View Full Version : re: Sunstate Recruitment

1st Apr 2003, 10:11

Does anyone have any info on Sunstate airlines?? And when they will be recruiting next.


Flying_Triplet :O

3rd Apr 2003, 10:53
Hi Flying_Triplet

I fly for Sunnies. I have been there for just over 2 years. They have just done a ground school and these new recruits are now doing their inflight training. With regard to your question on when they will be recruiting next: the recruitment process in ongoing. They finish a ground school and start the whole thing over again pretty much straight away. The process takes time (maybe 6 months or so). The ground schools tend to be quite small - between 4 to 8. Usually they take on 4 at a time.

I notice they do tend to take on people who have had previous flying experience or those that they feel are quite confident in handling themselves in difficult situations on their own. Usually looking for a good amount of life experience. (Not just the pretty face!)

Sunstate are expecting a brand new Dash8 300 (50 seater) as an addition to the current fleet, so we definately need 8 FA's just to cover that. Then we do have some FA's who are in the family way at the moment, so we are expecting some vacancies to arise through maternity leave, also. (My initial position was to cover a maternity leave vacancy!) We usually have alot of people leave every 6 months with career progression, however due to the overstaffing problem with QF Domestic at the mo, there is NO movement. This has caused quite a rift amongst the FA's. The workload as a regional FA is enormous and the conditions are quite tough. Career progression is a great light at the end of the tunnel when you are feeling it is all too much. So with career progression on an indefinate hold there is an all time low at the moment. Career progression used to be quite quick from Sunstate years ago. Things have changed since then. I will probably be there for another 2 - 3 years (if things return to normal soon) New recruits can expect to wait for 5 (maybe even 6) years to go.

Sunstate are about to commence their negociation period for their new EBA. The flight attendants are all looking for dramatic improvements with regards to their working conditions.

Hope this helps you. (just at a glance it isnt an entirely posative email - but it is an honest one)

Good luck with your job hunting. C Ya out there.


5th Apr 2003, 20:15

Thanks for your honest comments and information, I really appreciate it!

See you flying some day .....happy flying and safe landings!

Cheer FT:O