and were fully involved in the political "re-education" of the work force:yuk:

Guess I might not bother applying to EK if these individuals are considered suitable.

Good luck!

5th Jun 2003, 18:11
:mad: :mad: :mad: Pretty sweeping statement that Dogma :E :E :E

5th Jun 2003, 20:27
Chinny :mad: old fellow,

I hear what you are saying! But those @ EK will know the individuals to whom I refer.

Having been 767 skippers at the morally and financially bankrupt Air Zim now decide to jump ship to live "the high life" at EK.

Pretty sickening really.

There are many fine aviators at EK from Zim :ok: I send them my best and wish them well!

5th Jun 2003, 21:06
:( Do you really think that they will get through the screening process @ Emirates.From the limited amount I know and have dealings with,if they are as you say then "they shall be weedled out " surely:confused:

Will be very disappointed like you if they don't:sad:

6th Jun 2003, 17:56
I would be very,very careful about what you say on this forum.Youre in serious danger of looking like a complete :mad: !!!
Care to name and shame? Put your balls on the line? No? I didnt think so! Whats the problem? EK turn you down?

6th Jun 2003, 19:41
Pontious is about right,

They are in the airline as we speak, I don't really give a :mad: But please don't warn me like that ever, it is after all not a rumour but fact!

P.S Congratulations on getting in! I might still apply:ok: