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View Full Version : Anglo American, San Diego....Any Info

23rd Aug 2001, 21:19
Does anyone have onfo on Anglo American Aviation at Gillespie in San Diego. Quality of aircraft and instuctors, etc. I'm looking to go out in the next couple of months. Any info will be helpful.

23rd Aug 2001, 22:01
I was out there last year doing a bit of flying. If you require any details please feel free to e mail me at [email protected]

23rd Aug 2001, 22:56
And if you speak to AAA, ask them if they have resolved the matter of the money owed to Capt PPRuNe!!!

23rd Aug 2001, 23:04
Hi Sensible,
tell us about the money owed. What happened?

24th Aug 2001, 00:02
Xenon, Capt PPRune sells banner advertising to try to in part cover the cost of running this site. I believe that to date he has had only one non payer, no prizes for guessing who! I don't believe that it is right and moral for a business to profit from a site when they owe money to that site. I am open to correction from either Capt PPRuNe or the man holding the cheque book firmly closed at AAA but that is the story so far as I'm aware. I offered to spend money at AAA on condition that the outstanding money was paid, in the event, I spent it elsewhere after I got a snotty e-mail from Chris Watson at AAA . PPRuNe so far as I am aware is still waiting for his dosh!

Midland Maniac
24th Aug 2001, 00:29
i have some info on that company...went out there in 1999....if you email me, i will tell you all you need to know!!!!


PPRuNe Towers
24th Aug 2001, 18:01
This is the only company that has never paid its bill for a banner advert.

We refuse to have it publicised here. We refuse because the money owed is not for us to spend - it is used 100% to offset the costs of running this site.

One of the most important aspects of this site is to aid, inform and assist wannabees wherever and whoever they want to fly with. We spend more time, resources and effort on wannabees than the rest of the site combined. Further, we are greatly extending our policy of attending seminars and exhibitions to extend straightforward, honest assistance to all of you.

Bear in mind we have nothing to sell to you other than a badge. Those who attended our seminar at the last bash will confirm that not a single person talking to them has a job, company or sideline that can earn a single penny from those learning to fly and getting licences.

There will be very imortant announcements soon regarding this.

AA appears not to give a damn regarding the work this site does or its readership.
Therefore we chose to have them on the select list of those schools and companies deleted whenever they get mentioned.

Caveat Emptor

Rob Lloyd

[ 24 August 2001: Message edited by: PPRuNe Towers ]

GPS Approach
24th Aug 2001, 19:08

It appears we are not allowed to talk about Anglo on this site anymore, my response to your posts appears to have been deleted, so if you want some info and advice about the school from someone who has been there recently, feel free to E-Mail me.


I can understand your reasons for deleting my post, but I would like to point out I wasn't trying to give free publicity for Anglo, but was merely responding to a question from another wannabe, something which I thought was one of the main objectives of this site, to give other people the knowledge of first hand experiences when asked.

I for one do appreciate all the hard work and effort you guys put in on our behalf and have found this site invaluable a number of times. I have also contributed to the pprune fund a number of times and will be attending both the Bash and seminars that IFR has organised.

Apologies if my post offended, I was merely just trying to answer a question.
