View Full Version : Gulf Air Abu Dhabi Base ? ?

12th Mar 2003, 11:52
What are the feelings amongst GF 767 pilots to move to AUH,
based on the information presented by management?
Is it a go, a no go or a don't know yet?


13th Mar 2003, 11:06
Packing the house:cool:

13th Mar 2003, 11:43
Anyone care to let us outsiders know what the offer is? Is it an "offer you can't refuse"?

As an aside- if you can get over the apartment living, it's pretty good here. Lots more to do than 'saudivegas'.

Speedbrake Lever
13th Mar 2003, 13:57
I'm overwhelmed with the amount of Info !!

Its hard to make your mind up with so many choices of

" Absolutely Damn All "

It will of course be the usual mad dash about a week before June comes one way or the other

What a mess this is fast becoming


14th Mar 2003, 11:57
Exactly right SL, that is my BIG point aswell.
What is management playing at?
They want you to move your whole f***** life to the dessert
without giving an inch; social life, kids at school+ friends, wifes job (may be), lifestyle, furniture, cars, loss in income (allowance),
does anyone want me to go on? May be some people say "you can allways look for another job",. . . . well thats a bit of a problem right now, isn't it.
I think that's exactly what they are playing at. Take it or leave it,
there are enough of yous. Bad game but cunningly clever.
The cost for that kind of training is not taken into account, nor the chance of new hires leaving before GF can say "marhaba".
But what's the point, they will say, "we won"! I do hope some really clever person on the 3rd floor will come up with something soon or the exodus might start again. The clock is ticking GF,
only 2.5 months to go, TAKE ACTION!!
And then to think I promised myself not to comment and wait this poll out,. . . . . Sorry. Any others out there?

Greetings from (up to now) BAH

18th Mar 2003, 13:03
Twould be good to see some more coments on this one, anyone else......?

Any updates on the package/options??

18th Mar 2003, 14:12
Still waitin' for the whole skinny but packin' regardless...:confused:

19th Mar 2003, 19:00
Nothing much to add but word on the street is that CEO has a long list of his Ansette buddies ready and willing to join . Thats why it is a take it or leave it. GF would rather we left it ! The deal is far from attractive; same pay, allowances (less than his Sky Chefs) and accommodation allowance (nothing like enough for AUH). Company provided accommodation is in the sandpit halfway between DBX and AUH in an Industrial Estate ! My info is that not even the Ansette contingencies are THAT interested which will leave this rotten GF management team with a very cold nose !:yuk:

20th Mar 2003, 22:56

Sort of like QUANTAS huh?

Doesn't instill a whole lot of confidence in the gist of your post. Welcome to the forum.


7th Apr 2003, 01:28
Come on chaps it’s doable!:D

7th Apr 2003, 23:21
On the positive side, no worries about cutting the grass!

24th Apr 2003, 14:31
Hey Ironbutt57 have you left dhl? From your recent postings I gather you're with us now is this true?

27th Apr 2003, 02:40
Snails..check your PM's...housing situation is looking a bit dismal at the moment, the other facets of an AUH basing quite attractive, and could be a positive step for all involved..but housing is a worry at the moment for sure..:( :confused: :eek: :* :ugh: :ugh:

27th Apr 2003, 19:58

I will be joining Gulf Air as a F/A and will be based in AUH... so i was just wondering if any1 can share with me hows AUH lifestyle or is it good place to live in...I heard that will be flying to most of the Indian subcontintents and gulf area...is that means we still have layovers...

I am fr Malaysia and will be leaving for my training soon in bahrain but still dunt kno when thou,

thanks alot and god bless,

all d best,


Hong Kong Layover
28th Apr 2003, 03:58

Thanks for the PM.
Answers to your questions are as follows.

Baggage allowance: genaraly 50 KG' when joining as crew.however I suggest you check with GF to avoid excess weight.

Laptop: not a problem at all! plus there wont be any taxes imposed on it as mideastern law is relaxed on those issues.

AUH Life style: great.I have always enjoyed being in AUH.good night life,restaurants,shopping and a clean city.GF should be providing you with accomodation.what I have heard from friends in bahrain is they do not provide all the facilities need in an apartment like Qatar airways and Emirates do,such as tv,fridge etc.but whats suplied would be more then enouh to start off with.
Then again your base being AUH,things could be different,lets hope for the best.
Good Luck!
Hong Kong Layover.

28th Apr 2003, 16:00
hey hong kong layover,

thanks alot for ur help ya.... i really appreaciate it...

check ur PM...

tc nd god bless,


Hong Kong Layover
29th Apr 2003, 02:39
Hi har's,

until futher notice I shall not be making use of my PM system,for obvious reasons. if you have any queries please direct them via this page.

Answer to your last question,=no comments,coz I dont know much about "in and out" of these two companies.if you need info on QR, I may be able to help you.....but dont forget,its only thru this page/forum!!

29th Apr 2003, 16:46
oh sorry hong kong layover,

c i m new to this forum and i was advised that PM is more effective than posting it on forum...anywas i am not soo keen of PM also....

I have never been to UAE b4 and i am sure that lots of surprises awaits for me..

if u have any tips for beginners like me....

thanks again pal,

god bless,


18th May 2003, 11:16
As of today, 2 weeks before the official start of the VBA. Nobody knows when they are moving, how and what the conditions are.

GF's management has adopted the attitude that the problems will solve themselves and that everyone will be happy.

18th May 2003, 11:54
Seems to be left to magic huh? Not even told yet where we are staying during the "transition", when things are to be packed out, and by whom...all a bit mysterious...

20th May 2003, 03:11
No worries here mate..keepin' on keepin' on no need for the cv right yet..

1st Jul 2003, 17:18
:cool: What's the problem with housing?:p

2nd Jul 2003, 19:00
Accommodation in Abu Dhabi is expensive. For a quality 2 BR flat, You can expect to pay at least 90,000 DHS per year. GF will give you 72,000
Villas strat at 120,000 DHS

Good luck

2nd Jul 2003, 19:50
Whilst certainly you can pay those sort of figures, that info is a bit incorrect. You can obtain new 3 br flats for dhs65k. Villa on the Club noticeboard; Maqta bridge area (which would be ideal for the airport), 3BR pool, tennis court, nice looking, dhs75k. Villas in the best area are certainly expensive, but I think you have to be realistic.
Prospectives should be more concerned about the schooling. If you have kids, it aint pretty. The allowence amounts quoted on this forum for fees won't go anywhere near what you will have to pay (expect double at least), that's if you can get in.

Ttree Ttrimmer
3rd Jul 2003, 18:51
For an idea of the kind of accommodation available and at what price, try www.gulf-news.com . It has a very good section for sales and rentals.

21st Aug 2003, 04:43
It is now August20.
Have all the problems now been solved over this movement of pilots to Auh and their accommodation?

6th Sep 2003, 14:00
Re accommodation Bushflier is closer to the mark.

Expect to pay 80000dhs+ per year for a flat, and at least 100000+ for a descent villa. For a villa you may also have to cover water and electricity which on average will cost 1500 per month, being highest in summer where temps reach upto 48 degrees with very high humidity.

If your home does not have a pool or other facilities expect to pay 6500-10000 per year for membership to a hotel, or beach club. There is little in the way of public facilities.

For schooling, if you can get a place, expect to pay 15000 per year, per child for kinda 2-3yrs, 20-25000 for primary school, and 35-40000 for high school. There are cheaper Indian or Phillipino schools.

A maid is very desirable, as many of your spare days will be spent running around doing admin. especially if your doing your own accommodation. Expect to pay 5300 per year for government charges and taxes, plus another fee of 1500dhs recently introduced, plus airfairs, and agency fees if you can't find one locally usually about 3000dhs. Plus the wage, of 600 per month minimum, but usually closer to 1000 per month for Euro expats.

Prices are similar in Dubai.

I don't know what Gulf Air are paying but if it does not cover the above figures forget it. You may be keeping current, but your familily will suffer a third world life style.

Bare in mind that your expat engineer, sales manager, or oil employee, next door WILL be getting the full package.