View Full Version : Is there a chance for a second go again

You rock
8th Mar 2003, 00:15
Hello ppruners,
I completed the second interview in august 2001 and was unfortunately unsuccessful.However this has not dampened my enthusiasm to be employed for CX but strengthened my resolve.
I have been updating and have recently spoken to recruitment and even though it is company policy not to devulge info on the results I was told that I had done quite well and that they felt it was inappropriate for them to make a formal offer of employment and would be given consideration for the next round of interviews.
My question is this a furfy or do candidates get a second chance.Is there other people out there that have done the second interview twice and made it through.Im rather confused in the sense if that I had done reasonably well why wouldnt they offer another go earlier.
best regards to all.

8th Mar 2003, 13:19
You rock. There have been several 'second comings', and even one third (I think). The reasons why you were unsuccessful are generally kept in the closet, but I am sure you picked up enough during your time to know why you sadly missed out. You will, in all probability, get another try but they have to be fair to all other applicants as well. Just remember what occurred to you, practice in the sim - if you can - get more airtime and stay in the books. Good luck to you.

10th Mar 2003, 08:15
well, they say there is. but i've phoned carol de la harpe twice already, and in both instances i got a very diplomatic "not this year." by the way, had my second interview also in 2001.

15th Mar 2003, 17:32
My understanding from the briefing is that after 12 months after the unsuccesful interview. It was confirmed by Pauline, who is not very warm. I think it is best best to talk to Claire (?).

24th Mar 2003, 09:57
I am also an unsuccessful candidate from their 2nd interview feb 2002. It was the 1st time I applied for their CP at that time. I re-apply for their interview again feb this year, they posted me the application form, but gave me a rejection letter right after they received my application form.

The ref number that written on the rejection letter got the exact same ref number as the one I received last year.

I wonder what's going on? Do they blacklisted me or something?
I also heard they don't let you have interview for more than 2 time. I dunno if it's true. Can some1 tell me?

BTW, what can I really do ATM?

Thank you.

15th Apr 2003, 01:26
cp to cp I can only guess that the reason you might have been rejected could be the medical, maybe your eyesight, blood work or EKG who knows, and I don't think they can give you a second chance on that one. but I'm just speculating.