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View Full Version : CP Sacked and CASA did what??

28th Apr 2003, 12:14
I just heard a story of a CP being sacked from a DHC6 operator in FNQ. Story goes that the then CP had raised ongoing safety issues with company management and after speaking to CASA indicated they needed to be fixed or he would resign, days later he was sacked.

CASA then in their wisdom allow one of the company owners to stand in as Chief Pilot.

I beleive that the company in question has now sacked three CP's in just on 2 years.

Having been a CP myself I am amazed that CASA have approved a company owner to act as CP in such circumstances.

Does any one know anything further on this one and how does CASA expect to attract high quality CP's when they are treated like this.

Lets have your thoughts people.

Arm out the window
28th Apr 2003, 19:26
My thoughts are, what's the full story?

28th Apr 2003, 20:23
I wouldnt be to hasty to point the finger at CASA over this situation.

The company owner who took up the role already had an approval to act in the capacity during the absence of the approved CP, so I think their hands were somewhat tied when the situation developed.

Interesting how this stuff gets around though.

The Bullwinkle
8th May 2003, 06:46
Very interesting PRATGAR how your STORY resembles something far from the truth.

To the best of my knowledge, the CP in question has actually resigned and did not get sacked. Therefore, why should CASA be concerned.

Have you checked into this CP's history before you go around claiming that he is of good quality ?? I thought not. I suggest you do though, might make some interesting reading.

And seeing as we are all telling fairy tales, here is one for you.

The STORY has it that this CP was going to get jobs for all of the other captains in the company, and therefore bring the company to its knees. That was apparently his intention.

Still think he is a high quality CP. Get all the facts before you embarass yourself further !!

Prop's ????
8th May 2003, 19:05

As proven in the past CASA don’t own or operate charter companies. They are there to promote Safety.

Companies can hire or fire whom they please. CASA will only step in if they are concerned about foul play.

What I am concerned about is how many times do you need to report something before someone actually takes a good look at it?


9th May 2003, 17:33

What do you mean when you say "What I am concerned about is how many times do you need to report something before someone actually takes a good look at it? "

Are you refering to this particular situaton or just in general?

Prop's ????
9th May 2003, 19:11
Re: my concerns, it was just a general comment. Has nothing to do with the above topic.


10th May 2003, 09:08
The Bullwinkle

One of the major problems in this industry is people like you who are only too happy to listen to so called story's and then take the knife straight to some ones back.

Unfortunately it is you who have embarressed yourself with incorrect facts or as you put it, the best of your knowledge which is obviously lacking on this subject. If the CP resigned why then is the matter listed with the IRC?

Quite simply you have got it wrong!

As for the CP's history, and your aspurtion of him not being high quality, perhaps CASA would be the better parties to ask re that item, or seeing you are so up to speed on the matter maybe you could advise how many RCA's or NCN's were raised on CASA'a last audit with the company - and - how did his management affect the standards of the company crews. I wouldn't buy into this area as you are clearly either poorly informed or biased on the matter.

Finally, the STORY you put forward is fasicle and it sounds remarkably like you have taken on board some fabricated propoganda from interested parties.

Get the facts straight my friend before you fly off the handle and make aspurtions on an individual in a public forum that are based on nothing more than 3rd hand knowledge.


I am not sure where you got your information from but my thoughts on the matter are :

1) Regulatory matters are best left to CASA to handle
2) Legal matters are best left to the courts to handle

inuendo does nothing for either party.

Prop's ????
10th May 2003, 15:24

Full Marks :ok:

12th May 2003, 14:13
Typical CASA no guts, if it had been the FAA they would have done something about it.
It takes a burning wreck to get CASA's attention then its too late!

12th May 2003, 15:18
CASA effectivity in FNQ????

Now there lies some interesting stories..........:}

16th May 2003, 09:55
Wouldn't bee too sure 'bout the FAA doing anything...