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View Full Version : Accom. at OATS?

24th May 2003, 21:53
Hi, I'm actually going to be at Oxford for the coming up 2 week brush up in June (June 2nd for 2 wks). Now, I was wondering if there's anyone at oxford looking for a room to rent out for a very short term (2 wks). I would do a B&B but really want to be in a 'pilot environment' as someone like myself needs to be in that study environment and pilot mode. I really want these two weeks to be study 24/7, breathe, sleep, and make love to the books if you know what I mean as people this is my LAST attempt to get 4 subjects out the way. PLEASE PEOPLE, help me out!! I need to stay somewhere!! Thanks-i'm sure that little plea at the end will do wonders!

oxford blue
26th May 2003, 01:38
Have you thought of getting in touch with Customer Services at OAT and asking if they have any spare rooms in the campus Hall of Residence (Langford Hall) - about 150 metres from the classroom building? They may not have any vacancies, but it's worth asking.

It will be a bit more basic than a local B&B, but it will certainly be convenient. There shouldn't be too many distractions - and if you meet anyone else in the same corridor, they may even be able to help with the work in the evenings.

27th May 2003, 04:52
yeah thanks-i think i may do that. now, i know that langford hall is pretty full at times so, worst case scenario they say 'no' any ideas where i can find a room or something in the area? Prefreably with pilots?? I know they have a notice board at OATS with stuff on there about accomodation (ads and stuff) but not sure whether i should go all the way up there to find nothing available, so if anyone can give me the heads up on that too i'd appreciate it. Thanks again.