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21st Mar 2003, 11:17
21 Mar

Hours after the Marines have launched from Ocean to take the Faw Penninsua.....

BBC Newsdesk girlie to BBC reporter on Ocean:

"So what was the atmosphere like when the Marines returned?"


"Er......they're not coming back"

21 Mar

As footage from cockpit of Puma with marshaller visible doing 'land on' signal marshaller is shown.....

Bloke Newsdesk reporter:

".Oh..and there's someone surrendering......."


"Actually I think he's marshalling the helicopter"

adrian mole
21st Mar 2003, 12:23
21 Mar

Sky News - A female reporter standing near the Kuwait/Iraqi border:

"For a desert, there seems to be a surprising amount of sand..."

21st Mar 2003, 12:38
One I heard the other day (think it was on the Beeb):

"The MOAB Bomb is so big it has to be dropped from a Hurricane" :D

21st Mar 2003, 13:11
Slightly related:

A week or so ago BBC reporter was attending the press day at a base in Eastern Europe where Iraqis were being trained to take over running Iraq after the war-

BBC reporter to American, "Why are you doing this in secret?"

Ian Corrigible
21st Mar 2003, 14:00
US correspondent reporting for one of the majors (ABC or CBS, I forget which) from Kuwait City on Wednesday evening:

"Kuwait is using sniffer dogs to warn of chemical, biological and nuclear attacks..."

(Hint: if the dog starts glowing green and/or disappears in the roaring inferno of a 600 mph firestorm, it's probably located a nuclear attack):}

21st Mar 2003, 14:19
I'm not sure if this is a gaffe by the BBC (through poor use of English) or a gaffe by the person who said it. However, the BBC website reports:

"A leader of the Palestinian militant group, Hamas, urges Iraqis to defend themselves by carrying out suicide attacks against the advancing American and British troops in their country."

Now forgive me for being dense, but is blowing yourself up really the best form of protecting yourself? :confused:

RubiC Cube
21st Mar 2003, 16:07
Buff Hoon in Parliament today

" The British Royal Marines...."

Are there any more Royal Marines??

21st Mar 2003, 16:23
Any country with a monarchy and a Marine Corps..

21st Mar 2003, 16:33
Aren't the Dutch Marines 'Royal' as well?

21st Mar 2003, 17:41
A reporter on Sky news today came out with the revelation:

"It seems to me as though a great deal of planning has gone into this operation".

How much do they pay these people?

21st Mar 2003, 18:31
seen on Sky News this morning - interviewing an Air Ship watching a guy with an SA80 wearing UK desert DPM and speaking in a definate English accent - which country do you think he is from?
HIs Airship - i have no idea

Noah Zark.
21st Mar 2003, 18:45
Idiotess anchor person on morning T.V. trying really hard to get more "nitty gritty" out of a U.K. Military Officer spokesman, who had given an account of the Marines demise in the helicopter crash " So is it possible to survive a crash like this?"
Obviously not, stupid bitch.

21st Mar 2003, 20:29
Sky News tonight. Shaky green videocam shot of reporter in Bahdad with minaret framed in background, talking in suitably high pitch to give sense of drama when we hear air raid siren going off. Reporter finishes sentence and then says "and thats an air raid siren!"

Also, earlier today on Sky or BBC (can't remember, they're all as pathetic as each other) anchor is chatting to some resident expert or another and dramtically breaks off the interview and says: "Sorry, we are breaking this off to go live aboard the USS (put in suitable name) where we have live pictires coming in!"

Cut to another shaky videophone shot of the wake of a ship and the horizon! Big wow! :rolleyes:

21st Mar 2003, 20:30
Not exactly a "media gaffe" althoough is was broadcast over the media.

Several Iraqi officials, including those waving silver plated AK47s, said "All US and UK forces will not get out of Iraq alive."

A good example of what used to be described as "Whistling in the dark".

Having contributed that, I remain incredulous at what is going on . What will History say, I wonder?

21st Mar 2003, 20:42
Apparantly, Sec Def was asked why they hadn't stuck to the Warplan at the start.

His reply was along the lines of, "I can't remember giving you guys the Warplan?"

All seriousness though, I find it quite shocking the the media has such a total disregard for how dangerous their info could be. One day...

21st Mar 2003, 20:46
Radio 5 Live last night,

Reporter from Baghdad describing the bombing earlier that day, 'the attacks included cruise missiles, laser guided bombs' prat in studio then asks 'so what caused the damage' :rolleyes:

21st Mar 2003, 20:48
Same Bitch as above

"So this aircraft has a bad safety record, when are they going to ground it then, it seems to be dangerous"


21st Mar 2003, 21:04
I loved the video sent out...with narration by an "embedded" newsy with the US 3rd Herd......whilst his group of Tanks were waiting to hit the fuel bowsers.....Video Cam focused on our hero stuck in a tank turret....Newsy says...and now my camera man will pan around the horizon and give you a view of what we can see.....as the cam pans leftwards towards the direction of march....Newsy says....and there is the leading unit at the fuelling point.....cam continues to left to show column of other armored vehicles....stopped in the track.....and a Squaddie....standing in the open....legs apart....both hands clasped about the Wife's Best Friend.....doing what Wellington suggested to the young officer who asked what sage advice the Field Marshal had for a young man starting out in the Army...."Piss when you can!" It was slow pan left....rapid scan right!

Pontius Navigator
21st Mar 2003, 21:15
1035 GMT this fine sunny morn. B52 launches from Fairford. BBC Idiotess says "So the bombing is going to take place during the day now?"

Incredulous reporter at the other end, "No actually it will take them 6 or 7 hours to get to Iraq and Iraq is 3 hours ahead of you."

"So it will be dark then?"


21st Mar 2003, 21:16
Classic from ignorant bint interviewr in CNN studio asking questions of their 'expert': "Are these the same B52's as used to drop the first atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki".

I knew some of them were ignorant but this one took the biscuit for total ignorance! :rolleyes:

Pontius Navigator
21st Mar 2003, 21:19
Later, probably the same failed BBC navigator.

"The B52s took off from Fairford at 1030 this morning. They will reach Irag in 4 or 5 hours."

Not unless they underwent a mid-air swing wing modification.

BBC Star.

Anchor trying to impress. "And that is an F18 moving on the deck"

Expert. "No, its an F14 actually."

Some 10 seconds later it was possible to discern the tandem cockpit and shortly after the vertical stabilisers.

John (Gary) Cooper
21st Mar 2003, 21:28
Total crap isn't it?

Why don't these reporters just stick to the facts and ask the official spokespersons in the field what is the heat of the meat, so much speculation it is unreal.

Wee Jock
21st Mar 2003, 21:31
Earlier this evening on Sky, wobbly picture of Baghdad being pounded, reporter says 'I'm going to have to take cover.' Several minutes worth of thunderous explosions, smoke, flames, crashing glass, you get the picture. Wobbly voice joins the wobbly picture and the same reporter says, 'I'm just going to put my helmet on.' What a muppet.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

21st Mar 2003, 21:32
Interview on CNN with US trooper about to go and do the biz:

Soldier: " I am just glad to be able to go out and get revenge for what happened on Sep 11 with the hijackings and all that...."

Reporter: "But there is strong proof and opinion that the Iraqi government had nothing to do with that.."

Soldier: "Oh OK...well I am not sure.....that is something you will have to take up with my higher command..."


21st Mar 2003, 21:36

saying that all next of kin regarding the 8 marines had been informed. Sadly they had not.

I look forward to the apology or the removal of reporting privileges to these joderel bankers.

21st Mar 2003, 21:40
Personally I find the statements of the blindingly obvious to have greater amusement value than simple mistakes due to ignorance.

I mean, when faced with a reporter wailing on about hearing jet noise <explosion in background>, "those are jets" <more explosions> "they are bombers" <boom boom boom> "dropping bombs"... you've just got to admire that sort of detailed commentary.

21st Mar 2003, 21:50
On the morning after the first precision strikes went in, a US official was quoted as saying that F117s had delivered Tomahawk cruise missiles....I don't think so!


Pontius Navigator
21st Mar 2003, 21:54
Fox News " . . . and all these aircraft can provide close support WHEN REQUIRED."

and when not required too?

"All these aircraft can take-off and attack targets in Iraq."

Yeah and Iran too perhaps?

21st Mar 2003, 22:15
This thread's giving me tears of laughter - just what we need with all this stuff going on...:O

Wee Jock - ace post :D

WE Branch Fanatic
21st Mar 2003, 23:07
Not sure if it counts as a gaffe but...

BBC South West were reporting on support from service famillies, and they were reporting from RNAS Yeovilton, and were showing lots of pictures of Sea Harriers on the ground. To the uninformed this might give the idea that they have been deployed. Worse, it might lead to the famillies of the personnel who have been deployed not getting the support they deserve.

21st Mar 2003, 23:33
TV report from an un embedded reporter doing his own thing and really making a point to the studio anchor of not letting on exactly where he is ".....the actual border is 3 miles over my shoulder....cant say where I am.....a mile to the west is the main Kuwait-Basra MSR"!!

SNP leader on Radio 4 tonight replying to Tony's speach to the nation yesterday".....our scottish forces...." So thats another country for Dubya to add to his list of supporting nations then.

Ex Janes pundit commentating on the departure of the Fairford Buffs"....and of course the crew can eat on these aircraft"

The guy that gets my vote is that muppet on SKY news, more of a speculation expert than anything to do with defence if you ask me....To**er? or something like that.

So many channels, so little time.

21st Mar 2003, 23:50
WEBF - I take my hat off to you, sir. Getting a reference to the SHAR into this thread has to be a stroke of genius. Or a stroke of something, anyway... ;)

Hertz Van Rental
22nd Mar 2003, 01:18
BBC bloke last night.

"The US Marines have launched a major assault on southern Kuwait"

or even the Radio 4 interview with an "expert" who mentioned that use of cluster bombs would result in large numbers of unexploded musicians on the ground.

22nd Mar 2003, 05:42
Yesterday, I sat through (and noted) many of the gaffes mentioned already and groaned or laughed along with most of you. One interview, actually not a gaffe, was by the CNBC reporter with the 7th Cavalry (David Bloom?). I have to say that, to give credit where it’s due, his reports were the best I saw all day…

But the one from him that warmed the cockles of my heart was where he was perched on the back of a tank recovery vehicle giving a quite lucid (and of course loooong) report to the anchor back in the studio of what he’d seen and what was going on.

Throughout the whole report, where he was repeatedly switching from headset to mobile phone with great alacrity, there was a helmeted soldier to his immediate left who was in profile, apparently taking absolutely no notice of either the reporter or his camera. This individual was seen to adjust his headset and have a dig in his ear, remove a glove and put it back on - (I was half expecting him to use his briefly bared finger to go in deep search of a booger or three, but to my disappointment, he didn’t) – and simply sit there apparently totally oblivious to the reporter at his side.

After five or so minutes of conversation with Bloom, the anchor back in the studio asks Bloom who is the soldier beside him. Bloom goes into serious overdrive, saying that this bloke is Sergeant Major *** ****, one of the ‘stars’ of the Army, and goes on to say how this guy was one of the Rangers involved in the Black Hawk down incident in Somalia, as well as being a veteran of every bit of gun play the US Army’s been involved in since GF One. (For those who didn’t see this interview, I’m talking about a serious rap, as only an American can do.)

So after the intro, Bloom asks Sgt Maj **** a series of questions… and gets clipped, ‘f*** you’ monosyllabic replies to just about every one of them. Like: “It’s been so easy up to now, is there any danger your men might get complacent?” Answer: “Nope.” Or “Are you confident your men will be able to handle the Republican Guard?” Answer: “Yep.”

It’s a classic, and I hope it’s repeated, for that one SNCO did more for the credibility of the US Army than any of the slick generals I’ve seen filling the screen all week or that truly dreadful Army recruiting advertisement they showed that is apparently now being played on the US networks.

And since this is a gaffe thread, I’ll get back on the subject. Of course, the silly bloody anchor referred to the Sergeant major as “Sergeant”.

adrian mole
22nd Mar 2003, 07:23
Female 'anchor woman' on BBC News 24 this morning.

"And now we go over to our reporter aboard the USS Mobile - hello, how are the troops with you feeling at the moment?"

"I don't know, I'm with the sailors..."

right chopper
22nd Mar 2003, 07:36
Caught one last night from a female reporter at Ali al Salem: "....and the Tornado GR4 is equipped with ALARM missile systems which gives a warning when anti radar missiles are around". Nice.

22nd Mar 2003, 07:51
Good to see those in the military can tell it like it is.
A Cpl in RE attached to US Marines was given a newsie a look around his kit before crossing the border (the newsie wouldn't say which border they were going to cross).
When asked by this incisive newsie about his training and whether the engineers were prepared for the coming conflict, the Cpl replied "Of course we're ready. We're British!".
Good call, oh and the newsie was actually speechless!

22nd Mar 2003, 08:00
I'm as vociferous a critic of journos as anyone, but only when they're being unnecessarily sloppy or sensationlist. Let's not forget, journos are jacks of all trades and it is reasonable for them to make mistakes, especially while having to ad lib on live TV, with an editor yakking their ear.

Such gaffes are a nice little in-joke for those of us in the know. Otherwise, they ain't particularly funny. I'm sure the 99.9% of the viewing public who aren't or have never been members of the armed forces are content with the quality of GW2 coverage.

Anyway, keep 'em coming.

22nd Mar 2003, 08:36
Sky news just now

Lovvie" reports from basra that a tank maint vehicle has been hit by a rocket propelled brigade"

Mike Vickery barely stops laughing.

22nd Mar 2003, 09:54
Danny's suttle grasp of the Arabic, a gaff or racial slur ?

22nd Mar 2003, 10:01
BBC reporter with troops entering Umm Qusar:

"...and they [The Yanks] have recovered Stinger missiles from the Iraqis...."

Girlie in studio:

"These missiles are supposed to be banned"

"Well...they're not banned.....they're used against ground forces"

22nd Mar 2003, 10:06
Viszla - sorry don't get it? Bint is an old Anglo-Saxon word first used in the late 9th century. Quote:

"verily I sayeth that just 'cos some moistened bint lobs a scimitar at you..."

Anyway back to th'thread:

Love the thread, but...

You guys don't get it do you? It's a game, just like us civvies slipping rude words into our PAs. Right now in the BBC canteen Dermot Murnahan is pissing himself with his mates about how many 'gaffs' they snuck into the last report. Go to www.hhack.org for their side of it...

Or maybe not. I'll get me dishdash...

22nd Mar 2003, 10:12
Sky News: Resident expert explaining precise battle plans for Desert Rats with his soopdoopa computer graphics. Cut to a shot of a logistics convoy stopped on the road through Umm Kasar. 'Expert' starts whittling on: and here we can see jerry cans... errrm... supposition, water. The troops will need water.

Next he superimposes red arrows from his sopadoopa graphics computer pointing to... jerry can! Next we more arrows pointing out all the different bits on the backs and sides of the lorries when suddently the drivers appear from in front of their vehicles, pulling their zips up after relieving themselves.

Judos to the 'expert who just carried on drawing arrows all over the live pictures before the the camera pans away.

I have visions of some 'luvvie' news director screaming into his mike trying to tell thr cameraman via some sattelite link to pan away!

What was so bleedin' obvious though, was the drivers getting out of their cabs at the start of the piece, walking around to the front of their vehicles, OBVIOUSLY going to relieve themseves in the first place!

Theses newsies are really makeing complete tw@ts of themselves. Mind you I was in hysterics watching the above unfold. :}

Vizsla, why would "bint" be a suBtle racial slur? Bint also means 'daughter' which references 'female'. Obviously your mind reads these things differently but I cannot help you with your prejudices. You are obviously involved with the 'media' and are not appreciating our 'taking the urine' out of the reporters lightly. This is a great opportunity for those of us in aviation to get our own back on all the rubbish we have to put up with from the media and I for one am enjoying this immensly! :p

22nd Mar 2003, 10:29
This mornings Ministry speech:

Mr Hoon in response to the "How long?" question responded with his latest catchphrase "Im no good at predicitions" and turns to Sir Mike and says "Mike"

Sir Mike replies "er umm hmmm er hmm!"


22nd Mar 2003, 11:29

Are you enjoying this as immensely as I enjoyed Blair and Bush drawing a link between this little war and our usual arguing point?


22nd Mar 2003, 11:34
Watching Sky news this morning,

when they were reporting on the possibility that an armoured recovery vehicle had been hit by a "Rocket propelled Brigade" whilst recovering some broken down armour.

Edited by Cipher 12:45 22/03/03.
Apologies, just noticed that this had already been posted by Hwel.

That'll teach me to read the thread before posting!

tu chan go
22nd Mar 2003, 11:53
Just watching Francis Tusa on Sky News. The advance into Iraq is going "almost painfully slowly".

The troops are at Nasariyah inside a day!! It would take Francis "I'm an expert" Tusa that long to drive from Kuwait to Nasariyah without a war on!

When the newsies don't have live pictures of explosions or troops moving, they really do go into speculation mode. What a load of codswallop! Is there nothing else happening in the world apart from this?

22nd Mar 2003, 11:55
Refer to Fox3's post (page 2), replace the word 'soldier' with 'Bush' and you have the whole situation in a nutshell.

22nd Mar 2003, 11:57
Sky news, cuts to live pictures from Baghdad with sound of muslim call to prayer blaring from mosque;
"And the air-raid sirens are sounding once again in Baghdad"

Oops :)

Pete O'Tewbe
22nd Mar 2003, 12:31
Just seen a live report on BBC2 from a journo on board one of the Fleet Auxiliary vessels. The caption in the top left corner read "RAF Sir Bedivere".

Sail Army etc........

Just an other number
22nd Mar 2003, 12:45
I just wish I had a dollar for every time a reporter says -
'plainly', 'clearly', 'certainly' or 'obviously'.
Is the BBC World Service worse than others?

Lu Zuckerman
22nd Mar 2003, 14:41
A reporter on one of the news networks was telling the viewers that the liberated Iraqis were jubilant in that they were giving the cameraman the thumbs up sign. :ok:

This is the same as giving the bird or the finger. If you happen to catch one of the Iraqis making a gesture by forming a circle with their thumb and forefinger it is the same as calling the viewer an A**H**e


22nd Mar 2003, 14:45
Its Arabic word for woman - get it now?

Latest "lovie" news is that we might have lost ITN's Crew with reporter Terry Lloyd - They have just been reported MIA

22nd Mar 2003, 15:56
Security is not a dirty word, it is just ignored.

Fox new report from the desert: "we are in Iraq......i am with the headquarters.....i cant say where we are....we have a break now after driving all day/night.....we will move at first light" Followed by cut to the anchor who states, that is our embedded reporter with 3ID!!

If any of you get the chance to watch Col Ollie North working for Fox News, he wins for me. Like having an RO as a press officer. Oh hang on, he is an RO :)

Pontius Navigator
22nd Mar 2003, 15:58
Lu Suckerman,

Very illuminating. An Iraqi in Saf Wan held out a banknote to the camera, pointed to SH and gave the thumbs up.

From what you say, this was giving sadam the bird and not a sign of appreciation. Is that correct?

Jeep, our UK ITV man is also with the 3ID just a mile or two outside Nasaryia. US forces have taken the two bridges in the town. They are consolidating.

He was unable to say exactly what was going to happen next because of operational security. The 3ID are consolidating and going to set off tomorrow morning.

Is must be true then

22nd Mar 2003, 16:09
The same reporter who thought Stingers were banned SSM's also referred to the CDS as "General Boyce"

22nd Mar 2003, 16:11
BBC Radio 4 this morning reporting the Sea King accident;

'These aircraft are based at RAF Culdrose'.

(That will soon be taken over by the Army if that leaks out!) :rolleyes:

Pontius Navigator
22nd Mar 2003, 16:18
And I think it was Nicholas Wytchell who reported ant-artillery fire over Bagadad.

With AAF who needs SEAD?

22nd Mar 2003, 16:26
What would you expect from the ginger haired midget, he was the BBC Royal reporter a few days ago. Better in Dohhaha than in TV Centre

Lu Zuckerman
22nd Mar 2003, 17:07
To: Ponchus Agrivator

From what you say, this was giving sadam the bird and not a sign of appreciation. Is that correct?

I didn't see a bank note. However if the Iraqi was holding up a bank note with Sadams' picture on it and pointing to the picture and giving a thumbs up it may have been interpreted as thumbs up for Sadam and screw you to the cameraman. It's too bad that cameramen don’t carry weapons.


Vortex what...ouch!
22nd Mar 2003, 17:14
Our intrepid reporter John Simpson referred to missiles slamming into the ground at three times the speed of light then corrected himself to only 3 times the speed of sound :D

And that paragon of CNN reporting Christiana Amanpour referring to the British 15th Royal Marine Brigade :D

Edited cos I can't spell :)

22nd Mar 2003, 17:18
Down side to "embedded press"....reporter says 12 pow...1 kia...3 wia....one pow has a bad attitude. Now in the old days....with no press about with video cams.....errr...."attitude problem" ? Not for long!

22nd Mar 2003, 18:22
BBC - Ben Brown interviewing USMC officer. USMC officer explains that some of enemy are discarding uniform, donning civvies and mingling with genuine locals. Explains that now-disguised troops are shooting at his men.

Brains Brown: So is that pretty dangerous for you guys?

Marine (amazed): It [being shot at] is always dangerous. And it is for you guys too.

22nd Mar 2003, 19:33
Watching CNN: a reporter at an A-10 base repeatedly stresses he can't say where he is but that the base is close to the Iraqi border. Back to anchorbint...

'We're always amazed at the action on those carriers...'

22nd Mar 2003, 19:42
BBC were showing the same bit of video of "American" tanks moving towards Amm Qasr.

However, the tanks were Challenger 2's and 90% of the other vehicles were British army trucks and land rovers - many bearing union jack stickers.

However not one single "expert" correctly identified ANY of the vehicle nor sussed the troops were wearing UK issue helmets.

Pontius Navigator
22nd Mar 2003, 20:10
The gaffe here was Fox news not spotting the one HOT piece of news when their reporter or expert told them:

"Here is a British Royal Marine of Four Two Commando examining an Iraqi soldiers kit and GAS MASK."

The commentator was correct in EVERY respect but no one picked up on why an Iraqi would have a gas mask!

Lu Zuckerman, oh dear. And I was hoping from what you said that it was the finger and not the thumb.

The banknote was definitely on SH. He did it twice. First time was quick and not clear. He lived so he did it again.

Arming journalists. You jest. They wouldn't know the enemy if they wore uniform with BAD GUY writ large. Surely this forum would convince anyone of that.

I've posted here because of my earlier post:

I did a Google search for Iraqi Gas masks and found several links. The ABC Online was not available but this link went back to Agence Presse.


It was on the wires 8 hours ago.

22nd Mar 2003, 21:48
P the Nav....

By now, as a Navigator, you must be used to having the right info...know where you are going....but can never get a receptive audience.

I was figgering the Iraqi's were counting on our side using the now banned Tear Gas......we agreed to quit using a non-lethal means of incapacitating them.....and now have to rely upon the more conventional (but permanent) methods. Go figger!

22nd Mar 2003, 22:49
Woff 1965: Surely someone in the BBC Newsroom must have twigged by now, due to the BEDFORD and LAND-ROVER logos plainly visible on the front of the vehicles? Also those Scorpions (non-Desert camouflaged) with TWO Union Jacks on the front are so similar to what was parked at LHR a couple of weeks ago!
The 'Duty Anorak' at Sky, Francis Tusa, would at least have spotted this one straight off.

23rd Mar 2003, 00:14
With Terry Lloyd of ITN 'MIA' I hope that the banter about journos will remain good natured. Anything else would be in poor taste.

tony draper
23rd Mar 2003, 00:25
I watched a few of T Lloyds reports, he kept saying how he was out alone not controled by the military, at one point he said he was just a few hundred yards from where the Iraq'a where dug in, he kept making the point of his freedom of action, I sincerely hope he turns up, but the press don't seem to have learned anything from Afghaistan, remember that lady reporter who was captured by the Taliban?.
I honestly don't see the point of it.
Also some poor buggah might have to go in somewhere and get him out.

Fg Off Max Stout
23rd Mar 2003, 00:35
BBC News "All Allied aircraft have one or more crew on board". Profound yet still technically incorrect if you count the UAVs.

Also, if the media are giving Baghdad several hours notice of B52s leaving Fairford then they need to be shut up.

23rd Mar 2003, 00:51
Even if BBC,Sky etal stopped showing film of B52's taking off from Fairford I am sure some "Peace" campaigner would put it on a website somewhere.

Anyway depending on routing, method of attack (ie CALCM, AGM 142, GBU or Mk 84's), target etc there must be a good 60-90 minute spread in time on target.

So take off time is only a crude guide for the Iraqi's - there are also B52's, B1's and B2's operating out of Diego Garcia and the CONUS which should further confuse things.

23rd Mar 2003, 01:08
Woff 1965,
I think that the spread of mission times is significantly longer than 90 minutes, even without the possibility of Fairford B-52s transiting via Moron (which has been reported). I'm not sure that AGM-142 is available this time, but would point out that even with -86 and JDAM alone, the potential difference in mission times is enormous. Take off times from Fairford can thus be of little value to Iraq, as you say, especially since with several of the weapon types involved Iraq has no means of doing anything to stop them.

He deserved it, then? Catch yourself on!

23rd Mar 2003, 01:20
Sat through my nightshift last night and realised that the BBC News 24 female reporter left at Fairford was having a worse night than me:

At 0218: 'The aircraft taxiing behind me (approx 75m behind and lit up like a Christmas tree) is probably a B-52 returning from Baghdad. It's impossible to say how many have so far returned, but it's not all 9 that left at ten thirty this morning.' Presumably it's very hard to spot such a small, quiet ac like the B-52 land and count the number that taxi past on your fingers!

At 0221: 'These are definitely the same aircraft that took off from here at about ten thirty this morning on their long journey to Baghdad. Ten hours there and ten back. They can do this because the B-52 can fly for some 18 hours without refuelling.' Now, I know my maths can be dodgy at times, but...

Whilst I accept that they will get a number of the technical military bits wrong, it's the blindingly basic gaffes that amaze me.

Shock report 2 mins ago on sky news:

'Soldiers can suffer stress, just like normal human beings. Believe it or not, they don't get training on how to avoid it.'

23rd Mar 2003, 06:54
Just watching live feed on all the news channels from Umm Qasr where elements of the USMC are held up by a couple of pockets of resistance, all appears to be going to plan and Tanks are currently mopping things up.

However the Journo on the scene is now getting hot anf bored and is starting to ask why only a few iraqis can hold up "his" advance.

He asked his of a Marine Grunt and also made the point that perhaps the action was being sanitised by the presence of live feed cameras.

Grunt came back "I anyone thinks this is sanitised then I invite them to go and visit the local recruiting office they can be foundon any street corner"


23rd Mar 2003, 08:01
Still at Umm Qasr troops have now pulled back to allow airstrikes, the Sky news crew locked their camera on the building that they were told was the target.

Suprise suprise target was a completely different one which just happened to be off shot (quick thinking by a US Marine - if we can see the pictures so can the enemy).

According to the Journo the RAF Harrier was closer to the Target than the US F-18. (It could have been an AV-8 from the USMC of course - but how would he know he's a numpty)

Bint in the Fox news studio nearly creaming herself with all the excitemet

23rd Mar 2003, 08:23
Early hours of this morning (insomnia!) CNN were giving the tech specs of the B52H.

Included was a top speed of 650mph. Now I know that they continuously update the BUFF, but 8 afterburning Olympus and a delta wing?

23rd Mar 2003, 09:20
The Sunday Times News Review, page 5

Photograph of the deck of the USS Theodore Roosevelt

Apparently they were about to witness the first multiple take off of US Navy aircraft from the deck of an aircraft carrier!

However, as the aircraft are tightly parked, with wings folded, and no crew on board, the caption of, 'Planes lined up for take off' is not quite appropriate.

Bo Nalls
23rd Mar 2003, 09:31
Same max speed as being touted on hhtp://www.af.mil/news/factsheets/B_52_Stratofortress.html

650MPH (565kts)/M0.86

Only reporting what the USAF are pushing out!

23rd Mar 2003, 09:32
If you want relief from the constant 'looping' of the same pieces of film/reporting seen on the 24 hours news channels - try switching onto Abu Dhabi TV (available on digital).

It's interesting to see the Arab view on the whole thing - English subtitles are available for those of you who don't know what 'bint' means.

23rd Mar 2003, 10:16
Sky news, back to RAF Fairford. Bint in studio,

"They have switched their engines on, but sometimes they switch them on two hours before take-off, to make sure they are fully warmed up".... I know the B52 airframe is old, but it is not steam-powered!

And the next day, "Let' see whether this aeroplane is about to take off".... said aircraft had no lights on, not even red beacons, nobody in it, was stationary and clearly parked up!

"How many engines have you heard switched on this morning?" The -52 has 8 each, luv......

Yesterday's Daily Telegraph. Big picture of crew standing on a steam catapult, two F18s just behind. Caption: "A Tomahawk cruise missile being launched...." and continues, "The American guided missile carrier was firing from the Red Sea"! My mother would be able to tell that the photo was of a busy flight deck!

Usual gripe - no journos seem to know the difference between the F and the GR Tornados, or their roles. To call either of them a "fighter" is a misnomer, as well.

:mad: Col North interviewed a senior US Marine. Inevitable and justifiable sadness about the loss of the Sea Knight, but it was all about the bravery of the US Marine crew with the 8 Royal Marines mentioned in the last 10 seconds as an afterthought. I know that Fox is a US network, but still....

Matt Braddock
23rd Mar 2003, 10:31
Seems it is not just the journos making gaffes on camera...Fox TV featured an American soldier who seemed to have forgotten his lines during an interview deep in bandit country.

The soldier had apparently been riding on a fast armoured vehicle in a convoy when it came under fire. The conversation went something like this.

"I hear you had a lucky escape soldier", said the journo.
"Yes sir, sir" said the squaddie.
"How close was the explosion?"
"Can't say exactly sir"
"But you told me earlier that it lifted your vehicle off the ground and threw it about" says journo crossly.
"Oh, yes sir, sir", says the squaddie, grinning while his mates in the background are falling about laughing.

Interviewer moves on swiftly to show the unit commander slumped asleep on the side of another armoured vehicle.

Draw your own conclusions.

23rd Mar 2003, 11:53
News of the world shows photo of US Marines Cobra firing chain gun with the caption:

"Puma strafes iraqi positions at Umm Qasr"

Few Cloudy
23rd Mar 2003, 12:08
"The B-52? Oh yes, that was used to drop the Atom bomb on Hiroshima wasn't it?" The expert, keeping a straight face - "Ah no, that was a different aircraft..."

I must be getting old... The lady was pretty anyway.

Sorry - Danny nailed that one earlier.

23rd Mar 2003, 12:32
And to prove they don't learn from their mistakes..........

Dreamot Yhingyman on the BBC watching the B52s launch

'So it's another daylight raid on Baghdad then'

Very sorry to hear about Mr Lloyd of ITN, but, judging by the story in today's Mail on Sunday he and his team were taking a hell of a risk in order to get the copy.

Embedded seems a lot safer place to be

blind pue
23rd Mar 2003, 12:38
Fox News

News team discussing the shooting down of the Tornado

News Anchorman

"Lets call in an expert, Major can you tell us something about the British Royal Air Force TORENADO. how many crew?"



23rd Mar 2003, 12:50
Terry was trying to bring an independant slant to reporting the truth and not "imbeded censorship" and as it's beginning to look like another blue on blue which, if not a cover up, should be interesting.

23rd Mar 2003, 14:13
In one of the papers:

Photo of C-17 being loaded at the rear with cargo with caption:

"B-52 Being loaded with Cruise Missiles!"

So what they gonna do, open the doors and let the sh!t out?

23rd Mar 2003, 15:21

Once again, I regret Terry Lloyd's loss

It was not, if the MoS report is accurate, strictly 'blue on blue'. Indeed the fire came from American forces, but directed at Iraqi forces who had come upon the journalists, and by some reports, were attempting to surrender to them.

It would seem that tragically, the choice to avoid censorship cost very dearly. I doubt there is much to cover up.

Having just seen, briefly before being pulled, Al-Jaseerah (SP?) pictures of obviously wounded US pows, I wonder if we really need this level of live reporting.

It costs lives and, had those pow's loved ones been watching, unnecessary strife. How long before someone gets a grandstand view of their son or husband being killed live on TV?

tony draper
23rd Mar 2003, 16:06
Great one on about lunch time,media loon in flack jacket with mic, crouching down.
"A fire fight broke out here between allied and Iraqies forces here about four hours ago,we dont know what started it"
Could have been they are at war mate.

23rd Mar 2003, 16:32
ITV Anchor: "The aircraft was a Tornado, believed to be carrying a pilot and a navigator"

Well, I suppose you could say that.......

Ali Barber
23rd Mar 2003, 17:23

I saw the interview with Daniel Demoustier (Terry Lloyd's producer) in hospital after the incident which may have claimed the lives of the rest of the crew. At no stage did he mention anything at all about friendly fire or even sighting friendly troops. He only spoke about the Iraqis who were overtaking and then the side of the vehicle was hit. I don't know where the Mail on Sunday got their story, although they claim one of their reporters rescued DD, but I would think that if coalition troops had just engaged the enemy they would check on the results before proceeding and would have noticed that someone (DD) needed first aid.

23rd Mar 2003, 21:56
MSNBC Sunday

Smart Anchor - Sec Rumsfeld let me show you this video of the Iraqi defence minister giving a briefing the other day, during which there was a loud explosion.

Cut to video, two benny hill looking generals in the scene. One reading the script, the other pointing to the dads army poster with military symbols on it.

Sound effect - kaboomo

Sec Rumsfeld - We missed

Smart Anchor - Pardon?

Sec Rumsfeld - We obviously missed

Smart Anchor - Yes but what about .....

A lovely glint in Rumsfelds eye at his own humour. I rather enjoyed it too.

23rd Mar 2003, 23:57
The worst thing is that with my cynicism, I expect that this level of live reporting is just the tip of the iceberg. By the time of GW3 (coming to a region near you in 2015) all of it will be sponsored by Microsoft and Coca-Cola, each soldier will have a small, helmet mounted camera and digital viewers (everyone) will be able to choose which soldier(s) to follow. 'If your relative is in the conflict, tune in live to MSN broadcasting and see him/her killed stone dead....live.':eek: :(

24th Mar 2003, 01:13
BBC News24: Shot of B52 at Fairford.

Bint in studio: "And here we have pictures of Bahgdad. Everything appears to be calm and quiet."


24th Mar 2003, 01:48
Generally, reporters saying something is "totally destroyed".

Asking friends and family of war victims "How do you feel?"

I predict the best war coverage (accuracy, balance, fairness, if not exhaustive detail), will be found in the Economist magazine, as I find with many other international issues.

West Coast
24th Mar 2003, 03:10
One of the talking heads described the C130 as being crewed by a single person. One bloody busy man I suspect.

24th Mar 2003, 04:49
Not a gaffe as such but an interesting choice of phrase ;

Alastair Stewart, early hours on ITV referring to the two Iraqi generals who surrended at the concealed chemical plant ;

'So we have some brass who are singing like canaries ?'

24th Mar 2003, 07:48
The stupid bint on BBC News 24 on Saturday night (22 Mar) that constantly kept referring to the B52's at RAF FAIRFIELD!

