View Full Version : Blood Letting.

23rd Apr 2003, 12:28
I am actually serious about this, it isnt a wind-up.........:ok:

Colleague of mine returned yesterday from a "blood letting" session, he had blood removed from 4 places around his body for "health" reasons!

I really dont know if this is religiously or culturally driven, but the idea is that bad blood is removed and the body gets to replace it with good blood.

Personally it sounds as if he went to a witchdoctor, but i would like to hear comments about the benefits of this procedure.......



Circuit Basher
23rd Apr 2003, 15:10
I regularly go for a blood letting session, usually about twice a year and feel an awful lot better after it (particularly as the very nice people there give you tea and biccies afterwards).

In the UK, it's called the National Blood Transfusion Service. The CAA frown on such activities, saying that it's incompatible with piloting (although, over the last few years, they seem to have backed off on that a bit and now suggest IIRC 72 hrs between the application of leeches and donning the goggles). As I owe my life to the NBTS following problems at birth, I still contribute my armful on a regular basis.

Mac the Knife
24th Apr 2003, 03:14
No benefits. "Bleeding" died out in the late 19th century after having killed or endangered millions of people over thousands of years. Complete mumbo-jumbo.

Hope their needles or lancets were clean......:uhoh:

24th Apr 2003, 03:31
I wonder what your friend paid to receive this new medical miracle. Please ask him to call me I would like to discuss the sale of a bridge. Its a very promising idea, huge investment return

24th Apr 2003, 07:38
They will legitimately drain you for haemochromatosis, that's too much iron in the blood.

24th Apr 2003, 15:38
Circuit basher ..... lol :) :) :) .... I actually asked this guy if he agreed with "your method" of blood letting, he didnt, he considered that to be completely different.

Mac, presently in the 14th century (hegira calender), so they have around 500 years to drop the idea...... thanks for the info.
