View Full Version : Looking for Business Plan for small Airline

27th Apr 2003, 09:00
Looking for a Business Plan for a small to medium sized start-up airline. Would appreciate any resource locations so a sample or real plan can be acquired/downloaded in an electronic format.


27th Apr 2003, 11:27
Where are you located?

27th Apr 2003, 12:04
If anyone out there has a model or example that could be applied to the small/medium airline as requested above, I would also be keen on having a look.


10th May 2003, 08:35
I'm currently located in Las Vegas.

10th May 2003, 22:54
I think in this day and age any business plan that is sitting on the shelve ready for use is likely to be outdated. Considering the new realities of this industry, I would suggest that you define the business case yourselve, once you know what it is you'd like to do i'm sure you'll be able to get quite a bit of help in determining if an economic viability is present.

I see it like this:

recognise the need for a service (or create it) determine the best way to fill the need and then calculate if you can make a profit doing it, sounds simple doesn't it ?:O

24th May 2003, 09:08
Excellent advise fluf and to assist i like Business Plan Pro 2003 by PaloAlto software.

It allows you to take your idea(s) and develop your own plan while allowing the process to remain fluid and therefore easily changeable.

Good luck.

24th May 2003, 09:32
I have had some success using the US Small Business Administration (SBA) generic plan. It provides a lot of detailed questions, which may or may not apply. It is an ideal check list.

If you can't find it PM or e-mail me and I can send you a copy.

Best of luck.

26th May 2003, 09:11
Downloaded both for a trial. Thank you for the good suggestions. Moby

28th May 2003, 21:35
Check your p-m's.

29th May 2003, 10:22
Thanks Chris I sent a reply.

29th May 2003, 12:19
I reckon the Kiwi's have the right formula to succeed in small business....... Start off by buying a bloody big one!

2nd Jul 2003, 01:12
I think that statement is probably applicable to a lot of nationalities.

Anyway I have about a 40 page Business Plan Template for a small to medium sized "NIche"airline operating jets throughout Mexico and North America if anybodies interested.