View Full Version : Purser/CSM interview tips

yellow rocket
21st Mar 2003, 04:27
Hi Guys

I have an interview for CSM next week. Any tips from anyone about what types of questions to expect would be helpful.

homesick rae
21st Mar 2003, 13:11
Probably a lot to do with performance management, decision making and how you deal with certain scenarios.;)

23rd Mar 2003, 11:19
Rocket, perhaps try and get the training department of your prospective employer on the phone. Find out which management techniques are flavour of the month with them, and read up on those.
Criteria based interviewing is used by many airlines nowadays for any on-board position needing management skills. There is a lot of reading material about this, try your local library. Basically the idea is that you are able to back up your own claims of skills you posess by giving examples of what you have done in the past.

eg. You say you are good with angry people, give a (fictional) example of a situation and how you solved it.
You think you are a good leader, think of situations in the past where this was born out.

Generally, in my experience it is helpful to write down in advance any possible question you can think of yourself and to formulate answers to them. If you have done this before the interview, it saves you frantically having to think of stuff while you are faced by the people grilling you, and leaves you with enough mental space to asess their reactions to your words and react accordingly.

Sorry if I'm trying to teach granny to suck eggs here. ;)
Good luck! :ok:

29th Mar 2003, 03:57
YellowRocket, if they ask you of any "weaknesses" you have make sure they are stregnths ( indisguise). For example- "oh i am so paranoid about on being time for work I leave 30 minutes before I should so I end up at work way too early!" or something similar- painted as a weakness but truly a good quality! Have something like that in mind otherwise you are squirming for a moment trying to think of which of your weaknesses is the least offensive!