View Full Version : anyone been to Nat flight centre, dublin?

30th May 2003, 18:00
Thinking about doing my PPL in the National Flight Centre, Weston, Dublin during the summer. If anyone has any opinions on what the place, aircraft, training etc is like I would love to hear about it. Cheers

31st May 2003, 22:40
I live not too far from the airfield and I can tell you that it is a good school. Be very careful however to check thaat it is FULLY JAR approved and not just nationally approved by the IAA (Irish Aviation Authority). I investigatied it recently for the fATPL course and found out that it is NOT an FTO and therfore although it has a CPL/IR +fATPL course, it is not valid in other JAA states! Look on the Irish Aviation Authority (http://www.iaa.ie) website for more info.

Hope this helps,

2nd Jun 2003, 16:36
I am surprised at your reply! I was involved in the JAA Approval procedure for national Flight Centre Two years ago. To my knowledge Kieran was approved by the IAA to conduct JAA training. Unless there was a major problem, this is the case.
To you guys thinking of using NFC, "have a good one"

3rd Jun 2003, 17:14
hey dihedral,

Seems they do, check out their website www.nfc.ie they
have displayed on it that they are Ireland's First JAA Approved FTO. I took a drive over to it a couple of weeks back its fairly impressive looking setup

3rd Jun 2003, 18:01
But according to the IAA website, there are no approved aeroplane FTOs in Ireland!

see: http://www.iaa.ie/SafetyRegulation/licensing/sr_lcpl2.asp


9th Jun 2003, 20:10
Could it be that the IAA is a little slow?

11th Jun 2003, 19:05
Yep tis that there a little slow in updating their site, called IAA, NFC are certified to train for the CPL