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View Full Version : Living in Oman

23rd May 2003, 22:39
Any-one with recent experience of living and working in the Sultanate of Oman?
Specifically, life-style for western families (wife and two children), education, social, culture clashes-if any, and any other relevant info would be much appreciated.:D

7th Jun 2003, 21:51
Outstanding place.....Beaches, people, schooling, etc.

However, not if you are "looking" for a wife to "make" two kids, but as you already have that sorted you are good to go.....

Dubai here I come!


PS. The only cultural conflicts I have had whilst here have occurred in my kitchen whilst the maid was away and the washing up didn't get done....oops! :E

homesick rae
9th Jun 2003, 20:17
certainly the most picturesque of the Gulf states!

have to drive to most places for a meal etc, but a small price to pay for a beautiful area!

great snorkelling/ diving: rays flipping out the water!!

visit Nizwah and you'll see the real mccoy with the Bedus coming down to the market to buy things...including a new shooter perhaps?

wind your way UP to Jebel Akdar and see the homes in the rocks...Tanuf...bombed to bits in the 60s and still the same!

watch the "falaj" system to make the water!

wonderful, wonderful place...enjoy!

13th Jun 2003, 06:50
Terrific place, ****** all aviation though.

14th Jun 2003, 15:50
If you want to have fun with beer try the Hash House Harriers

This is their website

Muscat Hash (http://www.al-di.dircon.co.uk/mh3.htm)

You can get the contact numbers at the Higherarch page

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