View Full Version : UK BBC National IQ Test. How'd You Go?

5th May 2003, 05:01
Take the test here.



5th May 2003, 05:37
Hi all,

Just done the test and was wondering what anyone else has got.

I will not reveal my answer just yet in case I am a thicko

Andrew M
5th May 2003, 07:13
ah don't worry, it won't be as bad as my 120 :(

Circuit Basher
6th May 2003, 07:48
A fairly disappointing 123. I have done a Mensa test in the past and scored 154, so tend to believe that the BBC test was scoring low.

I noticed that the conversion table between test score and IQ only seemed to allow for up to around 135.

6th May 2003, 07:59
Oh no! I only got 108 :{ :{

Didn't know I was that thick.

7th May 2003, 01:51
139....not bad for a displaced Scotsman in Texas...:8

Captain Airclues
7th May 2003, 01:53
I think that I must be getting more intelligent by the minute. I watched the show on TV and then did the test on my computer. The second time that I did the test I was much cleverer than the first time.


Little Blue
7th May 2003, 02:10
Well, I managed 115, albeit with distractions...bloody fone wouldn't stop ringing..well I was at work...!
My colleague got 91....he is now going to change careers and become a bouncer !



12th May 2003, 17:13
85!! although i am a kiwi doing the pommy test, i do have a blonde patch as well

13th May 2003, 12:41
If you look at the results section it seems like the country as a whole got around 105, and it was remarkably consistent acorss regions. So that would suggest to me the test is accurate, if you accept that by definition the average IQ is 100, whatever that means in practice. The extra 5 could be explained by people taking the tests have computers, and they have higher IQs. All mickey mouse stuff, but good fun. My BBC result came out around what I scored when I did one of these tests (once) a long time ago. I've not ever been too bothered with IQ tests.

I've always been suspicious of the Mensa tests, they want members.

Tess Tickell
24th May 2003, 02:01
Woo hoo.....133! Not bad for a displaced Scot in Massachussets. That one about the left turns was a killer!

Andrew M
24th May 2003, 06:09
I think that because the test can be taken again and again, people have been pretending to do it for the first time in the office and such - to pretend they have a higher score (eg: They remember the questions and correct answers).

This could also skew the figures above the average 100.

Also note that only people that feel they are quite intelligent may take the test; complete imbiciles may miss it out as they may not be able to count as high as their IQ :(

29th May 2003, 09:14
I took the home MENSA test a couple of years ago while bottle feeding a screamin' wayne (youngster - just in case!!) on my knee and didn't twig that I had an hour to do the test so did it in 30mins. Got 155 but only managed 137 in the telly quiz.

And I'm as thick as champ. If they ever come up with something that measures common sense - now that would be something!

29th May 2003, 12:43
Tess Tickell:

apparently, they spell "Massachusetts" differently in Mensa, also.... :E

We Scotsmen never could stay awake during spelling class, anyway. Much too boring...:zzz:

OK, OK, standing-by for revenge strike....tin hats on :ouch: