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View Full Version : Pax Alert - Travel Sickness Pills

28th Apr 2003, 17:49
A manufactuer of medicines (non-prescription) has had licence pulled and recall. From news.com.au

"Pan first came to the attention of the TGA over its travel sickness tablet Travacalm, which was recalled in January, Parliamentary health secretary Trish Worth said.

Faulty batches of the tablets resulted in at least 87 adverse reactions and 19 hospitalisations.

In some cases people attempted to jump out of planes or off boats because they were experiencing severe hallucinations, Ms Worth said."

Apparently it's worse than described as they have been doing contract manufacture of all sorts of stuff - stand by for the next thrilling announcement.

30th Apr 2003, 18:59
Sounds better than taking an Ecstasy tablet - and cheaper too!!

30th Apr 2003, 19:16
So your telling me that wasnt really an aztec temple on short finals for runway 34L at Sydney??

Well ****** me witha fish fork!!!!:E