View Full Version : Congratulations

18th May 2003, 12:04
i just want to congratulate the 51 or so pilots that was laid off back to their jobs. I am so glad that you guys finally got back what you lost many months ago. Since the ban is lifted I assume that all of you are back and hopefully are paid in full for the time off that you were forced to take. To see all of you back makes me feel happy that I gave up my spot with Cathay, because all of you are back since the ban is lifted, aren't you?


Mfazi Ndlovo
18th May 2003, 15:04

Congrats on achieving….hmmmmmm? Spot on man because the 49ers are not going to be re-instated. Just imagine how the investors will see this.
Union engages in industrial action. Cx looses money and dismisses over 50 pilots. Industrial action continues in the form of a recruitment ban and various legal avenues are followed to “solve’ the problem. Investors loose cash but its not as severe a loss as with industrial action. After two years of legal combat now the Company must take these guys back?? This would certainly place within the top 10 ways of loosing the faith of the company’s that have invested goodness knows how much in CX and it would affect our own livelihood. So what do you think CX will do?
As for the union’s credibility, just remember there are two sides to every story with the truth being in the centre and all I have to say is that the Union makes accusations of intimidation from the company and then they in reverse apply the same procedures on their members, new joiners and prospective new pilots. Do they realize that these chaps also need to secure their own future and pay bills at the end of the month whilst they are the only beneficiaries of their efforts? Nice try! The union is a reflection of their own criticism and I for one can’t rely on this sort of organization. As for CX, well its honestly the best company I have ever worked for including all the drama , so don’t let the grumpy old farts and the golden era lads who have forgotten the real life outside CX get you down. On the brighter side hopefully this ban and industrial action will soon be behind us and constructive discussions between the CX and the union will lead to a healthy recovery of the company from SARS. We will see if the union can be turned into a trustworthy organization.
:ok: :confused: :* :rolleyes:

19th May 2003, 00:15
...and we'll very likely see if the management can be turned into a trustworthy organisation, as well.