View Full Version : Need advise

27th Oct 2001, 23:25
I'm currently 20 yrs old with a PPL and busy completing my CPL/IR. Given the current situation of the airline industry, does anyone reckon one should go to university for a few years and hopefully by the time one graduates prospects of getting a job as a pilot would be better?

Thanks Chunks

27th Oct 2001, 23:42
Can't say if its the best thing to do or not given that you are comppleteing your CPL/IR, but it is what I've decided to do.

I'm waiting to hear if I've been accepted onto an aviaition related degree course and if I get in i'll certainly be going. I'm hoping to fly during the holidays then do the CPL/IR after Uni. I think about 3 years is a good time to give the current situation, hopefully this will all seem like a bad dream then and things will be back to something that resembles normality. University would be the best place to spend that time as you will be adding another string to your bow and that can't be bad. I certainly think it's a wise move and you can always leave Uni if an flying job comes along.

Best of Luck


27th Oct 2001, 23:55
I think I may find myself in a similar situation in about 18 months...I'm going to take a gap year after A Levels and earn some money for flying. After that I suppose I'll see how the sponsorships are coming along, and if there are no better offers I'll go to Uni...

Would be very interested to hear what you choose to do, and how it turns out...If you could e-mail me, or post on the subject it would be excellent...

Thanks, and good luck

[ 27 October 2001: Message edited by: MikeSamuel ]

28th Oct 2001, 01:59
What about applying to the RAF?

Just a thought, and the flying is good.

Tonks :)

30th Oct 2001, 19:45
I think its the best time for a wannabe pilot to go to uni. Lets face it, theres going to be little chance of success for many in the aviation industry right now.

Get yourself off to uni and build up the qualifications.

Good luck! :D

30th Oct 2001, 20:09
Never mind the qualifications, which are a side benefit. Get yourself to Uni and enjoy yourself for a few years rather than stressing about the current job situation! Im sure the airline industry will pick up eventually or even better try the RAF like Tonks said. There is always the UAS to help you on the way to a service flying career while you are "studying". There aint no better flying once you are in! :cool: