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View Full Version : BALPA NEC (casual) ELECTION

3rd Mar 2003, 17:45
As a candidate for the NEC I thought this might be an opportunity for any BALPA members who are going to vote to ask me questions in the hope I might get your vote. I am MARTIN HALL.

Alien Shores
7th Mar 2003, 23:58
Yes, who won the FA cup final in 1966?

No seriously, didn't BALPA have a toys-out-the-pram moment a couple of years back at this sort of thing.. something to do with equanimity for those candidates who haven't (yet) embraced the internet? I think it should be a requirement, meself...

8th Mar 2003, 20:28
John Frohnsdorff didn't seem to have any problem posting on the forum, it's a free country. I want to be on the NEC to add my perspective from a non airline point of view. I share the concerns of our industry in general, especially, FTL. security, pay and conditions.