I am also getting fed up of journo's always reporting aircraft as being 'lined up on the runway' when they are parked. Wouldn't leave much of it left for take-offs and landings :rolleyes:

Finally, getting sick of our journo's reporting what the Iraqi journo's and authorities say, as being fact. Yesterday on Sky was a prime example. The guy in Baghdad was constantly reporting that 2 American 'pilots' (please guys, not all aircrew are pilots!) HAD ejected and HAD been captured, despite coalition reports that all aircraft had been accounted for, no footage of the 'pilots', no sign of the parachutes on the ground or in the river and no footage of the aircrafts wreckage. But some Iraqi had told him it was true, so it must be!

MadMark!!! :mad:

24th Mar 2003, 07:59
Last night on the beeb I think - "RAF Sir Bedevere". Didn't realise the Air Force did ships. Methinks the RFA might like it back!

Dan Winterland
24th Mar 2003, 09:15
Someone once profoundly said "The first casualty of war is truth". Can't remeber who but he was obviously brighter than me.

Some noted gems:

The Aussie chief of staff referring to the "English Marines". He might have just well have said "Poms".

According to the BBC, B52s have to warm their engines up for a full hour before taking off.

A Sky reporter confidently stating that the allies were going to lay a supply pipeline all the way from Kuwait to Iraq when seing AFVs with bundles of pipes on top. What he actaully saw were 'Facsines' which are dropped into ditches allowing tanks to cross.

Same reporter interviewing 'liberated' Iraqi civilians expecting nice comments. One Iraqi wnet up to the microphone, said "Bush" and then blew a raspberry. Priceless!

24th Mar 2003, 11:30
Remember from the first evening John Simpson reporting with one of those green camera things from somewhere in northern Iraq. "I'm xx miles SE of xxxx and we have seen intense US special forces activity all day. Indeed behind me you can probably make out a US vehicle (you could indeed see a vehicle but not as clearly to make out type)". After a couple more minutes of him blah blahing said vehicle drove off at speed. Idiot.

I too saw RAF Sir Bediviere (or however you spell it).

Sad to hear of death of Terry Lloyd. But lets hope the media learn a lesson from it - the front line is a place for the military, and the military only.

This is a great thread by the way. And if you journos dont like it - get stuffed, its payback time!

Chronic Snoozer
24th Mar 2003, 11:58
'The round-the-clock missions have been going day and night'


24th Mar 2003, 12:09
Please Al Lockwood, we have to put up with 'Skeduled' for Scheduled already among British officers. Please announce the name of Iraq as the Queen intended

Random UAS Stude
24th Mar 2003, 12:14
Not being an expert, but could it be something to do with G/C Lockwood's country of origin - ie New Zealand... I don't know whether they say Iraq or I-raq.

Just a thought...:)

Jet II
24th Mar 2003, 12:33
On the radio this morning he was tackled about the way he pronounces Iraq - he apologised and said that sometimes his NZ roots seep out.

24th Mar 2003, 12:58
The Sun today reports that "the Royal Household Artillery sent down a terrifying salvo..."

24th Mar 2003, 13:42
Sadly, this wasn't broadcast but was overheard being uttered by a South Today reporter in a pompey pub on Saturday afternoon;

Journo "I didn't realise that the Red Arrows were so good"

Soundguy(drinking copiously) "What do you mean?"

Journo "Well, they keep hitting their targets bang-on"

Soundguy(looking puzzled) "Keh?"

Journo "Aren't they the ones bombing Baghdad with missiles?"

Soundguy "I dont think so"

Journo "But they fly Hawks dont they,I remember that from last year and they're tomato coloured."

Soundguy "No love, they're Tomahawks not Tomatohawks."

Unfortunately I missed the rest of the conversation,being too busy Pi===ng myself laughing.

PPRuNe Radar
24th Mar 2003, 14:23
Pics of a KC135 refuelling A10s over Northern Iraq just now on Sky News.

The studio expert commented that the pilot would be topping up with AVGAS ... might give the A10s an extra 50Kts I guess ?? ;)

gas path
24th Mar 2003, 14:35
Angela Rippedem?? and some 'defence expert' who should have known better discussing the B52's at Fairford.
"Eight extremely powerful engines."

Hhhmmmmm! the TF33 I don't think so:confused::rolleyes:

24th Mar 2003, 20:56
It seems TV news services aren't legit any more without the "Ticker" headlines running along the bottom of the screen.

A couple of botches I've seen:

War in Iraw (extra bold!)

Australian SAS tropps diffuse Iraqi ballistic missiles ...

24th Mar 2003, 21:56
Not really a gaffe, but have you noticed how the luvvies are getting increasingly annoyed that the war is not proceeding at the speed they would like, (start for breakfast bulletin, juicy fire fight at lunchtime tea and medals for the evening slot); and that they are not treated to ALL the facts and planning info they would like.

Classic on ITV news was some bint postulating that with the 'ever increasing death toll, the allies might have to re-think their strategy'

At the time, only one brit from enemy action and precious few more US.

I'd bet that if the news hounds were told the expected casualty rates, they'd faint.

Well done to all down there. I wish you all a safe return.

25th Mar 2003, 00:08
Don't know about it being a gaffe, but just loved the way that the Fox News chappie in Kuwait would whip on the "gas mask" when the warning sirens started to go.

When asked should'nt he be wearing a suit as well, he pointed of to the left and said it was nearby, then explained that it was only a warning siren and when the real siren went of they would have time to jump into their suits.

Must be good TV to have these masks on, what?

25th Mar 2003, 06:33
Noted for the first time this conflict on the BBC (although I usually watch CNN/Sky).

Paul Beaver is in the building get your shovels ready boys.:)

25th Mar 2003, 07:01
What a very curious excuse - Iraq yes, Irack sometimes; but Eye-raq? How long has he been away?!

25th Mar 2003, 07:43
If I worked for Tie-Rack I'd be getting a bit nervous...

Kiting for Boys
25th Mar 2003, 08:11
BBC 5 yesterday

The American third Merchandised Infantry Division

25th Mar 2003, 08:56
Here in Ireland a so-called "expert" was discussing the discovery of Russian equipment and the US demands that Russia cease selling stuff to the Iraqis.... "it was in very good condition, packed in boxes and with the acrylic lettering on the side, so it was definitely Russian". So they were selling them tiles then?

And 5Live last night constantly referred to "the two Apache piolots".

25th Mar 2003, 10:39

Further to your comments on newsies with gas masks, I saw on the telly that when the US marines in Umm Quasar masked up, they did not put gloves on.

Now, I recall being told during NBC training in my time in the RAF that 1 drop of nerve agent on bare skin would kill. Do these chaps ahve some new kind if Nivea anti-NBC moisturiser which not only keeps your skin smooth but protects you from gas and germs?

25th Mar 2003, 10:45
US Merchandised Inf Div....I think that's called a Freudian slip!

25th Mar 2003, 13:24
I read in the paper the other day that they are going to use satellites to make sure that there are no civilians around before blowing up a building- how can you possibly tell the difference between a civilian and a soldier or whatever from a satellite photo?:confused:

Huron Topp
25th Mar 2003, 14:12
Civilians are the ones shooting.:}

25th Mar 2003, 15:20
Local radio reports on "Queen's Dragon Guards"...

25th Mar 2003, 15:57
how can you possibly tell the difference between a civilian and a soldier or whatever from a satellite photo?

Thinking about it, that might actually be possible as satellites can take images clear enough to read a headline of a newspaper being held by someone on a street. It does presume that the Iraqi soldiers are dressed as soldiers of course, and not disguising themselves as civilians.

28th Mar 2003, 06:29
But can they spot a civilian dressed as a soldier?

28th Mar 2003, 06:58
Subject: FROM SKY NEWS.....

"Umm Qasr is a city similar to Southampton," UK defence minister Geoff Hoon said in the Commons yesterday.

"He's either never been to Southampton, or he's never been to Umm Qasr" says a British squaddie patrolling Umm Qasr.
Another soldier added: "There's no beer, no prostitutes and people are shooting at us............................
It's more like Portsmouth!"

28th Mar 2003, 07:36
Flicked on TV last night just in time to hear talking head referring to " a great display of formation flying overhead as Coalition jets refuel from that aerial workhorse, blah blah blah, the Hercules."

Camera then moves off the talking head to show a KC-135 refuelling some FJs.

Must be the hitherto unseen "M" model Hercules.


28th Mar 2003, 08:21
No Prostitutes in Portsmouth?

Your 'avin' a larf, enchya?

Dan Winterland
28th Mar 2003, 16:38
'Merchandised Infantry Battalion' - probably. I predict in two years you won't be able to walk ten yards in Bagdhad without coming across a MacDonalds or Starbucks.

28th Mar 2003, 16:44
Was the interview with the American wounded, in Ramstein, the first sponsored news report?

In front of each serviceman, a can of Diet Coke, turned carefully to display the label in full.

We'll soon have Harriers resembling Formula 1 cars!

28th Mar 2003, 19:16
Senior British Officer describing the layout of Basra:

"It's not at all like a smart part of Reading"

And just where is a smart part of Reading?

28th Mar 2003, 19:23
This morning the BBC reported overnight attacks being made by F-14 Tomahawks...can't be going our way if they've already rolled out the kamikazes !


28th Mar 2003, 19:34
BBC Ceefax the other day was reporting that one of the Iraqi TV broadcasting buildings had been hit by a land-delivered cruise missile.

Are we now Fedex-ing them as a cost cutting measure?


adrian mole
28th Mar 2003, 20:41
CNN reporter last night said they had a reporter attached to the Royal Irish Marines....

Female 'anchor person' on Sky News this morning kept calling the ship 'Sir Gallagher' even though it's name was clearly legible centre screen...

28th Mar 2003, 21:36
Maybe she is an Oasis fan?

I reckon parachuting Liam Gallagher into Baghdad should have the Iraqis capitulating in no time!

28th Mar 2003, 22:01
On Al-Jazeera, (the western press does not have a monopoly on fools)

Rugged field reporter commenting on US paratroopers digging in in N Iraq after successful paradrop. "...and there are now digging in to make defensive positions."
Nice female anchor. "Can you tell us why they are filling all those bags with soil?"

Not 10 secs later she is talking to another newsie in Baghdad
Rugged city reporter. "...and you can see trails from the B-52s, which are equipped with jammers to make interference so the SAMs cannot engage them."
Nice female anchor. "Why would they want to that?"
The reporter, lost for words, thanks Allah when the sound of explosions cut his report short

The lady concerned is very nice but is called Fatima, woah, frightening thought.

28th Mar 2003, 22:43

Now that would breach the Geneva Convention!

(In fairness to David Willis, he'd corrected the 'F-14 Tomahawk' gaffe so that the name was right by the time of the 1300 news)

28th Mar 2003, 23:09
BBC NEWS 24 Keep referring to HMS Sir Galahad. They also just had a former RM Officer on talking about M1 ABRAHAMS Tanks. Ho Hum :-)

28th Mar 2003, 23:15
To be fair it's a bit harsh to knock the press when on the MODs official Op Telic website they have a picture in their photo galleries of an F3 refuelling from a VC-10. I'm sure that the crew of the USAF KC-10 are really pleased with their transfer to the RAF and also the renaming of their aircraft. Oh well I suppose it is only 1 letter out!!

29th Mar 2003, 00:31
BBC man in Harrier hanger in Kuwait "...and another (Harrier) behind me is just starting its engines ...". Mmmm, I wonder just how many R-R Pegasus Mk 105's are being squeezed into a GR7 airframe nowadays...?

- P. :rolleyes:

29th Mar 2003, 01:20
It appears that Liam Gallagher has been deployed on psyops duties already...

Excerpts from Freeserve news:

'Liam Gallagher has apparently condemned Coldplay frontman Chris Martin as a "kn*bhead student" for expressing anti-war views at a fundraising show.

The singer criticised Martin for his timing and labelled Martin's girlfriend Gwyneth Paltrow a "gawky bird".

The Oasis frontman made the attack at the backstage bar after he performed at a gig to raise cash for the Teenage Cancer Trust.

He told The Sun: "When Coldplay did this gig they banged on about the war, that's wrong. Chris Martin shouldn't be using this cause to bang on about his own views on the war. If him and his gawky bird want to go banging on about the war they can do it at their own gigs.

That lot are just a bunch of kn*bhead students - Chris Martin looks like a geography teacher. What's all that with writing messages about Free Trade on his hand when he's playing. If he wants to write things down I'll give him a pen and a pad of paper. Bunch of students."

I assume that the F-words have been deleted from this, since it is impossible to conceive any scenario where Liam Gallagher utters more than four words without saying 'F___k'.

To borrow from the Duke of Wellington, I don't know what efect he'd have on the enemy, but...

29th Mar 2003, 03:27
BBC female with Harrier force in Kuwait interviewing youngest Harrier pilot in theatre, names him gives his age and then talks to another pilot calling him 'Don' because they don't want to give the pilots' identities away. She then goes on to say that we can see the RAF technicians attaching a laser-giuded bomb to the harrier, cut to two tecchies bolting on a fuel tank :)

29th Mar 2003, 03:49
Not for what he has said....but ITN's Bill Neely.

Why - for dressing up in desert DPM and helmet and looking like an air cadet!

(Notice he has the duty LARGE helmet cover on his MEDIUM kevlar!!):D

West Coast
29th Mar 2003, 12:53
Local news anchor asking a reporter in Kuwait City who actually viewed the silkworm in its final stages of flight twords the mall

"Was it up at a high altitude like the cruise missiles, or was it low level like the sidewinder missile"

On MSNBC, Chis Mathews asked a reporter in Kuwait why they were against the war. The reporter in a semi tactfull manner clued him in that they are about the most pro war country around.
Mathews: I'll take your word on it"

Later with another guest, he asked why the republician guard has put up so much of a fight, the reporter then informed him that they haven't fought them yet. He moved on without missing a beat.

29th Mar 2003, 16:10
BBC News 24, reporting the shooting down of "an American drone" while showing film of a downed Predator with very large RAF roundals showing.

29th Mar 2003, 16:44

It was a BAE SYSTEMS Phoenix that they were dancing round

29th Mar 2003, 16:46
Man on the fence.

I had that n*b head in me sites in my truck at riat but missed. I will try harder next time. honest.

Regards and all that.;)

adrian mole
29th Mar 2003, 17:02
MG - Afraid it was a Phoenix (British) and not a Predator (US). Mind you we lost 10 of them in the Kosovo campaign.

Have a look at:


30th Mar 2003, 04:58
CNN Reporter on the HH-60G Pavehawk (A blackhawk with extra bits on it):

"These aircraft are call sign "Jolly" after the Jolly Green Giant because they are green and they are big"....

Thanks for playing..

30th Mar 2003, 06:09
Can't believe what I heard in the Chinese Take-away tonight.....

Teenager checking out the menu:

"Is Special Fried Rice better than Fried Rice?"

He is in the Services - I am really concerned about the calibre etc etc

30th Mar 2003, 06:14
can anybody confirm that the same Iraqi farmer's bolt-action rifle that brought down the AH64, is the same one they used to knock out the 3 A1 tanks:}

what would have knocked out those tanks anyway, one took multiple hits in GW1 and kept on ticking.....now 3 us hulks in one go.....how come?:confused: surely an RPG cant inflict enough damage to the armour of an Abrahams to put it out of commision....a Bradley or Warrior yeah, but not an A1?:confused:

30th Mar 2003, 08:04
Not a gaffe, but a good quote from Ferdinand Mount in the Sunday Times:

"Speaking as a lance-corporal in the Queen’s Own Pundits, I am aware that the one thing we are good at is friendly fire. And if we ever turn out to be right about military strategy, it is by accident."

DC Meatloaf
30th Mar 2003, 09:48
I didn't actually see this one, but it's quoted on NRO (http://www.nationalreview.com/thecorner/corner.asp) as having come from Fox News: Briefing reporters on condition of anonymity, Prime Minister Tony Blair's official spokesman said Saddam had sacked his cousin, Musahim Saab al-Tikriti, and replaced him with Gen. Shahin Yasin Muhammad al-Tikriti.
So much for "Deep Throat"...

31st Mar 2003, 01:56
Well I knew it was Brirish anyway. And it began with a "P please Bob". :D

31st Mar 2003, 14:38
Probably reported elsewhere but I like this and it's worth a repeat

CLASSIC QUOTE: A quote from Sky News

"Umm Qasr is a city similar to Southampton," UK defence minister Geoff
Hoon said in The Commons yesterday.
"He's either never been to Southampton, or he's never been to Umm Qasr"
said a British Squaddie patrolling Umm Qasr.
Another soldier added: "There's no beer, no prostitutes and people keep
shooting at us. It's more like Portsmouth."

31st Mar 2003, 18:00
They use the Jolly callsign because... well, what he said is absolutely correct.:)

Vortex what...ouch!
31st Mar 2003, 22:03
Some really don't have a clue. How can we trust these people?

NBC, MSNBC terminate Arnett
March 31 — NBC and MSNBC on Monday said they had terminated their relationship with Peter Arnett after the journalist told state-run Iraqi TV that the U.S.-led coalition’s initial war plan had failed and that reports from Baghdad about civilian casualties had helped antiwar protesters undermine the Bush administration’s strategy.


31st Mar 2003, 23:09
Was that the same interview with Mr Beaver this morning where he drew a big "Stiffy" on his map of Iraq whilst demonstrating possible routes of advance to Baghdad?

Cracked me up! :)

1st Apr 2003, 01:51
I have to say that in the early days of the current unpleasantness, I was reminded of the idiot ‘war correspondent’ in the classic ‘Drop the Dead Donkey’ when watching journos wearing chicken plate and hard hats, or reporting whilst wearing gas masks. In one ''gas mask on as I speak” case, the reporter was telling us how incredibly dangerous it was where he was standing, in Kuwait - and how everyone there “was panicking”… while in the background, unhurried road traffic was stopping and moving off at traffic lights.

Grob Driver
1st Apr 2003, 04:53
Talk about the Americans and their ‘friendly fire’ incidents… Looks like the Americans aren’t the only ones who dont know who’s operating what out there!

Look at this web site...


Part way down there’s a photograph taken in the cockpit of a Tornado f3 viewed through NVG.

Yesterday, the title of the photograph was “A Tornado F3 refuels from a VC10 at night”… I was going to e-mail them to point out their ‘error’ but decided against it! Today it’s been changed… “A Tornado F3 refuels from a Tristar at night”. Maybe tomorrow they’ll get it right! :* :*

It’s (presumably) at Tornado F3 refuelling from a KC10! Since when did Tristars have American style booms for refuelling?

I suggest someone buy’s the MOD a copy of ‘Jane’s world aircraft’!

Come on boys…. Get a grip!! :) :)

1st Apr 2003, 05:04
Yep they need to pay a little more attention when posting items viewed by such a critical audience.

All these fast pointy ones are very nice but where are all the photos of the rotary boys that are working their bits off in poor conditions and the C-130k+Js and the rest of the truckies?

How can you expect balanced reporting, when your own team don't even do it?


Check 6
1st Apr 2003, 13:16
Female anchor discussing S-3 that went into Arabian Sea after landing attempt on USS Constellation:

The "F-3" (S-3) ended up in the water after "the brakes apparently failed" (do not land with brakes). The "two pilots" were picked up by a helicopter "that just happened to be in the air", ('plane guard' - always in the air during flight ops).

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

swinging monkey
1st Apr 2003, 13:48

Good spot old boy! and shame on the MOD.
But what did you expect ? You don't think for one minute that the MOD have got any idea who and what are currently out in the Gulf, do you??
As T Handle points out, the MOD only talk about the 'fast pointy ones' that are there, ie Tornado, Harrier blah. Yes we do see the occasional shot of a Chinook, but they are very few an far between. I regret that this is the way of todays RAF. If its NOT FJ then it's not worth reporting on, how sad.
What about the Nimrod boys and the E-3's? What about the truckies, the tankers and the helo's.
Come on MOD, all of this 'incorrect' propoganda for the British public will only impress those who know very little or nothing at all. Lets start painting a more accurate picture, and give those in a less of a 'Top Gun' role a bit of glory - they deserve it too:O

To all aircrew and groundcrew serving us in the desert, but especially to those who barely get a mention, 'well done to you all, and God Speed'

Rant over
The Swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, I need a Grouse fast!'

1st Apr 2003, 15:17
Not really a gaffe but I had to rant somewhere and this seems the most appropriate place (have also ranted to gmtv).

I am getting fed up with the constant critical spirit that is evident in all the gmtv reporting of this war.

For example, this morning, John Stapleton could hardly bring himself to describe the success of the British forces in cleaning up al-Zubayr.
He constantly used caveats like "apparently" and " to some extent".

On Sunday, they showed us videos from a camera attached to a tank gun - some excellent shooting of a radio mast about a mile away. Instead of just letting us see it, and making up our own minds about the quality of the shooting, they had to point out that it took several shots to bring it down.

What we saw, was two direct hits, and then the mast came down.

If the troops get to see or hear what the media are doing with the reports from embedded reporters, and feel as mad as I do, I do wonder about the continueing relationship between them.

1st Apr 2003, 17:20
With you on that, pulse1.

I am fed up with the way any coalition claim is treated to the

'British forces SAY they heve etc'

Stapleton looked a complete pillock, obviously itching to get to the safety of the bunker this morning, AGR in hand, whilst over his right shoulder, the rest of Kuwait carried on about their business, air raid siren or not.

You'd think he'd be bright enough to get a library shot of himself at dawn, with empty streets, if he wants to appear the last to leave his post, rather than the first.

Great interview with father of a female brit soldier. Interviewer trying to winkle emotional response, only got stiff upper lip. They won't ask him back. Not enough 'colour' or human angle.

1st Apr 2003, 20:49
Anybody else see the London ITV news at 6.30 last night? Another "expert" one Wg Cdr Andrew Brooks of the Institute of Strategic something-or-other was commenting on a question regarding the "blue-on-blue" casualties. He drew an analogy between ballroom dancers whereby if the partners don't practice to gether and go straight into a final then there are bound to be a few kicked shins!!(sic) After some more trite ****e he concluded with something along the lines of "Torville & Dean had to practice & practice before giving the winning performance on the ice."
Am I alone in thinking it is possibly AB who is skating on thin ice with the sensitivities of all those (inc families/loved ones) involved in this conflict?

2nd Apr 2003, 02:14
Page 6 of todays Sun (I know it's the Sun!!) in an article about an 'Apocalypse Now' style helicopter attack on Iraqi tanks is a picture of a Puma. Unfortunately the caption underneath reads 'Deadly....Brit Lynx Chopper Destroyed Tanks' :confused:

2nd Apr 2003, 02:47

So you mean that I didn't imagine it after all? Oh dear.

had it been on a less serious subject, the manner in which he trapped himself in a poor analogy which became progressively worse as he tried to extricate himself might have been vaguely amusing. In this instance, though, you're right - he ended up sounding utterly crass.

2nd Apr 2003, 02:52
Some num nuts being interviews by duty skirt on BBC Radio 5 live today:

"So how much has been spent"
"Well it amounts to half a billion pounds"
"And what does that amount too"
"Well clearly its 500 million pounds...."

2nd Apr 2003, 03:39
Radio 4 interview yesterday (Mon) with young Trooper who had survived Blue-on-Blue incident at the weekend,
"so, what did you think when the A10 turned to attack for the second time"

2nd Apr 2003, 04:20
BBC: Hu (sp?) Edwards doing headlines tonight:

"Allied forces are still being dogged by reports of civilian casualties in the war, as our reporter XXX reports" (cue to reporter narrating as camera pans poor dead civvies in truck)

Being dogged are we Hu? Look you ******s there is a war on - when will you understand that terrible though it is, innocents will lose their lives? I'd like to put any of those hacks right with a squad of Marines at a VCP checking hundreds of cars, any one of which could be a suicide bomber, and see how they report THAT.

