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Green Flash
14th Mar 2003, 20:27
Something most, if not all, of us who have occupied service AT will have er suffered, is the humble white box. But where do Bensons crisps come from? Have they been seen anywhere except in a white box? What's the best/worst/strangest you've ever had? Has anyone experienced foriegn ones? :yuk: :E

15th Mar 2003, 02:39
Malaysian 'Krupuk' are an interesting variation on the 'Crisp' theme. Usually prawn flavoured and extremely 'More-ish' when dipped in chili sauce. MMmmmm....

Never seen them in a government issue sarny pack though, even in FEAF.

Through difficulties to the cinema

15th Mar 2003, 04:57
Who remembers 'George's Family Crisps' which always used to be in the in-flight rations from Akrotiri? So oily that if you tipped the bag upside down, you could see the oil trickling down the inside! But very tasty!

'Waggon wheels' were always in the rations as well. But nothing was as awful as the aged pork pies which were in the S1 boxes at Brize in the early 1980s! If you shook them, you could hear the hard lump of congealed trotters-and-tail rattling around inside! Yuk!!

The best in-flights were the D-i-Y ones we used to be able to make for ourselves on 'States Trainers' with stuff from US supermarkets before the food nazis and fun detectors stopped it! Ah - them were 't days!!

15th Mar 2003, 11:07
Bensons Crisps........

Knew someone who used to work for them in the marketing dept ! She found it so difficult to sell these things to any shop for human consumption that eventually she gave up and left the job.

Surprise, surprise the MoD then became their biggest customer, what with all these bags of crisps going dirt cheap because they were way past their sell- by.

Bensons eventually went bust, so if you find a bag of their "crisps" hang on to them - who knows, they may become collectors items.

15th Mar 2003, 23:26
The other minging bag of crisps was "Quentins", who like Bensons went bust long before their crisps stopped appearing in the butty box. And another thing, when does anyone ever see Sunblest bread except in white boxes and in fresh rations? I am convinced that they make the stuff from concrete and not flower. :} :yuk:

Tir renrie
16th Mar 2003, 00:14
Benson's Crisps, Club Bar and a Wagon Wheel, some really old ****y sarrrny!!
This sounds like the optimum RA white box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, I forgot the 6 month out of date tin of Panda Pop!!!!

Double Hush
16th Mar 2003, 04:03
Goose Bay butty boxes with the rubber chicken and "Miracle Whip".....

16th Mar 2003, 08:16

tu chan go
16th Mar 2003, 08:25
Leaving Lossie destination Oman, the jobsworth checking my bag at the "Passenger Terminal" stated that he was looking for:

1. Porn cos I was going to a Muslim country
2. Sharp objects so that I couldn't hijack the herc on the 18 hour journey
3. Pork products (see 1. above)
4. and alcohol (also see 1. above)

Despite it being pointed out that we were overnighting in Cyprus, he still insisted on no pork and no alcohol.

The next day when we opened our white boxes supplied by Akrotiri, what did we find? A pork pie and a ham sandwich!!

(Plus we had every opportunity to stock up on cheap booze before leaving!)

Flt Lt Spry
16th Mar 2003, 15:45
What about the ever popular "Blue Riband" [chocolate?] bar - they must be in the top ten of the cheapest-and-most-horrible snacks ever produced, hence their frequent appearance in the crewroom rubbish bin. Along with the Quentin's.... they are so disgusting that peeps where I live would rather pay 30p for a bag of Walkers than have a free bag of Nitrogen and fried potato peelings with "Quentin's" written on them.