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View Full Version : Another new Abu Dhabi Airline??

1st Jun 2003, 22:32
Am I the only one a bit bewildered by the announcement of another start-up, to be owned by the emirate?

(Gulf News 31/1......capitalised at 500mil dhs.)

2nd Jun 2003, 00:08
No bewilderment here Ferris, I heard this rumour about 1 month ago from an insider. It's my wild guess Abu Dhabi is covering their
*ss in case GF + Traveller goes down the tube. Sept./Oct. the 'final' decision will be taken by the board.
Abu Dhabi will fly with Airbus 320 / 330's I heard.

2nd Jun 2003, 00:49
After seeing the route structure etc. for 'Traveller', I can understand them being a bit miffed. But a whole new airline? What is the point of bailing out GF? I can't see the new-start being a competitor to 'Traveller', or even a replacement. They would have to be aimed at different markets. But how big is the market?:confused: