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View Full Version : 2nd Interview at EK anyone?

30th Mar 2003, 04:30
HI pruners,
ive just recently had my 2nd interview with EK and have been told to wait around 4-6wks for an answer...has anyone else had a recent interview with them?does anyone know if sometimes its a bit quicker than this time?...i dont know what to do with myself for this time!!! :D :D :D

30th Mar 2003, 17:11
Gashbag Relax man there is nothing you can do. What I can tell you is that all Airlines that take ex-pat pilots are very inefficient in the area of 'office work'

They all expect you to be available at a drop of a hat for interviews which if you are unemployed is fair enough but otherwise not so and when they have a start date equally expect you to drop everything with little or no notice.
With the seemingly abundant supply of people wanting to join, then you can expect to hear nothing or you might hear something tomorrow! It is in the lap of the Gods.

Reverend Doctor Doug
30th Mar 2003, 21:58
As a vocal critic of the illusion that is Emirates, I must say that the one exception over the last few years is Recruiting. They are an excellent team selected from the ordinary folk. Most of them are not "company men" just line drivers looking for a break from the boredom of flying.

Yes they do often expect guys to be available at short notice, but this is more an opportunity than anything else. These things are not policy, just a reaction to candidates pulling out at short notice. They figure that it is a win win situation. They get someone to fill the slot, and someone gets an interview they weren't expecting. If you can't make the short notice trip, well that's unfortunate, but someone will, and many get jobs.

Things are extremely dynamic here. It is probable that even the recruiting managers are not 100% sure how many crew they need between now and the end of the year. Sure they have a number, but things change here quickly, and I imagine that this is one of those times.

Rest assured that if you have met the requirements, you will here in good time, if not i suspect you are in no hurry to get the news anyway.

The Rev