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View Full Version : Interview protocol

Hostie from Hell
14th Apr 2003, 05:28
Dear all,

beloved husband is attending an interview for a non flying airline post in the UEA next week, but I suspect his taste in suits for such occasions may not suit the climate, or for that matter local custom.
So any sensible suggestions as to suitable attire from those in the know would be greatly appreciated.

14th Apr 2003, 05:58
What a girl! Dress him up in his best suit. Works just the same down here.

A safari-suit with pith helmet or a Lawrence of Arabia outfit would probably be a little overstated.

Wish him luck from all of us.


Hostie from Hell
14th Apr 2003, 08:05
Thanks 4HolerPoler!

Perhaps a blow up Camel in his suitcase?

Hostie from Hell
16th Apr 2003, 08:42
Any other suggestions?


16th Apr 2003, 20:14

When I went for an interview a year ago to work for an airline in the Gulf, I had on my navy dark blue suit and a white shirt with a red tie. Maybe he can do the same or if he has a dark gray suit will do. It depends on the job he is seeking. If it is a senior management position then dark suits will do.

I wish that my wife had done the same for me :*. He must be very lucky to have such a smart wife like you. :D

Good luck for the job.

Hostie from Hell
17th Apr 2003, 00:07
Many thanks bluebird2000

Mr H from H has a lovely dark navy suit he can wear!:ok:

17th Apr 2003, 04:07
Just out of curiousity... isn't that an interview with Dnata by any chance?
