View Full Version : IR Success!

9th Feb 2001, 23:35
Managed to pass the IR yesterday on the first try. Yippee!!! Thanks must go to Tony Denson at Leeds Flying School for all his encouragement and patience, not to mention a healthy measure of blood, sweat and tears. Now, before you think I'm just boasting (which I am of course, in my none too sober state) there is a point to this post. LFS doesn't get as much press as the other organisation on the field, because it doesn't have the same brag budget. But if anyone out there is considering Leeds as a training option there is an alternative to Multiflight. And a damn good one!

10th Feb 2001, 00:04
well done to you G-LOST. I/R must be as good as the first solo !!!! bet you'll have more than a few pints tonight !!

Base leg
10th Feb 2001, 00:27
Congratulations ! - Is it as hard as they say or harder? I hope to do my IR in May.

Airborne Hamster
10th Feb 2001, 00:28
Congratulations G-L.

Make sure you remain absolutely p*ssed for at least the next three or four days!

Bye the way anyone know if Mr.P Godwin is still going strong at CFD?Used to smoke about 50 a day....most of them mine.Now he was a cool dood.
Got mine at second attempt(failed airways of all things on first!),but not Pete's fault.

Well done mate! :)

Funky Munky
10th Feb 2001, 00:49
As far as I know Pete Godwin is still at Bonus at Cranfield, still puffin' away at anyone's fags, comes and goes as he pleases, and is still a great guy to have a beer or six with.


10th Feb 2001, 03:14
Base Leg - it's hard work, but achievable, plus I had a fair examiner who put me at ease and didn't try to intimidate me. Controlling the nerves is half the battle. The preparation should already be well and truly done by the big day. My only advice is not to scrimp with a few extra flights if you feel it necessary. Rather spend the money before a flight test than on a resit. Good luck!!

10th Feb 2001, 05:59
Well done G-LOST - you must have followed the three basic rules for passing an IR test:

1) Stay focused - you must concentrate all your efforts on passing the test. Changing flying schools, aircraft or examiners rarely helps - it's generally up to you.

2) Spend more time studying on the ground than flying. As they say, every hour in the air should be preceeded by 2 hours on the ground.

3) Don't let the pressure get to you. Your examiner can play a big part in this. Some help you feel at ease, whereas some don't. At the end of the day, don't worry too much about staying within the specified tolerances. The examiner is more interested in the fact that you can competently handle the flight - prove that to him and you should pass.

Proof that the IR is passable first time!

Pilot Pete
10th Feb 2001, 20:20

Well done, great feeling isn't it? Got anything lined up? The real hard work starts now.......good luck.


10th Feb 2001, 20:43
Well done, as PP says now the hard work starts. Get those CVs out and I hope you have more luck than me.
