View Full Version : Contract agencies

2nd May 2003, 05:53
Hey fellas, doc here.

Whats the deal with these agencies (Capital, March, Line Up etc)
How does it work and is it worth it? There is some nice looking contracts out there. Looking forward to your responses.

doc :ok:

4th May 2003, 05:52
As the name says, All that glitters is not Gold.
1 thing to remember, here today and ? tomorrow.
Been with various agencies, they all tell you what you want to hear, the good bits but not the pitfals of a contract, like real working hours, cost of living. Training, sick leave, leave normally your problem.

7th May 2003, 02:05
All contract work revolves around a need. Downside is that when they don't need you you go home,regardless of what term of contract you've signed.Most agencies take a fair slice and treat you fairly.
There is one agency in south east asia to avoid.Try not to aim for the stars!!!

7th May 2003, 17:24
March have a good reputation, not sure about Capital, Line Up went thru a phase of letting guys down, not sure what they are like now.

AMR used to be very good, but they have had some changes and Resource seem to be buying all the small agencies up!

8th May 2003, 05:42
Personally I have had good experiences with Line Up, Capital and Parc. This was all more than 5 yrs ago. Hope this helps.

10th May 2003, 23:16
Thanks for the input guys. If any one else has more to add please do so. Ive been with a big company for five years now and jumping into the contract world will be a big change. Im waiting to see what happens with this restuctering bull, but Im not going to work for 6 years just get back to where I am now. Im sure I will have more questions in the future so don't be a stranger. Thanks again fellas and stay in touch.


12th May 2003, 21:54
Ya oooooooookay ASFKAP:ok: