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Corporate Image
1st Apr 2003, 17:28
Does anyone have any advice on the Aerosystems Course?
(It's a while since I've been at school!)

Charlie Luncher
1st Apr 2003, 19:08
Buy an anorak, grease your hair up and push your glasses up on to the bridge of your nose with your thumb.

the quote of " I think you will find...." may come in useful

Charlie sends:p

Corporate Image
1st Apr 2003, 21:46
That's a bit rich coming from an AEO mate;)

1st Apr 2003, 22:04
I did the course some years ago. The first three months are hard work, concentrating on a lot of enabling subjects like maths, statistics, electronis, radar and so on. If its been a while since you did any maths, get an A level revision book and get reading. The next 6 months are also hard work, but the tedium is broken by some very interesting visits. There are some good exercises during the course, an opportunity to meet some great contacts, and of course a project to write.

Did you volunteer?

Seven of Nine
2nd Apr 2003, 00:27
Like max, did the cse a few years back - best move I ever made. First 3 months of academics were a pain; final 6 months including visits various to UK, Europe and States were a hoot. Don't get phased by horror stories of academics - people on my course with only a CSE in maths did fine - but do get a maths revision book before you go, to blow away the cobwebs.
Best part has been the interesting jobs that have come my way since doing it - including a top exchange tour. Because of the qual I've stayed away from the humdrum MOD/STC type jobs and it hasn't harmed my career, which is an accusation that is sometimes levelled at the cse.
Finally, I believe that you now come out of it with an MSc and also, the aerosystems tick is sought after by many companies which may be handy when your time comes to leave.
My advice is do it.

2nd Apr 2003, 01:12
I used to organise visits for the course and over the years have met many students. All said they thoroughly enjoyed it and although it was hard work they also said that it gave them really interesting opportunities for the future.

Corporate Image
3rd Apr 2003, 14:13
Thanks very much guys, I'm encouraged.

The Gorilla
3rd Apr 2003, 18:19

Does that mean you have found out you are on the next course?