Pontius Navigator
2nd Apr 2003, 04:42
At least Brookie was sober tonight. The other night he had difficulty staying upright and looked as if he would slide to the floor. Clearly hospitality is very good.

Not seen any mention of F3s in the Gulf. Perhaps they were all at RAF Coningsby.

The cunning plan for the departure of 56 Sqn on 28 Mar was launch 15 and do a fly-past in Diamond 9.

I wonder if they managed a pair?

Pancake wrote:

"BBC man in Harrier hanger in Kuwait "...and another (Harrier) behind me is just starting its engines ...". Mmmm, I wonder just how many R-R Pegasus Mk 105's are being squeezed into a GR7 airframe nowadays...?"

I wonder how many BBC men you can squeeze into a Pegasus too!

2nd Apr 2003, 05:10
Pontius Navigator wrote:

"I wonder how many BBC men you can squeeze into a Pegasus..."

Lots of places to spit bits of them out of tho'... Line 'em up...

- P. :eek:

2nd Apr 2003, 05:45
Watching Sky news the other day (was it really only yesterday?), reporting live from Ramstein as some of the first US casualties returned West, the commentator talked of the casualties returning aboard Hercs and C17's, but it sure looked to me as tho they were being carried off a 141.

Pete O'Tewbe
2nd Apr 2003, 15:36
Hilarious few minutes with John "Chuckles" Stapleton this morning trying and failing to make himself heard above the din of a departing GR7. Mind you, the gratuitous insertion of the word "er" between very second word made him barely intelligible anyway. And is that a safari suit he's wearing? Eeeeugh!

2nd Apr 2003, 16:26
Indulge my superior attitude for a minute but I just love the tongue torture experienced by those poor media t****** whilst trying to pronounce the mames of various Arabic Towns, Villages and Cities. No wonder it's taking us so long, we have to mallet every single pronunciation to make sure !!

It is infectious too because even "Geoff Who" has a hernia trying to pronounce "Umm Qasr".

Grob Driver
2nd Apr 2003, 16:32
Maybe not a gaffe, but just thought I’d let you know… Finally, the people at the MoD have learned the difference between a VC10, Tristar, and a KC10! I see this morning, that they’ve changed the website again, and have finally got it right! Well done! Lets hope they don’t change it again tomorrow and tell us that it’s “a Tornado F3 refuelling from a Nimrod!”


Happy landings

Grob Driver! :) :)

3rd Apr 2003, 16:06
Front page of Financial Times - I expected better!

USMC casevac into a 'US Chopper' - clearly showing a RAF Puma in the background!

Oh dear.

3rd Apr 2003, 16:27
John "Chuckles" Stapleton on TV this morning reported the downing of the US F18 to the backdrop of an F15 taking off and then stated it was not known whether the aircraft in question had one or two crew on board.

3rd Apr 2003, 16:50
ITN headlines at 9:00 pm last night with Trevor McDonald.

"US troops cross the red line, the point when Saddam has threatened to use weapons of mass destruction"

I know that this is the theory but I would have thought that if they actually did threaten this, the coalition would rush to use it to justify the war. After all, how could he threaten to use weapons he doesn't have.

This is the sort of irresponsible headline we have come to expect from the lowest tabloids, not ITN.

I think that a number of reporters have permanently destroyed their reputations for good reporting over this war.

3rd Apr 2003, 20:59
Browsing BBC Ceefax yesterday I had to do a double take and thought that perhaps Uncle Sam had lost patience with Turkey's apparent lack of co-operation, when I read:

'US strikes deal with Turkey's leaders'

The vision of a B-2 mission taking out the centre of Ankara fleetingly entered my head

adrian mole
3rd Apr 2003, 22:48
Sky News Thurs 10am - "We now go live to Greg, an embedded reporter with Fox News attached to 3 Inf Mech Div"

"As you join me it looks like an M1 tank has been disabled ahead of us, even though they are hard to stop the tracks will come off or worse if you fire enough Rocket propelled Grenades into it"

Thanks for that, if the Iraqis didn't know then they do now....

Kiting for Boys
4th Apr 2003, 02:41
Sky News tonight
'Can you tell us what a Humvee is?'

Expert (Wolf?)
'A Humvee is the American equivalent of a Jeep'

4th Apr 2003, 05:31
ahhhh ....... but maybe jeep now counts as German since Chrysler/Jeep was merged with/taken over by Daimler Benz?

4th Apr 2003, 14:11
Brilliant Freudian slip by news anchor on Sky last night, when he desicribed Iraq as "the crater of civilisation" :O

4th Apr 2003, 22:38
From Sky News ...

"Umm Qasr is a city similar to Southampton," UK defence minister Geoff Hoon said in the Commons yesterday.

"He's either never been to Southampton, or he's never been to Umm Qasr" says a British squaddie patrolling Umm Qasr. Another soldier added: "There's no beer, no prostitutes and
people are shooting at us. It's more like Portsmouth." :D


4th Apr 2003, 23:25
From CNN last night:

Reporting on the fighting around the airport in Baghdad. Military expert is explaining what the Iraqi's may be doing as there seems to be little in the form of resistance.

A. Retreating
B. Intentionally drawing coalition closer to Badhdad
C. Repositioning
D. Giving up and leaving

And they need an 'expert' to come up with that?? My dog could come up with that answer!

5th Apr 2003, 00:50
After watching images of RM commandos, some SF, Tornado jocks etc, today they interviewed the guy that draws the cartoons for the psyops stuff.

He couldn't be shown - was blacked out .... and he has been drawing cartoons!!

(No offence to the individual!)

12 PSI
5th Apr 2003, 04:42
Is it just me, or is anyone else fed up with the BBC stating that their correspondents cannot reveal their exact whereabouts, or disclose military plans, every time they broadcast a report? Presumably if they didn't mention it someone might complain that they hadn't been given all the information....

Rhino power
5th Apr 2003, 19:53
Good one on the BBC this morning, correspondent on board a carrier standing in front of an F-14 loaded with LGBs, AIM-9s and a LANTIRN pod, proudly declares the LANTIRN pod to be a Tomahawk! Outstanding research that man!:rolleyes:

Regards, RP

6th Apr 2003, 19:28
BBC reporter around a disabled M1 in the city this morning enthusiastically describing this sight as 'a major propoganda coup' for the Iraqis.

'Ho hum', thought I, and went to pick up the morning papers. And what do I see on the cover of the Sunday Times? That very same tank, the name of which the camera crew had confirmed as 'COJONE EH', in the process of suffering a fairly obvious 'non-enemy action' fire, with Marines on top trying to extinguish it with jerricans of water.

Hardly the David vs Goliath battle conjured up by the BBC.

Chinese Vic
6th Apr 2003, 21:07
Is is just me, or is the reporting ever so slightly slanted? One M1 brews up and it's 'a major propoganda coup for the Iraqis' - hundreds of Iraqi APCS and Tanks destroyed on the road to Baghdad and it barely registers. Amazing! Do they expect us to achieve this without taking a single loss?


6th Apr 2003, 21:25
President Bush at Camp David lastweek with Mr Blair.

"blah blah blah, so only one question allowed...err per question!"

6th Apr 2003, 23:15
The M1 that was destroyed featured on the Tv coverage of the jaunt down highway 8. Looked like an engine overheat, decided not to recover the vehicle and the crew were seen to extract in good order having posted a grenade back into the hatch.
Also later BBC showed the Iraqi;s dancing on the turret of a different knocked out tank. someone should point out to them that it was a T-72 turret and was therefor one of their own tanks:p

adrian mole
7th Apr 2003, 00:01
Not a gaffe but I heard a BBC reporter on tv this afternoon state that a British military helicopter had been fired upon by US Marines in Southern Iraq. Fortunately the aircraft was not hit but the pilot 'landed on' and remonstrated with the offenders.

Too much to hope that a camera was present - I wonder what he said...

tony draper
7th Apr 2003, 00:15
I just heard that fat luuvie bitch on sky news Vivian Cregore(sp?)say "the British are telling us" what the **** is she? a poxy martian.
One second thoughts yes, these media scum are a species apart.

cargo boy
7th Apr 2003, 02:40
have you noticed how the reporters who are based in Baghdad are wetting themselves trying to counter the coalition claims about reaching towards the city centre? Considering that propaganda is part of the war and our forces use it so that we can gain some advantages, the reporters and their analy retentive anchors back in the studios are doing their utmost to prove that the reports are only propaganda and therefore negating the effect it is supposed to have on the enemy. In my book that makes the reporters and their muppets in the studios traitorous lackeys of the Iraqis. I wouldn't p!ss on them if they were on fire.:yuk:

7th Apr 2003, 02:51
The TV anchor persons are definitely beginning to show the strain.
Following the usual, 'Our reporters are not allowed to reveal their location or military plans'.

"Hello John, where are you, and what's the plan?"

Cargo Boy

I agree totally. The best one was a guy whose name I unfortunately missed. Having been told that the US Forces had Saddam Hussein International Airport in sight, he went down there, stood outside the Terminal Building, and reported that he hadn't seen a single American soldier.

An hour later the Americans were wandering through the departure lounge!

tony draper
7th Apr 2003, 03:23
If this was 1941 most of those studio front men/women would be standing with their backs agin a wall in the tower, sucking on their last woodbine.

Noah Zark.
7th Apr 2003, 03:35
Reported a few minutes ago (20.25 hrs., U.K.) by Sky reporter "out there", about the U.S. aircraft that has landed at Baghdad International, that "the C.130 is a very large transport helicopter........"

7th Apr 2003, 04:20
.....some other bint on Sky just stated that it might be able to transport a payload of 45000 tonnes!!

Not even a C17 can do that ;)

7th Apr 2003, 06:30
Not Good!

In the bid to get that extra special shot the media are going a long way to destroy the coilitions attempts to win hearts and minds. CNN have just showed a clip of US marines bursting through the gate of a house to conduct a clearance. In the house were a family eating their evening meal. The shots of marines covering the family in the garden with the mother and young girl in bits, while they all (including two boys aged about 2 and three) are on the grass with their hands above their heads. They wont have persuaded this lot its a liberation. Theyve probably just created anther few Brit/US haters. Al Jazeera will love to show that clip.

A sad bit of film.

7th Apr 2003, 16:21
Radio 5 this morning.

Nicky (I'm out of my depth) Campbell to US Army chappie about the latest state of play in Baghdad

"So what are your future plans then"


7th Apr 2003, 18:08
A social, and reliable, acquaintance who is employed in the news department of the BBC tells me that the BBC Head of News, Richard Sambrook, has been cracking the whip with his correspondents and urging them to ensure:

"that in making reports on the War, care for the views and feelings of the large number of Arab/Muslim listeners throughout the world and those of the majority (sic) of the British population who are against the War must be the primary consideration"

So now we know. I can only conclude therefore that the BBC's consideration for the 'views and feelings' of their own (British) troops, some of whom are fighting for their lives, and those of their families and friends, comes somewhat down the pecking order. God save us!

I also understand that the BBC Arabic service is even more dismissive of Coalition claims than is even the notorious Al Jezeera; this lack of balance has been the subject of adverse reports in the British press with the BBC being described as the 'Baghdad' Broadcasting Corporation. The joke being that if Iraqi TV does go off the air there is always the BBC; given this eventuality, there is however no truth in the rumour that the BBC has waved a lucrative contract in the face of the current Iraqi Minister for Information whom they describe as 'quite a performer' with 'star potential' and 'glowing integrity'.

The BBC has some excellent reporters (John Simpson etc) but, ultimately, the Boss must be obeyed. I suppose also that were I reporting from Baghdad - a la Raghe Omaar - I might also incline towards bias if I had a threathening Iraqi pistol in close proximity to my jacksy.

