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4th Mar 2003, 13:13
What the hell does this mean?

I have read it everywhere, especially on PPJN.com.

What is it and why is it needed?

Many thanks

4th Mar 2003, 13:34
In the old CAA (not JAR) way of things, in addition to passing all the ATPL's, you had to pass a performance exam as well which was appropriate to the type you wanted on your BCPL / CPL / ATPL.

There were Perf A, B,C,D,E and a few others. Basically E was light singles, C was light twins and A was jet airliners. Can't remember what the others were.

Most people sat perf E with their initial sitting as it was the easiest, and most people would do their initial CPL skills test in something akin to a C152 or PA28, and had to be passed in order to get the c152 or pa28 on their licence.

So, in order to get something like a B757 type rating, you had to of first passed the Perf A exam (arguably the hardest). Airlines often have this as a pre-requisite as it takes some people months to study for it.

El Thermidor
4th Mar 2003, 14:02
As an addendum, if you see this but you are JAA not CAA, you can ignore it, as the exam has been superceded. It's been lumped in with all the others in the ATPL writtens.

A and C
4th Mar 2003, 22:00
At least the JAA got one thing right perf "A" was the most pointless exam that I ever had to endure !.

I,m sure that it was invented by ex airforce navigators with a grudge because they could not get a real job.