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View Full Version : Mouthing Off!!!

14th May 2003, 14:41
A special request from all of us on the Ground and in the Air!
Please could the practise of putting Travel Documents (Passports, Tickets, Boarding Cards etc) in the mouth whilst carrying bags or fumbling with mobile phones, papers or parts of the human anatomy whilst in the Gents, STOP IMMEDIATELY! - it's disgusting!

If SARS or other nasty virii are going to be spread around the planet, this is a sure-fire method of assisting them and it really isn't pleasant to be handed soggy documents when you're about to go for breakfast of lunch!

Thanks everybody!

(I will apologise for this thread also appearing on the www.flyertalk.com forum, but we wanted to get the message across!)

14th May 2003, 15:33
And while they are at it refrain from spitting at will and depositing spent gum everywhere. Many places would benefit from more bogs too.