View Full Version : Eye irritation - any cures?

3rd Mar 2003, 15:14
I periodically suffer from an eye irritation which seems to be a result of dry air, which tends to leave part of one eye (but never both) red and sore. It always seems to be worse during winter, particularly when the heating is on or the blower is going in the car.

I don't think it is an infection, as eye drops seem to alleviate it for a while, but as it is recurrent I'm worried it could have an adverse imapct on my flying, and I don't think I'd get away with using drops in the air.

Anyone else have something similar and what cured it?

3rd Mar 2003, 19:43
Sounds like you could be having episodes of some kind of scleritis or episcleritis, neither of which need be worrying in themselves, but why don't you go and see an eye doctor? That would be the logical thing to do. ;)


4th Mar 2003, 00:01
Come on QDMx3; dont short change yourself!

Witchdoc why not start by seeing your own GP for some advice?


4th Mar 2003, 20:11

Without wishing to do our noble profession down, let's be honest about this. The diagnosis of the acute red eye, if it's anything but foreign body, conjunctivitis or possibly iritis or acute glaucoma, isn't exactly our strong point. I speak only for myself and the 30,000 other GPs in the country you understand. ;)