View Full Version : Freedom of Speech

30th Mar 2003, 16:16
Can anyone recommend a site which, unlike PPRuNe, still supports the concept of Freedom of Speech?

I accept that the owners and moderators of the site have their own agendas and preferences, and that there are legal constraints within which they must work.

But the continual shifting of subjects from one thread to another, the merging of threads, the closing of threads, the disappearance of threads and posts, and the other things which occur behind the scenes are becoming a little tedious.

Frankly I couldn't give a toss what is or isn't being discussed on any other of PPRuNe's myriad fora. I inhabit Military Aircrew, in which I openly and happily admit to being a guest. I live a real life in the real world, I work a real job with real long hours, and I don't have the time or inclination to browse every other forum going in order to find one which may better suit the audience to which some incognitious censor feels it may be more appropriate.

I only post stuff which I feel may be of interest to the denizens of this forum, who, like myself, may or may not very often stray from its boundaries.

I would hazard a guess that a majority of the most popular threads on this site concern issues which are, or which may be, of interest to those actively involved with the business of being military aircrew; and not necessarily with such subjects as could concern such fine folk in the course of their day-to-day peacetime duties.

The bottom line, for me at least, is that the censorship and politics creeping into PPRuNe these days, war or no war, has taken the edge off its appeal.

I realise that I am fully at liberty to take my opinions elsewhere.

My only message to PPRuNe management is this; lose your audience, lose your sponsors, lose your site.

You cannot offer a forum for those who defend freedom of speech on the one hand, and deny them the opportunity to express such on the other. Regardless of the administrative or political excuses you may offer.

30th Mar 2003, 16:42
It will be interesting to see if you get any replies of agreement
or will fear prevail...I think there is an analagy here with a current thread!

30th Mar 2003, 17:20
Are you paranoid or what?

The email you posted is back, albeit in another thread, (not to mention in several previous postings, either in part or in full, here on PPRuNe + lengthy discussion). It's not new, it's not news and it is pure conjecture. Why make such an issue? Apart from which since when has a fairy tale been appropriate material for a Military Aircrew forum? Relax, you are not that important.

30th Mar 2003, 17:21
BlueWolf, Who told you that speech was free on PPRune? :rolleyes: On top of that presumptious statement you now expect to get free links to other websites. :hmm:I inhabit Military Aircrew, in which I openly and happily admit to being a guest.It is very rude for 'guests' to be so demanding. I hope you don't treat your own guests with such careless ingratitude.I live a real life in the real world, I work a real job with real long hours, and I don't have the time or inclination to browse every other forum going in order to find one which may better suit the audience to which some incognitious censor feels it may be more appropriate.And did you realise that the 'censors' as you like to call us also have real lives and work full time. You appear to be under the impression that PPRuNe is somehow run from some edifice with hundreds of 'censors' monitoring everything that goes on 24/7.

Well, feel free to go off elsewhere or even set up your own website. Don't bother come back as ingrates are not usually welcome. I will assume that you will continue to hang around and won't do me or my mods ('censors') any favours by bothering to post any more on a forum where you are, as you put it in your own words, "just a guest".

Freedom of speech here is as free as it is for you to get something published in your local or national paper. Try bashing your selfish head against that wall for a while and see if you get very much 'free' exposure! :rolleyes:

A Civilian
30th Mar 2003, 21:00
Am I allowed to say anything yet? :)

tu chan go
30th Mar 2003, 23:33

Beacuse, according to your profile, you are not military aircrew, you do not hold a licence and you are only interested in radio controlled aircraft.

This is the MILITARY AIRCREW forum!!

30th Mar 2003, 23:53
No!! Beacuse, according to your profile, you are not military aircrew, you do not hold a licence and you are only interested in radio controlled aircraft.

.....and only people who fly big, noisy, swishy, fast and pointy things are allowed in here...... and that goes for all of you AAC and FAA pinger types as well....

Yeah, been here before in previous threads, it was sad then and it's sad now. I'd be delighted to learn why you think you have the right to dictate who does and does not contribute to the discussion on this forum?

You'll be telling me your dad can "have" my dad next.

I hope to god you are being sarcastic! If you actually mean what you just posted then it's just too sad for words.

West Coast
31st Mar 2003, 07:39
Are or were you mil aircrew?

swinging monkey
31st Mar 2003, 14:20

there you go again old boy!!:p
I've told you before, you really must learn to chill out:D
That old ticker of yours just won't take all this pressure, so cool it!

Mr civilian, as the vast majority of us know, is only on this forum to wind up profesional aviators like you and me. Don't play into his hands:( Leave him to get on with his little life, and his little toy aircraft, and leave the big, noisey, oily, swishy, pointy (can't remember any more) thingies to us, perfect:p

Sorry but I cannot agree old man. Yes, things are censored, but in the main we have a pretty free hand on this forum - far more so than any other forum I know of. Where else can we openly 'slag off' very very senior officers? I rest my case.

