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Rusty Cessna
1st Apr 2003, 14:28
Hi everyone.

After giving long and careful consideration to the service I wish to serve in, and much effort through the application stage, I was delighted this morning to receive the letter informing me of my successful application to join the Royal Navy as an Aircrew Officer along with my preliminary date for joining BRNC.

I wanted to put a quick post on here to express my great thanks and appreciation for all the help and advice I have received over the few years I have been on PPRuNe. This thanks goes out to everyone, but is specially aimed at the members of the Military Aircrew forum.

I am delighted to now have the chance to give it my all, and can now start preparing myself for the real work, getting through Dartmouth and flying training! I intend to give it 110%.

I realise under the current political and military situation my news is of minor significance, but I wanted to thank you all just the same.

As I say many many thanks, and I wish all future applicants the best of success. Right I've speiled for long enough, I'm off to crack open the rules of the road!

Kind regards,

PPRuNe Pop
1st Apr 2003, 15:48
Rusty, that is really splendid news. I know how hard you have worked and much you have motivated and dedicated yourself. Obviously the Navy recognise that quality in you too.

I am sure you will aquit yourself very well at Dartmouth.

Worry not about the current military and political situation. We still have to have people like you to join the services, whatever the state of the nation and the world.

Although there will be many of your friends on here giving you a fond send off, let me say that PPRuNe is right proud that you have at last achieved your goal.

Good luck to you Rusty. Keep in touch, when we look forward to hearing that you successfully passed through the famous doors of Dartmouth. Just think about who you follow.

1st Apr 2003, 15:51
As above mate. "Bravo Zulu". Hopefully you'll get a few of those along the way!

1st Apr 2003, 16:36
Well Done ! The good news is that you'll be flying something with THREE engines in the near future ! On the down side, the op to fit your wooden leg and stitch the Parrot on your epaulette will set you back a few bob.

1st Apr 2003, 17:11
Great news, Rusty.

BZ and all that salty banter. Looks like you'll be following my footsteps exactly 26 years on, and boy, does that make me feel old.

Good luck mate, and remember............Jungly.:D

1st Apr 2003, 20:44
Splendid news, Rusty. Congratulations from me and Madame S. Look forward to buying you one at the next Gatbash!

1st Apr 2003, 21:46
Well done, Rusty, and I envy you at this stage in your life. I hope that you see the Service as a career and not just as a stepping stone to an airliner. But be warned: giving it 110% will put you only at the bottom of the class as you can bet that your peers will try at least as hard. Try 200% for certain success!

And be further warned: the RN cannot be trusted. Many moons ago I rowed for the RAFC at BRNC. The night before the race we got well tanked up with the Navy types - as you do. Naturally we failed to notice the opposition 1st team sloping off to bed (bunk?) at 9pm and being quietly replaced by the 2nd team, who took us down town until 3am or so.

Strangely, we lost. :yuk: :yuk: :yuk:

1st Apr 2003, 23:56
Nice one mate, guess you're on the beers at the next bash then! :)

Good luck with everything,

Cheers http://indigo.ie/~owenc/starwars/images/pint1.gif

12 PSI
2nd Apr 2003, 04:10
Well done, good luck. Hope the holdovers are a bit reduced by the time you get there!

2nd Apr 2003, 06:15
Congratulations Rusty, I'm sure you'll do well!

Try not to let the fisheads grind you down with too much 'Rule of the Road' and just stay focussed on flying training. Enjoy the college and I'm sure our paths will cross at some point in the future.

As Ark Royal said....Jungly is the way ahead!!

Rusty Cessna
2nd Apr 2003, 18:36
Many thanks for all the kind sentiments, it's kindly apreciated.

I'm sure I will be buying the drinks at the next bash, whenever that may be!

With regards to Arky's and Snafu's comments about Jungly. I'm already on the case trying to get some more aquaints in the bag before I start BRNC, that aswell as lots of running!

Many thanks again to all.

2nd Apr 2003, 18:59
Now you have a place at BRNC, you may find it easier to open doors to fam visits and the like. It's always worth picking up the phone to the adjutant (or whatever the RN equivalent is) and asking the question.

PPRuNe Radar
2nd Apr 2003, 22:06
Good luck Rusty !!! You deserve it after all your hard work and dedication.

Have fun !!

3rd Apr 2003, 00:48
Hey Little Bro, great news! :ok:
Warmest congratulations from all of us at Fawlty Towers; Mr40 asks me to tell you he missses your "activities" on chat ;) but understands you have been busy.
No1 child is very much in awe of your accomplishment, and even more so after I showed her your piccie and she saw that you're not a lot older than she is.

I'll stop waffling; well done mate!
http://www.stopstart.freeserve.co.uk/smilie/kiss.gif http://www.stopstart.freeserve.co.uk/smilie/kiss.gif http://www.stopstart.freeserve.co.uk/smilie/kiss.gif

3rd Apr 2003, 02:36
Congratulations indeed. And $od horrible clattering helicopters, go for JSF!!

.......err, well actually the RN helo mates are a pretty good bunch. So whatever, have fun!

........but don't accept any invites to join the stokers' daisy chain or to inspect the golden rivet!;)

3rd Apr 2003, 03:29
But BEagle, surely they're entitled to some kind of social life while at sea! ;)