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4th Apr 2003, 07:06
I am impressed by the general level of comment in PPrune and the military forum in particular. At this time of international conflict when our troops are facing an uncertain future in the Gulf and their families are stressed by the possibility of their loved ones not returning, I find it mildly offensive that life continues as normal (my problem I know). That's life and ever must it be so. However what really grips me is the media with their constant presumption, uninformed comment and general melodrama which portrays an unproductive, pandering, speculative, compromising attitude.

Personally, I am very impressed by our leadership and our forces dedication and professionalism. I wish every member of our armed forces, be they airman or brigadier, God speed. I hope they are ignorant of the bullsh** that is going on in the press at the mo' and remain focussed on their task despite the personal stresses they face. In the meantime, Good Luck and Thank You. May your water be coid, may your NAPS not frig your guts for ever, may you return safely to those you value and may the World accept the right of individuals to be valued with equality.

4th Apr 2003, 08:33
What really erked me today was Sky News giving airtime to that lying prat of an Iraqi information minister on one half of the screen, with a tasteless loop of video depicting a burning M1 tank on the other!

I hope the man is on air claiming that the allies are nowhere near Baghdad, when a GI walks through his door and sticks an M16 up his nose.:yuk:

Pete O'Tewbe
4th Apr 2003, 14:05
Hi Vulture

Long time no speak.

I echo all of the above. A few days ago, the BBC was live to Coalition HQ for a statement by AM Burridge. This started as a unemotional, calm, balanced overview of how the war was going and delivered in a manner that the journos seem incapable. I say "started" because after a few minutes we were returned to Dermot Thing and Natasha Wassername in the studio for more bovine waste matter. I therefore have no idea how the briefing continued.

Unfortunately, having journos deployed to such a low level means that anything they report, however minor, takes on unwarranted significance This leads people to believe that because of a minor blip where a soldier stubbed his toe when climbing out of his Land Rover, the war is therefore going badly for the Allies.

God speed!

4th Apr 2003, 17:31
It must be possible to establish a line between the excesses of the Press and the misinformation from "official" resources.

One example that comes to mind is the claims made for the success of the Patriot missile system during GW1. At the time we were lead to believe by "official" sources that the system was highly successful(96%?), but subsequently these claims were challenged by a number of people, not least Ted Postol of MIT - http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/roguestate/interviews/postol.htm
and Alexander Simon

I believe there were similar claims made about the success of "smart" bombs, which later proved to be highly inaccurate.

In some cases, an "official" source may well "plant" misinformation for the press to publish, on the grounds that it may have a purpose at that particular time.

If we cannot always believe the "official" source, it is probably not surprising that some journalists resort to their own fiction. A commonsense filtering of the news reports can usually result in a reasonable consensus. Rarely believe an "exclusive"!

4th Apr 2003, 17:34
Couldn't agree more with the above.

The behavior of some of the newspapers has been appalling. The editor of the Mirror (Piers Morgan - the slimy bas*ard) should be sent onto the front line and see how our boys out there look after him!

I understand, support and believe in the need for free media and reporting but at times of crisis, lets get behind the Government and the chaps and chapesses out in the Gulf!

Dan Winterland
4th Apr 2003, 18:03
I suspect it's because they feel the need to provide a balanced view, the only Iraqi view being put forward by the Minister of Disinformation and Dodgy Statistics doesn't really help.

But I agree with Del regarding Piers Morgan!

4th Apr 2003, 19:37
Iraq has banned Al Jazeera from reporting within Iraqi borders. It is always useful to see both sides of the story, UK/US and Arab.

Sideshow Bob
4th Apr 2003, 22:02
I tell you who really gets up my nose, that fat specky Tw*t of an expert on Sky news. He wouldn't know the true facts if they came up and smacked him round the head.

4th Apr 2003, 23:25
Bob, I hope you're referring to Francis Tosser, the daytime 'expert', because I quite appreciate the candour of Bill (something-or-other), their night shift counterpart. As far as I can tell, he is one of the very few of these experts that has actually got any time in uniform and isn't adverse to correcting the (w)anchor desk bo11ocks! That's probably why they only let him do the graveyard shift!

6th Apr 2003, 15:16
Thanks Vulture for your thread.

As one of the chaps out here on my Gulf holidays, OK not in the s**t and sand like some, my spirits were raised on hearing your views.

It is good to know that someone out there appreciates what we are trying to achieve.

Good on you.

6th Apr 2003, 15:37
Good Post Vulture.

Re Piers (I am the best ) Morgan. I was galled in the week when he hired that bloody idiot Peter Arnett. What a prat he is. Fired in GW1 and fired in this one for saying all the wrong things as usual. Just shows the kind of reporting that the Mirror believes in.

The general level of reporting has imho been below standard with the exception of a few. A very few. But I do think that the troops are being shown as very professional and that, to me, is above all the most important.

They are doing a brilliantly expert job and I wish I could be there, but the old pins wouldn't get me far these days. God bless you guys. Remember there IS support for you - much more than you realise.

We follow your every move in here too! ;)

Check 6
6th Apr 2003, 16:41
Yesterday afternoon U.S. time a press conference was arranged at the W. Virginia airport where POW PFC Jessica Lynch's parents were to depart on a Gulfstream jet to Germany to see their daughter.

Greg and Deadra Lynch were obviously very excited and upbeat knowing that Jessica is alive and that they would see her soon.

Some insensitive reporter (out of view of camera) asked her father Greg something to the effect of how he felt about the eight soldiers in Jessica's unit that were found dead at the hospital.

His disposition changed from upbeat to obviously very upset, and he said that he did not know this. Deadra Lynch briefing consoled him and they walked away from the podium to the Gulfstream after only two questions.

This is like asking a parent how he feels about his son being killed in an automobile accident.

You could hear a pin drop as they walked away to the jet.

:mad: :mad:

tony draper
6th Apr 2003, 18:46
Thats exacly the kind of qestions they do ask, "how did you feel when they found your daughter/so/childs body", ,move in for camera close up to see response, sick shallow pandering bastards.
I have had a low opinion of the media for a few years, I positively despise the twats now.

Good Mickey
6th Apr 2003, 19:25
Excellent thread V,

Jackonicko please take note!!

Chinese Vic
6th Apr 2003, 21:19
Tusa is a failed infanteer captain, who was first trotted out by Sky News during Op Allied Force - clearly an air-only campaign about which he knew nothing. Until now I thought it was just his ineptitude regarding air power rather than a complete lack of knowledge about any military activity!!! What a muppet.

The reporting during this campaign has been utter b*****ks. The UK based stuff is only capped by the recent edition of the Sandy Times with an article describing the Tornado GR4 with a picture of a pair of F3s! Well, I suppose (out here) they are both grey......

Of course the other option is Fox News, which pretty much deals with sound-bites and sensationalist US patriotism aimed at the 5 to 6 year old audience.

To everyone out in the sand who might be in a position to read this - stay safe guys.