View Full Version : gif avatars

10th Apr 2003, 05:41
Could someone please help me to take a great gif from another website avatar, and put it on here - I promise it is worth it!!

I have it saved on my confuser, but cannot transfer it anywhere!

I am a complete nunce when it comes to this kind of thing, so words of one syllable would help!

Somebody said I might have to upload the gif to my own web space??


Any help very gratefully recieved!

10th Apr 2003, 15:33
you cannot place an avatar here, see the rules his royal highness and his court have established.
On the other hand, you can share the avatar here if you have the picture somewhere on the net, copy the link to this picture (not the site it is on, it needs to be the link to the picture) and just insert this here by pressing the IMG button and inserting the link into the provided new box.

11th Apr 2003, 17:30
Sorry, but if I can't put it on here, I want it for the balpa website.

So, any help please?

11th Apr 2003, 20:28
I've no idea how the BALPA site works, but if it's similar to PPRuNE, then you cannot put an image on the site itself, you have to find another webserver to "host" your page, then you put a link on the Balpa site pointing to the image on your hosting server. You usually get some webspace from your ISP that can be used for this.

Hope this helps


12th Apr 2003, 05:59

Not sure if you have been to the balpa forum, but there are lots of moving piccies (including avatars) accompanying member's postings!

So, any help please.