View Full Version : QF Wings???

19th Mar 2003, 23:31
What happens when one passes PUIT training at QF? is there some kind of cerimony with family etc. or are you just given a uniform and told to turn up 9am monday???

Hugh Jarse
20th Mar 2003, 07:14
Don't you already know how to fly, Yardglass? Passing PUIT school is hardly a milestone in one's career.:yuk:

20th Mar 2003, 08:26
Wind up .............

20th Mar 2003, 19:57
Whatever fatass, maybe you are just fuming YOU will never pass PUIT class! Enjoy the -8 grandpa. But it was a serious question....

20th Mar 2003, 21:23
I'm not sure, but you could consider wandering through Pitt St in full uniform, cap slightly askew, stopping here and there to sign autographs for children and chatting to the ladies held in awe by your gold regalia. :eek:

I'm sure it will give you the same swelling feeling... :rolleyes: :D

Hugh Jarse
20th Mar 2003, 22:24
Or, when you arrive home after a hard day at the office, carefully placing your cap pride of place on top of the television so that all your visitors know you have "the right stuff" :}

I'm devastated to find out I'll never pass PUIT course:mad:

My life is over:} Somebody pass me that rocking chair (extra-wide, of course) :D

Joke Joyce!..........

21st Mar 2003, 02:33
Yardie, unfortunately, there is no 'ceremony' afforded to becoming a 'fully fledged' QF driver. You turn up at uniforms, they issue you with everything (including your wings) and you wear them on your observation flights in the middle of PUIT training and again on your line training.

We've even gone to the stage whereby PUITs are no longer issued with rank slides with only one gold bar. Both rank slides and jacket come with two gold bars now for PUITs. I guess this saved them about $25 a piece for the rank slides and the cost of tailoring the extra gold bar on the jacket after one trip.

It is a bit dissappointing from the ceremonial point of view but if you keep your eye on the overall game of making money for the airline then it starts to make a bit more sense. Still, get rid of all traditions and you end up without a 'soul' to your airline. Read into that what you will! ;) :D

22nd Mar 2003, 13:13
Your now just another number!

Douglas Mcdonnell
29th Mar 2003, 05:41
Yardglass, Unlike birds, pilots dont actualy need stick on wings to fly. Your name "Yardglass" seems ironic considering you sound like a 17 year old cadet. Grow a beard little matey!

29th Mar 2003, 17:48
Well I can't wait to grace the ailes at Woolworths with my big wings and cap when I get em, and I don't care what you guys think!!! (thanks Keg;) )

31st Mar 2003, 00:22
One would hope you dare to dream of never stepping foot in woolworths again!
Still I bet you can pull some classy aussie girls there! Or is that all the QF payscale can muster?

"For you, as a man of honour, the humiliation will be unbearable"