7th Apr 2003, 18:54
It conjures up quite an exciting vision that does, the idea of two Hercules helicopters carrying the USS Nimitz between them....:O :O

7th Apr 2003, 19:19
"that in making reports on the War, care for the views and feelings of the large number of Arab/Muslim listeners throughout the world and those of the majority (sic) of the British population who are against the War must be the primary consideration"

Er - so the BBC's claims that their main aims are

1) Truth
2) Objectivity

Are, in fact (and as we've always suspected) a load of rubbish?

It also demonstrates that it's about time the first 'B' was removed from the Corporation's title, since it would appear that the organisation is more concerned with representing various other groups ahead of the majority of the British public...

tony draper
7th Apr 2003, 19:41
I second that Archimedes, Like most people I dislike paying bills, but I really really resent paying 120 quid a year to that bloody luvvie organisation.

7th Apr 2003, 21:53
Over here, National Public Radio (NPR) is broadcasting the BBC World Service radio as air filler. I am astounded at the pro-enemy stance that the effing reporters and anchors are taking. They question every announcement the coalition forces make - but take everything the enemy says as effing gospel.

Actually to give the BBC its due, they did seem to find that wassock the Iraqi Information Minister a tad untruthful when he said the US was not in Baghdad and that the Iraqis had retaken the airport and "slit the throats of the invaders" - to quote the reporter: "...if he [said wassock] had turned his head 90 degrees he would have seen four Bradlee fighting vehicles half a kilometer down the road" - wonderful, what effing planet is that minister on??

But I digress, I think. The effing reporter that takes the effing biscuit is Judith bloody Swallow (does she???). She's based in Amman and is single handedly running the Iraqi propaganda effort within the BBC world service. What an arrogant [person] {insert appropriate noun here}, what a holier than thou attitude, what a dipstick. Every time I hear her whining voice I know I'm in for some more disinformation...


7th Apr 2003, 22:36
Now, I watch BBC world - not the usual UK coverage - and I have been generally impressed with the level of coverage. John Simpson seems to have his head screwed on - little or no bull, just the facts, and poor old Rageeh Omaar is doing very well considering where he is and who is monitoring his broadcasts (better to have a report that we all know is a bit skewed than to have no-one there, a la CNN).

The anchor people don't seem to be as obsessed by hearing their own voices as the loons on SKY, and we are spared Francis Tosser bouncing up and down on his stool having little orgasms as he draws pictures with his electronic pencil. Love to see him in downtown Baghdad!

I also see CNN and they are obviously rather aimed at the domestic market and it shows in their coverage.

As for Iraqi MOI and Al Jareera - is it not better to show these things on the BBC, have the anchors and guests analyse them and leave us to make up our own minds? Ultimately, I believe that both the Iraqis and the Coallition are spinning their briefings (less so the coallition, of course) and having both sides available allows us to decide for ourselves. There have been instances of allied briefings being less than 100% truthful, so we do need both points of view.

7th Apr 2003, 22:57
John Simpson rocks, man. I was especially moved by his description of the "friendly fire" (btw, how can 'fire' be anything but UNfriendly) incident where his translator died as they worked on him.

Another reporter, James Adams, covering the Pentagon wrote an open letter to his BBC bosses after they changed the report he filed to be more to their liking. I recall he was ape **** about this - he had described the Feeyadeen (sp?) as terrorists in his report and the BBC changed that to guerilla.

So I agree we need fair and balanced reporting, but that's not what the Beeb is dishing up methinks.


8th Apr 2003, 03:42
from a pooled newspaper article written by Martin Bentham in Basra, obviously dictated over a very poor-quality phoneline:

'...the First Italian Irish Guards...'


'...the Royal Scots Tribune Guards...' (this was repeated 4 times!)

8th Apr 2003, 04:02
Nick Gowing on BBC World news, dscribing the arrival of Dubya at Aldergrove.

"...many people will not know that this is RAF Aldegrove as well as a civilian airport, where for years the Royal Army Air Corps has operated it's helicopters, including Gazelles and Chinooks, in support of counter terrorism operations..........."

Two gaffes in one sentence - good work!

Bring back the RFC - so much nicer than this RAAC!

Prof Denzil Dexter
8th Apr 2003, 06:38
I rate the Iraqi Information Minister, whatever his name may be. How he manages to keep a straight face through all of his 'News Briefings' I really dont know. I hear the 3 main UK political parties are looking to employ him as Chief of Spin once the conflict is over.

8th Apr 2003, 06:40
Another reference to the C-130 which landed at Baghdad described the aircraft as a GIANT transport aircraft. While I admire the capabilities of the C-130, I hardly think it qualifies as a giant!

8th Apr 2003, 09:21
It has for ever been thus. The BBC, even at the height of the IRA's murderous activities, would only ever call them 'guerrillas' rather than what they really were, cold blooded terrorists.

8th Apr 2003, 09:55
This was posted in the A 10 topic by Naffi Van Driver. Thought it deserved a view in here.

Experts with newscaster on CNN 24th March.

3 yank experts including a former 2-star general from delta force, 1 ex SAS and the network's anchor.

Footage of iraqis giving themselves up.

anchor: We have no verification as of yet if they are british or
american troops taking these POW's

yank 1: Only americans wear boots like that, they're american

yank 2: I agree, and they appear to have american camouflage jackets.

yank 3 (delta force bloke): I'm not so sure, there's not enough
up-close detail to tell 100%, we'd need some close images to tell make of boots and jackets and maybe the shape of their kevlar headgear.

Ex SAS man: Call yourselves experts? Since when did US forces use an SA80 as a standard issue rifle? Their DPM's can be bought, as can the boots so you're chasing rainbows if you want to identify them from their clothes.

anchor: I think you're right.

Ex SAS man: Course I'm bloody right. Any one with half a brain and basic military training worth their salt should be able to identify a British soldier by his rifle. Not to mention the fact they're covering all points properly, not shouting "woo yeah" randomly, and haven't raised a flag in direct contravention with orders.

At this point 1 of the yanks walks off stage tearing his mic off, and the anchor says "I think we can safely say the soldiers on your screen are British. Now for these messages".

Fade to ad break!

8th Apr 2003, 11:01
MSNBC managed the kind of Forces consolidation that the halls of power have been dreaming of for years...

This morning, AM Burridge gave a briefing at CENTCOM; his rank was given in the subtitles as "Major", and for further clarification the subtitles continued " Cmdr British Forces air marshall"; thus he is commissioned in all 3 services simultaneously, or NBC were covering their @rses as to which branch of our quaint little military he emerged from.

"y'all got funky ranks, huh?";)

8th Apr 2003, 14:33
Interview with Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf (Iraqi Information Minister) on hotel roof, shown on last nights bulletins:-

Info. Minister:- 'Our gallant troops have totally destroyed the invading American forces and driven them out of the city'.
Reporter, pointing:- 'But if you just look over your right shoulder minister, aren't those American tanks there'.

(Bradleys actually, but forgiveable in the circumstances).

8th Apr 2003, 20:50
Further to the perceived bias of Aunty.....

Received from PA Newswire at 09:53:05 on 08 April 2003
The following is a pooled despatch from Richard Hargreaves, of The News,
Portsmouth, on board HMS Ark Royal.

Military leaders have axed the BBC from the nation's flagship amid claims of
pro-Iraqi bias.

The Navy has switched off rolling news show News 24 aboard HMS Ark Royal after
weeks of grumbling from crew.

Sailors on the Portsmouth-based aircraft carrier have become increasingly
disenchanted with the BBC's slant on the war.

Ark is one of a handful of task force ships which receives live TV direct from

Rolling news plus two entertainment channels are beamed into the warship as
part of the Navy's efforts to improve creature comforts.

Sailors appreciate being more in touch with home and world events, but
officers and ratings alike are angry at the Beeb's coverage of the war to date.

A BBC correspondent has been on board the flagship - crew have no gripe with
his reports, but they were particularly incensed by comments presenters and
commentators made about the carrier's Sea King tragedy a fortnight ago, when the
BBC suggested poor levels of maintenance played a hand in the deaths of seven

Sailors also believe the news organisation places more faith in Iraqi reports
than information coming from British or Allied sources.

"The BBC always takes the Iraqis' side,'' one senior rating complained.

"It reports what they say as gospel but when it comes to us it questions and
doubts everything the British and Americans are reporting. A lot of people on
board are very unhappy.''

Ark switched off News 24 on Sunday, replacing it with rival Sky News.

8th Apr 2003, 21:09
Classic on BBC News at Six last night.

Reporter at Belfast airport awaiting the arrival of Air Force One. Runway in background.

Studio Based Anchor (excitedly): "And is that Air Force One, I can see just landed?"

Reporter (hesitates whilst he checks over his shoulder): Er, no Malcolm (or whoever), that's the Aer Lingus flight from Heathrow".

Silence from studio.

8th Apr 2003, 21:11

Very interesting/amusing.

I wonder if it was posted on the Right to Reply area of the BBC website, whether it would pass the censors.

I've had previous posts edited to such a degree that the point on the site was 180 degrees from that intended.


tony draper
8th Apr 2003, 21:30
Very unthinking of that American Tank, they forced poor Raggy bloody Omar or whatever his name is to perform in kevlar and tin hat now.

cargo boy
8th Apr 2003, 21:46
Ark switched off News 24 on Sunday, replacing it with rival Sky News.

I don't think Sky News is doing much better than the Beeb. Have you been listening to that wimp Martin Chater? Just compare his reporting to that of someone like John Simpson when the convoy he was travelling in came under a BoB attack and his interpreter was killed.

Whilst it is regrettable that the reporters were killed and injured, we were subjected to Chaters whingeing that he reckons he was deliberately targetted. He was incessant in his blubbing to camera that there was no way that there was any enemy fire from the hotel. He has already stated that he is no expert in military matters but he never hesitates to add a slant that the coalition forces are some sort of ant-christ out to kill and maim as many innocent civilians as possible.

WTF does the campy whinger expect when he is reporting from the losing side in a war? He was demanding that he should be left alone to report. He was trying to make a dramatic point by stating that the tank still had its gun pointed at him and should it let one lose it would probably hit him (mores the pity).

When you have petty wimps like Chater reporting who needs enemies? He was fawning over the Iraqi Information Minister yesterday during the impromptu press conference. He was in the middle of making a 'package' when he shouted at the cameraman and almost wetted himself trying to get the camera to show the muppet minister.

When Martin Chater gets some balls and starts reporting the news in a quality manner and not his personal indignation that there should be no danger to him or his colleagues whilst they reports from the losing side in a war he'll get some respect. In the meantime I hope his colleagues will p!ss on him if he should accidentally find himself on fire.

8th Apr 2003, 22:24
Cargo Boy,

Too true blue ! That wimp, I think his name is David Chater by the way but who cares, has been telling everyone how dangerous his location has been at the "front line" and now he knows his blue kevlar isn't an effing fashion accessory !

His wimp out at the first sign of a big bang was apparently just great though. As a point of record, if I was an Abrams, Challenger, Bradley or Warrior crewman and some prat was pointing a camera, or anything with a reflective lens/range/focus finder, at me in the battlefield obscuration of the FEBA from a murky 500 metres or so then it's them or me ! Not too long to make that choice I'm afraid Mr Chater, but don't take it personally. His reporting has of course been under strict control so its difficult to criticise too much but if you can't take a joke, don't join. His bad or biased reporting has arguably served the regime well in the meantime.

8th Apr 2003, 22:33
Cargo Boy

I agree Chater has become even more strident and emotional in recent days and must suspect that the Americans are out to get him personally.

An insight into the reasons for his reporting slant was gleaned last week when he was doing a piece on an 'ordinary' Iraqi family living in Baghdad whom he has known for several years and whom he described as among his closest personal friends; they were not, as you might expect, too well disposed towards the War. I expect that things have just become too up close and personal for the old boy.

8th Apr 2003, 22:35
Not seen Chater's reports, so can't comment. However, if it is David Chater rather than Martin, I have a recollection that Chater was shot while in Bosnia/FRY.

Although Martin Bell got the publicity as 'wounded journo', one of the ITN chaps positioned himself in a window (better lighting) and received a round in the back for his trouble. (Of course, the camera crew carried on filming and gave News at Ten great footage: 'BONG! - see reporter writhe in agony, BONG! - more dumbed down news - BONG! - cat stuck up tree in Surbiton...')

