View Full Version : Tax rebates for training

7th Jul 2001, 12:49
Has anyone over 30 (i.e. those that are eligible) experience of trying to get tax rebates for the various modules. I have information from the Inland Revenue and it looks like I should be able to claim back 22% of the fee for any course that is full time, lasts more than four weeks and is definitely vocational. I'm thinking the CPL skills and Multi/IR courses at OATS. Unfortunately though getting info about this from OATS is like pulling teeth (presumably because it doesn't make any difference to the amount of money they will get at the end..). Can anyone out there comment on this issue. Thanks in advance.


...cleared for take-off

Base leg
7th Jul 2001, 13:06
OATS will give you a VTR2 Inland Revenue form with a loving smile- as all payments for for this vocational relief must have been made by 31/08/00
If you were using NVQ,then any training occuring after 01/07/01 will not be eligble for tax relief- so expect a letter from the Inland Revenue- this is despite the FTO's taking you money last summer.

[This message has been edited by Base leg (edited 07 July 2001).]

Dan Winterland
8th Jul 2001, 13:57
VTR still exists for most professions, but was pulled for certain high cost 'fun' occupations by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in his budget two years ago. Diving, Parachuting and Aviation have all had it pulled due to the abuse of the system.

All you schools who offered VTR on all flying as it may have possibly led to the issue of a professional license, you killed the golden goose!