View Full Version : JAR Performance Feedback...

4th Sep 2001, 15:44
Hey there !!!!

has anyone got some feedback from the Performance exam August and September??
One would think that those who attended the September sitting should be able to give some good feedback as the exam was yesterday (if I figured it out correctly) But any Perf. feedback are very much appreciated.
Thank you very much guys and girls.

4th Sep 2001, 18:06
try chatting to someone from oxford. we all have amazing sets of feedback questions. for a small price of course!!!!! :)

5th Sep 2001, 01:12
We do have some good feedback at Oxford. Unfortunately I did not put it to best use, and will be having to re-sit!! Just know your speeds, and learn the basics. There were very few questions using the CAP document, and NO graph type questions. Still revising for other exams so must dash. if you want to know more, get in contact at the weekend. :mad: :eek:

5th Sep 2001, 23:24
oxford run a one day crammer which I know is very good from a previous thread, a personal experience. £100 though
:eek: :eek:
But they give their feedback which is a bonus. :)

I agree, know your class A speeds backwards!!!!!! and vmp/vmd etc etc

8th Sep 2001, 14:44
Pugzi, thx for the info, but I haven't got the time although it's only 1 day.

Has anyone else got some good feedback, which they are willing to share, I mean hey we are all working to get the same exams done, so why not help each other and share the different feedback we've got.



email: [email protected]