View Full Version : Mutual support for ATPL study

3rd Apr 2001, 01:22
I've been mooching around PPRune for a few weeks now, and yet to come across anything that allows people to support each other during the ATPL study phase. Now if you're fortunate enough to be able to spend 25 weeks and wads of money doing the stuff in a classroom with other students then this isn't a problem, but those of us who are or are contemplating doing it by distance learning might benefit from having a means of supporting each other.

Any thoughts ?

Thanks in advance for all replies.

3rd Apr 2001, 06:36
It sounds like it could be an idea, giving each other help by email perhaps.

I've just started my ATPL studying with Bristol so would be glad to take part in any mutual study support.

Delta Wun-Wun
3rd Apr 2001, 12:16
A good idea I have also just started at Bristol.


3rd Apr 2001, 13:23
I'd definitely be interested if I can make the brainache decision of doing a modular ATPL. I keep backing out at the last minute. Now I've read that pilots with a frozen ATPL need upwards of 1000 hours before they can be employed. I do have the readies for a home-study ATPL but the extra 800 or so hours would be at least another 30K GBP. Do you know if it's really necessary to have all these hours?

Yours aye,
Cap'n Crunch

Unusual Attitude
4th Apr 2001, 00:25
Just at the end of the OATS phase 1 correspondence course myself and must admit it would be nice to have a regular contact with others going through the same torture !!

I believe there was a group of others looking at setting up a website for this purpose some time ago but I haven't heard any more about it ??



4th Apr 2001, 00:52
I've just finished my groundschool and managed to collect alot of feedback questions - loads of Principles of Flight !!!!!

I've been in touch with Danny about making them available on PPRuNe, which he has agreed to do as soon as I get a moment to make them PPRuNe worthy !!!!

Watch this space.....


Hear All...See All...Say Now't.

[This message has been edited by JB007 (edited 03 April 2001).]

4th Apr 2001, 01:21
talk to cron. He and Gedi and probably a few others set up a website a wee while back, the distance learning support group (search for it in pprune search). from what i remember, it got a lukewarm reception to say the least

4th Apr 2001, 21:16
Hi all. I'm just finishing my PPL and was wondering whether to dive straight into my ATPL (distance learning) or hang around and potter on with some other ratings first. What does anyone have to say on this matter?

Addtionally, any comments on the distance learning course would be appreciated. From what i've read here, it seems there's little support for those who are stuck etc..

Thanks to all

4th Apr 2001, 23:51
he Distance Learning Support bulletin Board was a good idea but doesnt seem to have caught on, the address is:

Maybe one of the Moderators can put a list of useful links somewhere obvious?