I've always thought that it was David Chater who had this indignity visited upon him - if so, it might explain why he's a tad nervous (but not why he's carried on reporting on wars)

Having done a quick search, David Chater was indeed wounded in Yugoslavia - while he was covering events at Vukovar.

Not that I'm trying to excuse any biased reporting, I hasten to add - just pondering whether his experience may have had an effect on the way he reports???

tony draper
8th Apr 2003, 22:51
Wel,l as its journalists involved they won't be able to call this one friendly fire.

8th Apr 2003, 22:51
Sky has become worse and worse during the course of the war, especially that drippy little wimp Chater - it's a pity he wasn't one of those taken out by the tank. I'd much rather listen to the Minister of Comedy - at least he has good reason to be totally biased in his mis-reporting, and would be a good replacement for Jay Leno - he's much funnier!
However, it's not nearly as bad as the IBC (or BBC as they still call themselves), who can't even supportt he government which raises their revenues. The sooner the BBC is privatised and sold off to Fox or someone, the better.:*

8th Apr 2003, 23:44
The Iraqi Minister of 'Information' ;) reminds me of Peter Sellers and is almost as funny.

8th Apr 2003, 23:56
Well done to the anchor peeps in the studio (about the only one that I will give).

If I was there I would be sorely tempted, when introducing Raggy Omar, to put on my best Scooby Doo voice and... "hello waggy!":D :D :D

9th Apr 2003, 00:19
Whilst my sympathies go out to anyone killed or injured in this war, I find it a bit galling that the press, ever so dispassionate when reporting the death and mutilation meted out to other peoples' friends and family, it suddenly becomes personal when one of their own is involved.

A long telepphoto could easily be mistaken for something more deadly, and who's going to wait to find out what it is, if it's aimed directly at them?

In the same way as one should not be surprised at getting wet after diving into a pool, one should not be surprised to risk injury when reporting from the capital of a country coming a poor second in a war.

Lighter note: Sky news bint to expert: 'And how can we be sure that the next president of Iraq will be any better than Saddam?'

short silence with 'did she really say that' thinks bubble...........
'Well, we're going to put him there!'

Man of the match in my view is Kelly from Fox.

9th Apr 2003, 02:04
Monday pm. Radio Five Live. Simon Mayo show. A "forum" of journalists discussing post bellum Iraq. Female journalist".......well none of those exiled Iraqi opposition leaders look exactly Kosher, do they ?"

9th Apr 2003, 03:43
Watching French tv this pm, a piece on the search for chemical weapons in Iraq. Describing the detector kit as used by US forces and a delightful close-up of a Rockwell hand held GPS!
On a lighter note, the crapauds are whinging like b*ggery about the 'deliberate' targetting of their 5 star.
The blonde said, 'We were standing on our balcony (admiring the view presumably) when blah blah blah....'
Bienvenue a la guerre mes enfants....

9th Apr 2003, 05:24
Unless there's a pistol just out of camera shot pointed at his nuts, someone at the Beeb needs to remind "Raggy" that his reporting is supposed to be impartial.

He really has taken on the mantle of Jeremy "I saw no evidence of a Military Installation" Bowen during GW1.

Radio 5 are starting to p**s me off aswell (and usually I'm a fan) - Nicky Campbell almost let the cat out of the bag the other morning when he joked with his so-presenter that they should "tell people how they really feel about the War". His questioning skills (which might be fine for a Consumer Affairs Programme) are not up to this job.

I exclude John Simpson from this slagging - probably their one credible (and completely non-sensationalist) journalist.

9th Apr 2003, 07:53
Well it looks as though the British media at least have done quite enough to ensure that they are totally excluded from any future confrontations, hopefully.

It does show the calibre of the people who currently have the supply of our information in their hands. If the reporting by the British media from Iraq is anything to go by we don't get told a lot of truth and anything we do get is heavily biased to the left of centre.

If nothing else they have shown us that the time for a complete overhaul of the media is long overdue.

tony draper
9th Apr 2003, 15:25
Raggy Omar is reporting that his Iraqi minders have not turned up for work this morning, looks like they have skinned out.
Raggy and his crew must be wondering if they should get out before the enemy (us) show up at his hotel.

9th Apr 2003, 16:07
Following on from the crap from "They know where I am" Chater in Baghdad, his arrogant assumption that every front line soldier has a Sky dish on his Abrams, Challenger, Warrior, Scimitar, LAV 25 or Bradley etc and they have had time to watch him every day for the last four weeks is just breathtaking. The fact is sonny that you are in a War zone of your own choosing, so Nuts !!

I also picked up very acutely the "pain" that reporters feel when it's one of their own who gets gubbed. Well, now they know how it feels for the rest of us. Arrogant ***** !

We are also getting p****d off with this growing attitude that Mohammed Saeed Sahaf is some object of "fun" and shouldn't be taken too seriously - he betrayed his Brother in Law and other family members to prove his loyalty to the Baath Party and has been a pivotal member of a brutal regime for years and should be treated as a War Criminal like all the rest of them. :confused:

9th Apr 2003, 17:27
Blimey Pilgrim - 'ave it! I don't think that anyone has said that he should be let off scot free, but it is a fact that his ability to stick to the party line is so comic that it is tragic. I for one hope he is caught, but it is clear that whilst Chemical Ali is history, Comical Ali has become history.

On another line, the only decent thing that I remember listening to on R5 was the segment a week or so ago on how the embedded’s were signed up. Apparently they had to do this ages ago and it was a 12-page or so form, with many conditions. By accounts, the experienced hacks did not want to play by these rules or commit to the time, hence, less experienced alternatives have made their way into the front line. This may explain some of the quality of reporting.

Anyway, after Comical Ali's latest outburst of defience, I'm just checking the window to make sure there are no Iraqui tanks in Haymaket!

9th Apr 2003, 17:53
ian something the ITN wallah in Bagdad reporting on jubilent scenes. "a downside of course is the looting of the palaces and Ive seen pictures and statues of Sadam set on fire"
Now I thought that was a great thing to see. This has been the whole bleeding point.
All reporters are miserably by birthwright. Always looking for the worst in any story.

9th Apr 2003, 18:58

Re the Iraqi Minister of Disinformation:

reminds me of Peter Sellers and is almost as funny.

And he is also, probably, nearly as dead. RIP Peter Sellers.

tony draper
9th Apr 2003, 18:59
Don't expect any graceful admisions of being wrong from the media, either in theater or the studio , we have just had a lingering report on how terrible things are in the Baghdad hospitals.
We can look forward to weeks of
"Where are the weapons of mass destruction"
"Was it necessary to bomb this target or that target"?
"Couldn't it have been done differently"?
Brits criticize Americans troops, Americans troops criticize Brit forces, anything to spread poison.
Piss on the news media and all who sail in her.

9th Apr 2003, 19:45
Wonderful watching the Chater wimp dripping on the tele this morning. He was going on about how the (formerly lovely) Iraqis are stealing things like cameras from journalists - the poor little luvvies. He couldn't understand why the Marines were holding off 6 blocks away instead of coming to save his pathetic little ass. Let's hope his Iraqi friends get to him first - one less biased hack to p*ss us off. I think it was wonderful when some of those in higher authority, last night made the point that these hacks are in a war zone, and war is dangerous. They're there entirely from their own choice (unlike most of those on whom they make their biased reports), so if they don't like it they should go and search employment as nannies or personal assistants to George Galloway.:yuk:

9th Apr 2003, 21:08
17 pages of fun... who provided the material... ooh yeah jorno's in a war zone, I know they are, quite literally, an easy target, but if you think you can do any better - off you go.

Rolling news coverage is extremely difficult to sustain and is a bit more challenging than 'good morning my very good friend Trevor will be flying you down to Alicante today...'
Of course I'm totally biased as my partner is a senior BBC News Editor and whilst I appreciate its nothing like what our troops are going through or Iraqi civilains for that part, it would have been nice to see him for more than 3 hours in a week.

Comments like' wouldn't piss on them...' or 'first against the wall...' drag this topic down to gutter level. Have a laugh by all means, but can the vitriol.

Rant over, ready to receive incoming friendly fire.

9th Apr 2003, 21:46
Radio 4 this morning.
Reporter talking about the fact that minders and information minister hadn't turned up for work and that potentially this was a sign that they had given up and fled. Reporter in best attempt at putting the other side of the coin....
"....of course it's possible that maybe they just overslept or are having a meeting..."
Now call me cynical, but I somehow doubt that on a day when 10,000 US troops are running around Baghdad and the Iraqi regime is crumbling that the Iraqi information minister and his cronies are likely to have slept through their alarms.
I can picture the scene...."oh no, Saddam's going to give me a stern talking to when he finds out I'm late for work"

9th Apr 2003, 22:12
You asked for it tonyt ! You have to admit that it would take a blind man on a galloping horse at midnight to miss the political bias and leanings of "Auntie" Beeb (Anti ?) these days. Can't you find a nice partner at Sky - they get home more often ! :-)

The doom and gloom merchants were at it before the Falklands, GW1, Kosovo etc etc and have been consistently proven wrong whilst undermining the efforts and morale of the British Armed Forces with less than balanced attacks on the very people who guarantee freedom of speech. Nobody says the Forces shouldn't be held to account but you can understand the animosity towards a media which is so wide of the mark so often, and often takes a very critical stance towards our commitment.

TB got it right this time and his actions will be vindicated, but I suspect he will never be applauded for his moral stance by his erstwhile media critics who should now crawl into the woodwork having been proven wrong, but won't.

9th Apr 2003, 23:19
I don't recall the media "harming morale" during GW1. In fact, I seem to remember the pictures they provided gave us all a boost! Lovely shots of PGMs hitting HASs and tanks rolling across the dessert heading north.

OK, so some have a bit of a bias - but are we all not supposed to be intelligent enough to take it with a pinch of salt and read between the lines? I have said before, having BBC, CNN, Al-Jazeera, Donald Rumsfeld and Comical Ali gives us enough information to make up our own minds.

If you do not have the intellect to sift out the cr@p - watch SKY, at least that way you are sure that it is ALL cr@p!

10th Apr 2003, 00:05

There wouldn't have been a GW2 if we had been allowed to finish the job. All the bleeding heart luvvies thought it was despicable to gub the Iraqis too comprehensively in case it upset "sensitivities". The media couldn't wait to expose every blue on blue and drive wedges wherever they could and the Anti American bias is always too close to the surface for my liking. (At the same time we had our fair share by the way - Challenger v Warrior etc)

I can sort out the crap but the buckets are all full here now.

10th Apr 2003, 00:07
All this talk of victory just because we have taken most if not all of Baghdad is worrying I

You just mark my words, the nasty battle will be for Tikrit. If we get that without a fight we should have a national days holiday.

T'aint all over yet. I do hope I am wrong as I have some very good friends over there.

10th Apr 2003, 00:55
Back to topic, from the Baghdad Broadcasting Corporation today

Ragi in Baghdad 'There, it's starting to topple.' some 20 mins before the statue moved a single centimetre.


We are now speaking live to Gp Capt Al Lockwood (Captioned Group Captain Al Lockwood, British Army Spokesman).

Honestly, it's the simple things that annoy me (and I don't mean navigators this time;)). I can put up with the ones where a stick of 8 JDAMs smack in to a target and the reporter claims they're Tomahawks - but it doesn't take a specialist to tell whether the statue in front of them is moving or not!

10th Apr 2003, 01:31
Not quite a "media gaffe", but relevant online petition:


This is a petition to the BBC to give the Iraqi Information Minister, Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf, his own TV show, where he can lie about all sorts of things like "The UK won the Cricket today" and "Dale Winton is not gay, he is trembling in his boots, the coward".

Please don't take this comedy character away from us.


The Undersigned

PetitionOnline.com (http://www.petitiononline.com/nj8x8340/petition.html)

Huw Edwards surrenders.