What you need to do old man, is to take yourself off with KBF, get down to your local tescos and purchase a bottle of the famous grouse! Then, the pair of you find a nice comfy chair, and sample the delights of Scotlands finest:O :O
Believe me, within a few minutes, all those little things that are troubling you so much will have vanished into obscurity, and the world will take on a whole new (and better) outlook.

Right, thats me finished. Do you think I could get a job working for 'The Famous Grouse' ?? I do enough advertising for them!!

Regards to all
The Swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, time for a trip to the Highlands I feel'

31st Mar 2003, 15:48
SM, I must report that my nearest Tesco is approximately 12,000 miles away...though that wasn't always the case. Grouse, however, is (mercifully) still available.

I penned an apology for my tired, late-night, alcohol-affected outbursts last night, but it seems to have vanished in the fog of over subscribed bandwidth which has seen me take fully twelve hours to get back in.

Danny, I know it's your site, and I'm really not the enemy. The comment about hackers was plain stupid, I didn't even mean it at the time, and I apologise unequivocally.

Ghengis, I don't believe I'm paranoid, regardless of what they're all saying behind my back;)

I believe that the essence of the genuine concerns I voiced have some validity, and maybe they are worth thinking about.

31st Mar 2003, 17:48
SM: I've discovered that Grouse gives me a stinging hangover without the intended pleasures beforehand. Talisker and Oban much preferred.

I don't know if you saw the nutse that went around about a year ago when a group of, what I can only presume were FJ guys, started pouncing on anyone they considered not worthy of their time. It all got a bit silly, with many of the type of comments we see above. I haven't really noticed if A Civilian is a wind-up merchant, but in any case, what's wrong with a contribution from non mil aircrew? I doubt any mil aircrew would shun their neighbour and would refuse to talk to them just because they were a surveyor and not a pilot, so I don't see what is so different here. NO huge dramas though, and my BP is still below 80/120.

A Civilian
31st Mar 2003, 18:19
Mr Monkey I wouldnt say im a wind up merchant but you could say I was a Monkey wind up merchant :O I missed you a lot after my banning for defending my country it just wasn't the same for some reason. Can't we both just forgive and forget.

Thx to the hackers for liberating me from my Schrodinger cat box :)

31st Mar 2003, 19:28

I have read some of the insane witterings of mr A Civilian this morning, and publicly and before all here present I apologise! Not only that I flaggilate myself hourly while reciting the Mea Culpa for all I have said.

Indeed Mr A Civilian is a wind-up merchant, either that or he is certifiable under Section 42 of the Mental Health Act. Ignorance is bliss, or in his case, situation normal.

Please accept my heartfelt apologies at even considering defending him, and as a token of my humble esteem, a case of Grouse is winging its way to you as we speak.

Yours humbly


swinging monkey
31st Mar 2003, 22:09
No apology needed old boy!
I'm sorry that the Grouse doesn't agree with you, how tragic:confused: Are you drinking enough I wonder?? I will await with joy for the case to arrive, and then drink to your health! - thank you.

same goes for you. I'm delighted that, despite the distance, you are still able to partake in the nightly tipple, well done:O

Mr civilian,
I must be going soft but, yes, lets forgive and forget. I promise not to give you a hard time, if you promise not to be quite so silly - hows that??

Maybe the four of us will meet up one day, and share the delights of a Grouse together (or an Oban for KBF)

Regards to all
The Swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, let's a wee dram for the boys & girls in the desert, and wish them all God Speed'

You want it when?
1st Apr 2003, 19:51
Marginally off topic but whilst Grouse doth not agree with KBF1 I can report that Gin makes him go out of totally out of focus and start to be silly - for god sake Angostura bitters is not a mixer by itself.

On topic - if you don't like the rules BlueWolf then why play?

3rd Apr 2003, 11:22

Not to nit pick in a forum of serious issues, but I hope your BP is actually 120/80 not 80/120 as you stated. A BP of 80/120 would be a prime indicator of death or it might make you alot of money since you'd be a significant medical anomaly:D :D Basically your resting cardiac pressure would be significantly higher than your working cardiac pressure. :uhoh:

swinging monkey
3rd Apr 2003, 12:55

Whilst a BP of 80/120 is, as you rightly point out, is almost certainly death:( it could also be an indicator that the afformentioned kbf has taken my advice literally, and has succumed to drinking the one-and-only 'Famous Grouse':O :O :O

This has patently had a serious effect, not only on his ability to think straight, but has caused him unneccesary heart failure!
Sorry KBF, RIP old Boy!

The Swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, did we ever get that case from kbf before he popped his clogs?'