View Full Version : Origin's next intake

4th Apr 2003, 11:30
Is anyone aware of the date of the next Origin Pacific intake, whether it will be on the J31/32 or J41 and what sort of experience/personality Russell is looking for?

Split Flap
5th Apr 2003, 07:39
Will probably be a little while I imagine, 4 guys yet to start off the last 41 course and still a few waiting from the last 31/32 course. A couple of blokes on the 41 have 'Yes' letters from other airlines but no resignations I'm aware of. Expect some more movement if Air NZ or Cathay grab a few but untill then not much happening.
As for preferences/experience for crew, 31/32 pilots seem to start with 800-1500TT and 41 2000+. Not really sure what finally gets you the phone call but regular updates never hurt.

big buddah
6th Apr 2003, 09:59
Currently 6 off the last j31 course to start, so can't see another intake until end of year at the earliest for the 31.