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16th Apr 2003, 00:34
Can anyone explain to me why they built a nice new runway but wont allow foreign airlines to use it in daylight?????


16th Apr 2003, 03:15
Interesting. Was in there recently (February) a few times & we used both runways. 7L is 3700 meters long & 7R 3800. Both were in good nick. Landing distances quite a bit shorter with the displaced thresholds.

Sounds like protectionism or good ol' African politics. If it was anyone else Mutt I'd say "are you sure?" but you've always got the glass upright.

Keep us posted.

16th Apr 2003, 04:03
4HP I would love to say that i was wrong as then I wouldnt have to go there at 6am............:) :)

We have WRITTEN dispensation to use the "new" runway for landing tomorrow..... and only tomorrow!!!!!



17th Apr 2003, 11:57
According to the airport authorities, NOBODY is allowed to use the new runway in daylight because ATC cant see the runway ends from the old control tower! The new tower "should" be open in around 2 weeks.

4HP, they must have really liked you :):)

To give credit where its due, the new terminal building is extremely impressive.
