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Pilot Pete
4th Feb 2001, 05:03
At the back end of my 'I'm Chuffed' posting I suddenly got the idea of a 'story' length post charting my progress from spotty wannabee (me not you) to jet rhs, yeah, yeah I know I don't start 'til Monday! My post was in 'chuffeds' dying embers so many may not have read it.

So, give me some feedback. Do you wanna hear the full story, the ups and downs, the shortage of funds, the child, the wedding, the Full Monty? It may be entertaining, inspirational, emotional (it bloody well was for me!) or just plain boring!

Enough positive replies will secure the 'exclusive'.


Delta Wun-Wun
4th Feb 2001, 06:08
Yes I would like to hear your story.I am just starting out and have a very long way to go......PPL Skill Test next week...If the Bloody weather would allow me of course.
Well done on your new appointment.


Pilot Pete
4th Feb 2001, 08:09
Well I suppose if just one person wants to hear it I'd better post it now I've mentioned it. I can't sleep anyway.


4th Feb 2001, 08:20
Pilot Pete,

I'll read it too, that makes two of us!
Currently at work and bored as hell.


4th Feb 2001, 16:29
Yes, tell all!

I was thinking of doing the same but with a slightly different slant, ie, the last three years I've spent trying to get sponsored with success at last type of thing. Any takers for that?????????

4th Feb 2001, 17:08
Both stories sound like they NEED to be told.
So if we can all get comfortable....then please begin !

[This message has been edited by BIG MISTER (edited 04 February 2001).]

Miles High
5th Feb 2001, 00:58
I am at 2 and a half years into this flying lark with fATPL and trying for first job. I've had many trials and tribulations too but no happy ending (yet).
I'm not the only one(der!), so, your stories are needed!

Pilot Pete and Rotation, we are sitting comfortably, and you may begin...

Pilot Pete
5th Feb 2001, 01:19
Ok, you'll find mine under 'How do you get a CPL/IR for £20k?'